U.S. Muslims moving into prime-time politics.
CHICAGO (Reuters)
At less than 3 percent of America's 300 million residents, Muslims are still on the fringe of political influence and power, experts say. But that may be changing.
A voter registration and get-out-the-vote drive is under way in the Muslim community before the Nov. 7 mid-term election. And it comes at a time when their interest in politics may have been sharpened to a new edge by the expected election of the first Muslim to Congress. That will likely come in a heavily Democratic Minneapolis district for 43-year-old Keith Ellison, a native-born convert to Islam who would also be the first black member of Congress from Minnesota. His candidacy "is being followed very closely in the Muslim community throughout the country," said one activist in Chicago, where more than 1,000 new Muslim-American voters have been registered in recent weeks. Ellison's likely election would carry "a great symbolic meaning" but future political gains will be one step at a time, cautioned Louise Cainkar, research fellow at the Great Cities Institute at the University of Illinois-Chicago.
Okay. I have a couple of problems with this article. First off, let me say that when someone uses the word prejudice, I take it very seriously. As a matter of fact, I am prejudiced. I feel the matter of politics should remain in the hands of the American people. Muslim-American? Since when did that get recognized? To hell with that term! Don't let the Muslim community inside our political structure! To do so would set our government back into the middle ages. We already have enough to deal with on the war front because of these morons, how stupid do we have to be to allow a self proclaimed Native born convert to Islam, run for congress? Are we that blind to the repercussions this causes? How many more times must we see the damage that can be caused by this culture? Am I saying that EVERY Muslim is the same? NO. What I am saying, is, politics in this country have already been invaded by outsiders, Governor Schwartzeneger perhaps? Hello?! He is not an American by birth! But, he's in state government. Is this what we have to look forward to for our next generation? Muslim Americans (that term leaves a bad taste in my mouth) that live here in America, should be thankful for our hospitality, but we should not offer them seats of possible power. Are we stupid? Wait, no, it's the government, no, it's the pwople, no, it's you and me.
I for one, am considering getting in on the political front. Not just griping about the moves of others, but actually making a case for political campaigning. Possibly in the near future. Will I make it? Hell, if a Muslim-American can run, why can't a working class American Born and bred man, run as well? Am I any better than the competition? Perhaps not, would I be honest, you bet! Honesty is one of my fore front morals that I hold onto dearly. If a man/woman cannot be honest, you should not trust them, it's that simple. Can you trust a politician? Absolutely not. (seems weird how I want to try my hand at something so dishonest). Like I can change the format that the nation has been under for so long...yeah right. I can almost assure you though, if and when I determine I am running in some election, I will definitely post a heads up. I think my campaign should include the deportation of all illegal immigrants, whether they be Hispanic, Muslim, Pakistani, Afghani, Somali, Indian (India), any one that is not a Native born resident of American soil, should effectively be removed from our country. There. I said it. Yes I am prejudiced in this view.
I think we should all lobby and fight to return our nation to it's former status. I believe we should all bug our congress and senators so much they cannot ignore us. After all, they can only ignore us for a while, until we show solidarity. Then, us being in their face will not allow them to shove us under the carpet. We need to protect what is ours, as a nation. Allowing others to interact with our government is what we were founded upon, yes, but not foreign interests. This should not be allowed!
I think I've said enough on this topic for now.
More later.
About Me

- Toby
- I am 35, divorced, 1 son 7 years old. I live with my family. I lead a spiritual life within a Native American Medicine and Shamanism realm. I am an active solo musician as well as a part of "The Baghdad String Benders". I currently live and work in Baghdad, Iraq as a civilian contractor. I am versed in Middle Eastern, West African and Native American rhythms etc. I am also a "Trance Dancer" Perhaps also referred to as Totem Dancing, (not affiliated with Traditional Pow Wow dancing.) I also love the outdoors, camping, hiking, chasing storms (not for profit, more for personal pleasure). I am a diverse character to be sure.
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