About Me

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I am 35, divorced, 1 son 7 years old. I live with my family. I lead a spiritual life within a Native American Medicine and Shamanism realm. I am an active solo musician as well as a part of "The Baghdad String Benders". I currently live and work in Baghdad, Iraq as a civilian contractor. I am versed in Middle Eastern, West African and Native American rhythms etc. I am also a "Trance Dancer" Perhaps also referred to as Totem Dancing, (not affiliated with Traditional Pow Wow dancing.) I also love the outdoors, camping, hiking, chasing storms (not for profit, more for personal pleasure). I am a diverse character to be sure.

Friday, September 29, 2006

So, in the news, we are hearing about the latest killing in Colorado. You know what? I think this world has lost it's fool mind. I mean, is it the altitude that causes these people to kill others in Colorado or what? Not only is Columbine less than an hour away from this small town of Bailey, but this guy camped less than a mile from the school, was outside the school for 20 minutes before he ever entered the campus building, THEN he "mingled" with students for 35 minutes BEFORE he lost his mind and started taking hostages. WTF?!

I understand craziness to some degree, but humanity is fast losing touch with the truth of mortality. How many times are we going to say to ourselves that "this will never happen in our town"? How many kids, adults, people in general have to lose their lives before we pay attention to what's really going on in our world? War, famine, pestilence, earthquakes in diverse places, tsunami's, floods in weird locations, tornadoes in the northeastern states......Does any of this hit close to our homes? Yes. As a matter of fact, it does hit close to home. It's happening every day, we are drawing closer and closer to the end of our world as we know it. Some speculate that this is the next stage in the evolutionary chain of events. Science has stated it, theologians have hypothesized about it, even Astronomers have mentioned the likelyhood of a major catastrophe that will change the face of our planet. Do we really have to spend the last few years living in fear of our neighbors going, pardon the term, "postal"? I think it's time for our world to stand up and put our differences aside, try working together to reclaim what we have left of our planet to claim. You know what I mean?

More later.

Peace and tranquility to all.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I had to cross post this from DailyOm. I felt very drawn to what it had to say. It very well fits some of my current situation. I feel as though I have been slighted in the past few years, in relationships, finance, wants (needs have been taken care of). But the whole time I can think back and remember that in it all, I was still searching and not finding what I wanted. It could be because I did not know I was perpetuating this mentality upon myself. I truthfully have attracted several relationships to me that I lacked in, one way or another. But, does that include the positive relationships? Like family, friends, divinity? I'm sure that is included as well.
I have lacked in my faith, my divine guidance, even though I ignored it for so long, I am listening more intently now to what my Loving Creator has to tell me. Of course, I don't always hear what "I want", but, I think that's the whole point. It's what we NEED to hear that many of us choose to ignore.

So, with that, I shall let you read this article, unfettered.

Having, Not Having=Lack

We all know what it feels like to want something we don't have. It may be a pair of expensive jeans, a romantic partner, or rent money; it may be a certain attitude, a car, or a savings account. This is part of life, and in the best-case scenario, we experience a constant flow of money, companions and experiences, in and out of our lives.
However, many of us linger in a state of wanting and not having, a state of lack that never seems to subside.
We consistently perceive ourselves as not having what we need or not having what we want.

This is an energetically draining state to be in. It is also self-perpetuating because how we feel about ourselves determines what we are able to create for ourselves. How we feel profoundly influences how we perceive our reality. When we feel we are lacking, we look around and see what is not there. On the other hand, if we feel abundant, we can look at the very same situation and see a completely different picture, one full of blessings and advantages. The more we see the blessings, the more abundant we feel, and the more blessings we attract. Similarly, if we see lack, we tend to create and attract that energy. If you find yourself habitually residing in a feeling of lack, it may be due to a core belief formed in your childhood or even in a past life. It may be because you are out of touch with your inner divinity, which is the source of your abundance.
In any case, know that your perception of lack is a misperception that can be corrected with awareness and effort. It can be as simple as taking 10 or 15 minutes each day to quiet your mind and imagine yourself in a state of unlimited abundance, handling the financial demands and others in your life with total ease, drawing from an endless supply of resources. Know that it is your birthright to be fully supported in the fulfillment of your needs and desires.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

So, Monday is gone, and Tuesday is here. One more day closer to Friday if you ask me.
Yesterday I was wrought with a temper flare I guess you could say.

I blogged quite brazen I suppose. I just feel that if I am a voice in America, why can't I be heard? I'll tell you why I can't be heard, it's because my voice does not have an amplifier, such as a congressman or senator. Without those voice amplifiers, one could go on through life and never be known of. Heck, I vote every year and I still think my vote is nothing but paper waste. If my lonely voice in a crowded country is capable of affecting change upon our despicable government, I'll eat my words against them. Until then, how can one actually get their voice heard above the din of society as we know it?

Same could be said for religion or any way of life for that matter. Do these words make any kind of sense to anyone out there in cyberspace?
Does anyone care to comment?

Blog away my fellow humans, it is our freedom to say what is on our minds!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Howdy there. I am an American in Texas. I am a civilian, workforce single parent trying to make it in an other than friendly environment.

I only started this blog to get a few of my own OPINIONS out into print. I don't think I am 100% right about anything I post, nor do I expect everyone that reads it to agree with 100% of everything I say either.

From time to time, I plan on blogging about current events, politics and general topics. While I welcome feedback to posted content, I do not welcome bashing, abusive content OR one sided controversy.

I am not a fundamantalist christian or muslim activist. I am actually just a disappointed American living/working to make it. I say disappointed because of more recent attacks against MY home country. Angry because of my fellow Americans ability to sleep right through our freedoms being slammed because of a few radicals having hurt feelings at what is said about their religion.

So, first and foremost (necessary disclaimer), if you don't like being made fun of SHUT UP about Jihad and the infadels being destroyed! If you don't like Allah being portrayed as evil and destructive, stop being the image that we receive! Stop alotting funds to terror organizations to defeat the USA and all Zionist countries/nations! Stop advocating peace and employing suicide bombers to do your dirty work! Stop killing other innocents just becasue they help your cause, unless you like being called dirty, rotten, self distructive muslims! I'll even go so far as to say this too, leave the Pope alone! He never said his feelings were reflected in the quote he read from an earlier ruler, he merely recited them to make a valid point, make peace, not war! Sounds like the world has lost it's value on life all together. (in my opinion)

So, now that I have relatively spoken my current rants on this particular matter, I shall leave plenty of time for the next installment.

Until then,
May peace be your guidance in this unruly life. May love surround your heart, and may hope guide you to the truth.