Today is July 8, 2007. The day after "Live Earth" 7-7-07. I see most of us are still alive and kicking. That's good, but, I'll let you in on a theory I've been pondering lately...
I've griped about all the rain in the first of the summer months. Well, I may have been hasty in griping. Seems to me, in theory, all the water that has been poured into Texas and Oklahoma and some of the neighboring states has been preparing us for warmer climates. I see it this way...The sun has been playing havoc with our climate since 20 years ago. Now, more than ever, we should pay attention to the tell tale signs of sunspots. I believe that, in time, we will see sunspot activity so intense, it will cause flash fires across the USA. In doing so, all the Pacific and East coasts (the ones in drought) will burn significantly. This puts the central USA in the way, or as I call it "the fire break". If and when this happens, I believe that the areas curently in drought, will burn or start burning almost spontaneously. When this takes place, I believe that the central states will provide a sort of oasis that casues the fires to stop. Thus securing the east and west coasts, to a point. I don't believe that global warming is all natural, I do know that we as humans, should take responsibility for our actions as a whole. Yes, we are to blame for some of the damageas to our world. I don't think we can begin to repair them either.
I think that the ideas presented by Al Gore are promising steps to make us all aware of the issues, but, I don't think we can alter our past mistakes. What I think we should do as humans, is, reduce the amount of gasoline we use on a daily, weekely, monthly and yearly basis. I think we should reduce our importing from Oil rich nations. I think we should stop burning coal, start using more hydroelectric power and possibly hydrogen power. Fossil fuels WILL run out! This is not a looming possibility any longer, it is a looming likelyhood in our day and age. There are many things we can do to make our world nicer. We can never reverse what has already been done, that much is apparent. Consider all the oil corporations, both domestic and foreign. How do you think they are going to take a drop or complete drop off of business if we outlaw oil usage? First of, we have to come up with a replacement RENEWABLE energy concept. Once this has been successfully done, we can move on to furthering the repairs to our climate. For right now, just suffice it to say, we are in for one heck of a ride with the coming climate roller coaster. I for one, am glad that the warming trend has brought many to their senses. I am only sad that it took so long for many to realize the damage we are inflicting upon ourselves. Hindsight is 20/20. Go figure...
I wish peace upon all, prosperity, love and happiness. But above all, I wish upon our planet, health and well being.
About Me

- Toby
- I am 35, divorced, 1 son 7 years old. I live with my family. I lead a spiritual life within a Native American Medicine and Shamanism realm. I am an active solo musician as well as a part of "The Baghdad String Benders". I currently live and work in Baghdad, Iraq as a civilian contractor. I am versed in Middle Eastern, West African and Native American rhythms etc. I am also a "Trance Dancer" Perhaps also referred to as Totem Dancing, (not affiliated with Traditional Pow Wow dancing.) I also love the outdoors, camping, hiking, chasing storms (not for profit, more for personal pleasure). I am a diverse character to be sure.
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