Take you back a few months to the time when I first got the heads up on this job. Before I even moved up to Oklahoma from TX. I sat on this email from my buddy for almost 4 months before I even acted on this hot job possibility. It gave me time to think about things, consider other options, other job offers, snort, what other job offers?! Yeah, I know, no cynicism allowed. Okay....So, after I sent this HR person my resume` a 2nd time, I finally got a response. I'm to be scheduled for a telephone interview. Okay, no problem, I can handle that okay, I give good phone. (got the ability from years on a phone in a customer service realm. So, the interview happens, I felt pretty good about it. I am told that after the interview I can expect a few days perhaps in between time that I hear back about the next phase. So, later on the SAME DAY, I get this phone call. It's another HR lady telling me the company wants to have me fly into their headquarters in Virginia for an interview, face to face.
So, they paid for the flight
Cut to the now, the present, the well, right here. LOL! I now have 2 weeks before I fly back to the east coast to train for my new career. I'm flying to West Virginia first for 3 days, then to Georgia for another week, then...Well, I can't say exactly where cause I don't rightly know exact details until I get my itinerary, but I assure you, the compensation package is DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what I mean? I mean, some folks never see this kind of money except in dreams, okay? Yeah, it's that good. Anyways....Just wanted to share in my excitement. I will be out of touch for about 4-5 months, depending on my itinerary (again that word haunts me) ;)
I will definitely stay in touch though.
Peace to all.
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