Hello all. I have not really had time to blog in a while.
Lot's of things to write about, it seems.
With the weather freezing out the "Deep South", not that they didn't give everyone fair warning or anything. Folks getting stuck in the mountains, dying while in search of help...My heart goes out to the Kim family that lost their husband and father to the extreme cold.
Here in Dallas Texas, it's quite cold outside. I say, it's about time! I have wanted to get colder weather for some time now. I am tired of the freezing rain and ice coming in for a night and going away the next day. So far, I think I have counted at least 3 freezes total in my area of Irving. Yay! That means the population of bugs may actually dwindle this next spring and summer. (hey, anything can happen)
On to other news.
From Caleb Silver (C/O www.cnn.com)
NEW YORK (CNN) -- As many as 84 people in seven states have been confirmed as having the strain of E. coli bacteria involved in an outbreak that may be linked to Taco Bell restaurants, officials said Friday.
Now, call me weird, but I have jokingly talked about Taco Bell for years as being "Toxic Hell" I never really meant it until now. Dude! I am staying away from there! I already have an issue against Taco Bueno, just so everyone knows they are NOT more Bueno. I got sick from Taco Bueno 3 times. Each time, I waited for a period of almost 6 months in between until I couldn't resist any longer. But I'll tell you what, after the 3rd time I got the freaking message to stay away. Now we have to worry about Ecoli infecting our food? First it was lettuce, before too long the worlds vegetables are going to be unfit for human consumption all together! What are we to do? (don't let me start in on a soap box as to what we "should" do.)
At least one lawsuit relating to the outbreak has been filed against Taco Bell. The lawsuit was filed late Wednesday by the family of an 11-year-old Long Island, New York, boy, Tyler Vormittag. It claims the boy contracted E. coli after eating at a Taco Bell on November 24 in Riverdale, New York .
"When a restaurant serves food, there is the presumption that it is safe for human consumption," said the family's attorney, Andrew Siben. "Taco Bell breached that duty when serving Mr. Vormittag a taco."
Now listen here you guys and gals...If you start "presuming" a fast food joint is clean, why don't you take a look at some of the "clean" employees they have working there. Let me tell you what, they don't represent the epitomy of cleanliness, that's for sure.
So I ask you all, is it better to "presume" that a place is effectively clean when you walk in, or should you pay closer attention to the workers that handle our food? Should we even reduce ourselves to the lack of effective inspections by the health department? I say we should spend more time at home, cooking and cleaning our habitats ourselves. That way, hopefully, we can be assured of a clean sanitized food preparation. (hint to those out there that don't know the definition of clean: if it smells like bleach for a week after you clean your kitchen, it's likely clean enough) This comes from a person that is very particular about his cooking environment, trust me.
So, enough for now. I will likely be updating my blog in a few days. Until then.....
Blog on!
About Me

- Toby
- I am 35, divorced, 1 son 7 years old. I live with my family. I lead a spiritual life within a Native American Medicine and Shamanism realm. I am an active solo musician as well as a part of "The Baghdad String Benders". I currently live and work in Baghdad, Iraq as a civilian contractor. I am versed in Middle Eastern, West African and Native American rhythms etc. I am also a "Trance Dancer" Perhaps also referred to as Totem Dancing, (not affiliated with Traditional Pow Wow dancing.) I also love the outdoors, camping, hiking, chasing storms (not for profit, more for personal pleasure). I am a diverse character to be sure.
Friday, December 08, 2006
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