So, here's a question for all of (us) to answer for ourselves.
After all of the mud that was thrown into the race for the White House, after all the campaign bloopers we have seen over the years. After the scandals, the blame games, the finger pointing, passing the buck etc...are we all better than the ones running the country? Really?
What makes us better? What about the CEO's of the Big Auto industry? Did they get the right scolding for flying to Washington to ask for help? Ford's CEO drove a Hybrid back to kneel in humility and ask for the help he knows his company really needs.
We have barely elected our new "Chief" and the media, opposition parties (namely the GOP) has brought dirt into the new office. First and foremost....the "Holy Grail" of proof that Obama can legally occupy the office he was elected to run. Hawaii has delivered his birth certificate, but many out there do not belive the State officials. Look, he was fairly elected, the opposition LOST, markedly so. He is already experiencing the shoe of the prior occupant. I believe he has his work cut out for him. We have a failed, not failing, economy, national debt that continues to grow and without limits it seems. We owe almost all that we still have to China. We have 2 wars going on, bailouts on the horizon for many if not all of our economic standbys. Gas prices are falling, much like the stock market. I believe WE CAN make it. Sure, it seems bleak right now, cause we are allowing ourselves to believe the bleak outlook forced upon us by media, government forecasters and others. If it's up to us, the PEOPLE, we should remember that ALL civilizations have either supported their economies successfully over the years, or they have fallen. We had a depression, as many remember, either by history or experience. We too made it on the other sided of that. Not unscathed mind you, but stronger after the test of time.
We ARE on the verge of that fall again. Many businesses have fallen prey to the already obvious fact. We owe our souls to foreign oil moguls! Insurance is a joke, 401K's have fallen to the market woes. People have forgotten that we have to depend upon each other for support, not finances, but moral support. We can't allow our feelings and opinions lead us to our deaths. Look, our government cannot fix every issue for us. They also cannot be blamed for everything that is happening. Can we point our finger and wave it uselessly? Sure, why not, it just means that we are at the other end of the finger. Unless things go completely to the dogs in the next year, I plan on working at my job, trying to make the bills disappear, raise my child and support myself the ways I know how.
Songs, poetry, stories will emerge into our culture to remind future generations of our issues we now face. We are in uncertain times you and I. That is what makes us so alike, so close to family and community with the similarities we share. Yes, WE share this trying time we live in. That is what is SUPPOSED to happen when times get tough. Trouble is, people are so scared to trust their neighbors again. Can't say I blame 'em much.
Times are coming whether or not we choose to accept that truth. Times when families and friends will hunker together in the same house for severl months if not years, just to make the ends meet. Ride Share, public transportation, cost effectiveness will finally raise it's head into the mainstream lifestyles of even the rich. I say let the economy crash, maybe it will remind us all of how human we all really are after all.
About Me

- Toby
- I am 35, divorced, 1 son 7 years old. I live with my family. I lead a spiritual life within a Native American Medicine and Shamanism realm. I am an active solo musician as well as a part of "The Baghdad String Benders". I currently live and work in Baghdad, Iraq as a civilian contractor. I am versed in Middle Eastern, West African and Native American rhythms etc. I am also a "Trance Dancer" Perhaps also referred to as Totem Dancing, (not affiliated with Traditional Pow Wow dancing.) I also love the outdoors, camping, hiking, chasing storms (not for profit, more for personal pleasure). I am a diverse character to be sure.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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