Merry Christmas, Yule, Kwanzaa, Hannukah, whatever you choose to celebrate. I have successfully made it through the family celebrations, kids and related holiday madness. I think that next year, I will skip this time of year all together. Maybe it'll save me a hassle and headache.
I am looking forward to the new year however. I have several "resolutions" I will be working on for myself and the new year ahead. My first and foremost resolution is to quit smoking. I know, I know...All smokers have made that statement at some time or another. But, I'm serious. I am taking more stock in my singing and the band I am fronting now. In order to explore my fullest potential in this, I must kick the habit. Smoking is the one to go! So be it! My other resolution is to have more peace, or piece (see previous post regarding: World Orgasm Day). I also resolve to be a better rock star (if even in my own egotistical mind) Gotta love my sense of humor, or not. LOL!!
Anyways...My good friend Tie Dyed Tehuti has made a declaration of his love and wed his long time friend and love of his life, Victoria Rose. They tied the knot on Winter Solstice, Dec 22nd. Romantic to be sure. :) Many well wishes go out to them in their wedded venture. I wish the best for them both.
On other fronts, there was an earthquake near Taiwan, 2 actually. This spawned fears over a possible Tsunami. Especially on the 2 year anniversary of the Magnitude 9.0 that hit Indonesia in 2004 Dec 26th. God help those that are in the way of mother nature.
Space shuttle Discovery crews were safe in Cape Canavaral, FL after touching down late Friday evening. Glad they made it home safe. While another US Astronaut made the International Space Station her home for the next 6 months. What a job she has! I only wish I could live in the expanse of space for that long! Talk about an experience...
In other fronts...Fighting is still happening, war, gotta love it right? Saddam Hussein is headed towards the gallows it seems. Jeez, after so long, I think we're doing him a service in killing him quickly. Maybe he should be put to death like he had so many people killed, over a mass grave, unmarked and shot in the back. Eye for an eye? Perhaps so, perhaps not. I am not the judge or jury (we can all breathe a sigh of relief on that comment). Nor am I God to decide who lives and dies or for what reason. (again, the world can breathe a GENUINE sigh of relief on that last statement).
Well, that's about all I have time for today.
Peace to ALL!
About Me

- Toby
- I am 35, divorced, 1 son 7 years old. I live with my family. I lead a spiritual life within a Native American Medicine and Shamanism realm. I am an active solo musician as well as a part of "The Baghdad String Benders". I currently live and work in Baghdad, Iraq as a civilian contractor. I am versed in Middle Eastern, West African and Native American rhythms etc. I am also a "Trance Dancer" Perhaps also referred to as Totem Dancing, (not affiliated with Traditional Pow Wow dancing.) I also love the outdoors, camping, hiking, chasing storms (not for profit, more for personal pleasure). I am a diverse character to be sure.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
This was passed to me in an email, I couldn't resist posting it.
I mean, what better way to spend time with your sweetie, being amorous and all. What better way to have "piece" in our world. If you think about it, the abbreviation would be G.O.D (Global Orgasm Day) If you think really hard, that is very fitting for this day. After all, whose name do we typically call out during sex? C'mon, that was funny, I don't care who you are.
And another thing......Climbing Mt. Hood in Oregon during December, typically a very cold month for the Pacific North west, the 3 climbers that attempted this feat, well, I feel sorry for them and their families. But, shouldn't those from the area have a better sense of what the weather is doing before attempting a climb to the top of the highest mountain in Oregon? Again, I feel for the families as they worry that their loved ones may have perished in the mountainous range they tried to conquer. I do hope they make it out alive, but there is a slim to no chance of that happening at this point. With the weather being as treacherous as it is now, I have a bad feeling they will recover the bodies during spring thaw. Let's hope and pray that I am wrong.
Have I mentioned that December 22nd is also Winter Solstice/Equinox? Thank the powers that be for the return of the daylight. As we move forward out of the dark times into a lighter side of winter, remember to thank your God, Deity for allowing you to make it this far.
I know I am thankful for several aspects of both the dark times and the light times. I am thankful I have family, both biological and extended to help me stay focused in my dark emotional state. I have been really down and somewhat depressed since November. I guess I have seen this type of emotion before, but it seems to be every year that something happens to make me question all that I believe. Not that I don't have faith in my God, but, I do question where I belong in my spirituality.
I don't feel as though I fit into church, not because of me, but because of the faith and doctrine being preached in those churches. I have followed many pathways over the last 15-20 years. I started out as a Christian, being that my family is all Christian from generations back. Then I separated and started following a Pagan path. Several types of Paganism. From Wicca, Witchcraft, Egyptian (West Isian) Native American Medicine, Shamanism, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic etc. The only thing I know that I feel most strong about is this: I feel more at home in the outdoors. I worship un-fettered when outside conventional church walls.
I don't see the point of gathering into a common building just to fellowship with other people that don't understand the reason they are there. Or that you don't have to be inside a structure just to be spiritual.
Don't get me wrong, I don't consider myself to be anywhere close to what mainstream Chrisitanity claims. I do try my best to remain true to the Commandments, morals instilled by my parents, the "Golden Rule", perhaps even the Wiccan Rede "An it harm none, do as ye will". There are so many ways to interpret what is right for one person and it never matches what the majority of society understands as "religion". Well, I'm far from being religious. Being spiritual is more important on a personal level.
So, I move on into a quandry. Am I more concerned about what my family thinks of my spiritual path because of their choices? Do I continue to project a Christian belief for their benefit? Do I continue following my own heart and spirit to my version of Nirvana? I think my decision is more based on what I feel is right to me. Seeing as how a Personal relationship with deity is most important to each individual, this seems to make the most sense.
So, for the time being, I am removing myself from the influences of any other spirituality, either organised or not, so I can take a better un-biased look within myself and figure this out. Besides, religion is just a label placed on faith by society to make everyone acceptable. If God is who he is supposed to be, then it should not matter which way he is exalted, praised, worshipped etc. If I praise him in the wilderness, I am doing as was written in the Bible so many hold as true. King David was not trapped it seems by any conventional organised religion. He sang, danced, praised as he felt the spirit move him. True he was doing as God commanded him to, but he didn't do it as an obligation, he did it because of desire to praise. Most of Davids Psalms reflect a poet/songwriter. These are some of my talents as well as being a musician of various instrumentation. So, effectively, I can and should excersize those talents to any extent. Right?
I guess I shall stop here for now. I will post more later.
Peace upon the world.
I mean, what better way to spend time with your sweetie, being amorous and all. What better way to have "piece" in our world. If you think about it, the abbreviation would be G.O.D (Global Orgasm Day) If you think really hard, that is very fitting for this day. After all, whose name do we typically call out during sex? C'mon, that was funny, I don't care who you are.
And another thing......Climbing Mt. Hood in Oregon during December, typically a very cold month for the Pacific North west, the 3 climbers that attempted this feat, well, I feel sorry for them and their families. But, shouldn't those from the area have a better sense of what the weather is doing before attempting a climb to the top of the highest mountain in Oregon? Again, I feel for the families as they worry that their loved ones may have perished in the mountainous range they tried to conquer. I do hope they make it out alive, but there is a slim to no chance of that happening at this point. With the weather being as treacherous as it is now, I have a bad feeling they will recover the bodies during spring thaw. Let's hope and pray that I am wrong.
Have I mentioned that December 22nd is also Winter Solstice/Equinox? Thank the powers that be for the return of the daylight. As we move forward out of the dark times into a lighter side of winter, remember to thank your God, Deity for allowing you to make it this far.
I know I am thankful for several aspects of both the dark times and the light times. I am thankful I have family, both biological and extended to help me stay focused in my dark emotional state. I have been really down and somewhat depressed since November. I guess I have seen this type of emotion before, but it seems to be every year that something happens to make me question all that I believe. Not that I don't have faith in my God, but, I do question where I belong in my spirituality.
I don't feel as though I fit into church, not because of me, but because of the faith and doctrine being preached in those churches. I have followed many pathways over the last 15-20 years. I started out as a Christian, being that my family is all Christian from generations back. Then I separated and started following a Pagan path. Several types of Paganism. From Wicca, Witchcraft, Egyptian (West Isian) Native American Medicine, Shamanism, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic etc. The only thing I know that I feel most strong about is this: I feel more at home in the outdoors. I worship un-fettered when outside conventional church walls.
I don't see the point of gathering into a common building just to fellowship with other people that don't understand the reason they are there. Or that you don't have to be inside a structure just to be spiritual.
Don't get me wrong, I don't consider myself to be anywhere close to what mainstream Chrisitanity claims. I do try my best to remain true to the Commandments, morals instilled by my parents, the "Golden Rule", perhaps even the Wiccan Rede "An it harm none, do as ye will". There are so many ways to interpret what is right for one person and it never matches what the majority of society understands as "religion". Well, I'm far from being religious. Being spiritual is more important on a personal level.
So, I move on into a quandry. Am I more concerned about what my family thinks of my spiritual path because of their choices? Do I continue to project a Christian belief for their benefit? Do I continue following my own heart and spirit to my version of Nirvana? I think my decision is more based on what I feel is right to me. Seeing as how a Personal relationship with deity is most important to each individual, this seems to make the most sense.
So, for the time being, I am removing myself from the influences of any other spirituality, either organised or not, so I can take a better un-biased look within myself and figure this out. Besides, religion is just a label placed on faith by society to make everyone acceptable. If God is who he is supposed to be, then it should not matter which way he is exalted, praised, worshipped etc. If I praise him in the wilderness, I am doing as was written in the Bible so many hold as true. King David was not trapped it seems by any conventional organised religion. He sang, danced, praised as he felt the spirit move him. True he was doing as God commanded him to, but he didn't do it as an obligation, he did it because of desire to praise. Most of Davids Psalms reflect a poet/songwriter. These are some of my talents as well as being a musician of various instrumentation. So, effectively, I can and should excersize those talents to any extent. Right?
I guess I shall stop here for now. I will post more later.
Peace upon the world.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Hello all. I have not really had time to blog in a while.
Lot's of things to write about, it seems.
With the weather freezing out the "Deep South", not that they didn't give everyone fair warning or anything. Folks getting stuck in the mountains, dying while in search of help...My heart goes out to the Kim family that lost their husband and father to the extreme cold.
Here in Dallas Texas, it's quite cold outside. I say, it's about time! I have wanted to get colder weather for some time now. I am tired of the freezing rain and ice coming in for a night and going away the next day. So far, I think I have counted at least 3 freezes total in my area of Irving. Yay! That means the population of bugs may actually dwindle this next spring and summer. (hey, anything can happen)
On to other news.
From Caleb Silver (C/O
NEW YORK (CNN) -- As many as 84 people in seven states have been confirmed as having the strain of E. coli bacteria involved in an outbreak that may be linked to Taco Bell restaurants, officials said Friday.
Now, call me weird, but I have jokingly talked about Taco Bell for years as being "Toxic Hell" I never really meant it until now. Dude! I am staying away from there! I already have an issue against Taco Bueno, just so everyone knows they are NOT more Bueno. I got sick from Taco Bueno 3 times. Each time, I waited for a period of almost 6 months in between until I couldn't resist any longer. But I'll tell you what, after the 3rd time I got the freaking message to stay away. Now we have to worry about Ecoli infecting our food? First it was lettuce, before too long the worlds vegetables are going to be unfit for human consumption all together! What are we to do? (don't let me start in on a soap box as to what we "should" do.)
At least one lawsuit relating to the outbreak has been filed against Taco Bell. The lawsuit was filed late Wednesday by the family of an 11-year-old Long Island, New York, boy, Tyler Vormittag. It claims the boy contracted E. coli after eating at a Taco Bell on November 24 in Riverdale, New York .
"When a restaurant serves food, there is the presumption that it is safe for human consumption," said the family's attorney, Andrew Siben. "Taco Bell breached that duty when serving Mr. Vormittag a taco."
Now listen here you guys and gals...If you start "presuming" a fast food joint is clean, why don't you take a look at some of the "clean" employees they have working there. Let me tell you what, they don't represent the epitomy of cleanliness, that's for sure.
So I ask you all, is it better to "presume" that a place is effectively clean when you walk in, or should you pay closer attention to the workers that handle our food? Should we even reduce ourselves to the lack of effective inspections by the health department? I say we should spend more time at home, cooking and cleaning our habitats ourselves. That way, hopefully, we can be assured of a clean sanitized food preparation. (hint to those out there that don't know the definition of clean: if it smells like bleach for a week after you clean your kitchen, it's likely clean enough) This comes from a person that is very particular about his cooking environment, trust me.
So, enough for now. I will likely be updating my blog in a few days. Until then.....
Blog on!
Lot's of things to write about, it seems.
With the weather freezing out the "Deep South", not that they didn't give everyone fair warning or anything. Folks getting stuck in the mountains, dying while in search of help...My heart goes out to the Kim family that lost their husband and father to the extreme cold.
Here in Dallas Texas, it's quite cold outside. I say, it's about time! I have wanted to get colder weather for some time now. I am tired of the freezing rain and ice coming in for a night and going away the next day. So far, I think I have counted at least 3 freezes total in my area of Irving. Yay! That means the population of bugs may actually dwindle this next spring and summer. (hey, anything can happen)
On to other news.
From Caleb Silver (C/O
NEW YORK (CNN) -- As many as 84 people in seven states have been confirmed as having the strain of E. coli bacteria involved in an outbreak that may be linked to Taco Bell restaurants, officials said Friday.
Now, call me weird, but I have jokingly talked about Taco Bell for years as being "Toxic Hell" I never really meant it until now. Dude! I am staying away from there! I already have an issue against Taco Bueno, just so everyone knows they are NOT more Bueno. I got sick from Taco Bueno 3 times. Each time, I waited for a period of almost 6 months in between until I couldn't resist any longer. But I'll tell you what, after the 3rd time I got the freaking message to stay away. Now we have to worry about Ecoli infecting our food? First it was lettuce, before too long the worlds vegetables are going to be unfit for human consumption all together! What are we to do? (don't let me start in on a soap box as to what we "should" do.)
At least one lawsuit relating to the outbreak has been filed against Taco Bell. The lawsuit was filed late Wednesday by the family of an 11-year-old Long Island, New York, boy, Tyler Vormittag. It claims the boy contracted E. coli after eating at a Taco Bell on November 24 in Riverdale, New York .
"When a restaurant serves food, there is the presumption that it is safe for human consumption," said the family's attorney, Andrew Siben. "Taco Bell breached that duty when serving Mr. Vormittag a taco."
Now listen here you guys and gals...If you start "presuming" a fast food joint is clean, why don't you take a look at some of the "clean" employees they have working there. Let me tell you what, they don't represent the epitomy of cleanliness, that's for sure.
So I ask you all, is it better to "presume" that a place is effectively clean when you walk in, or should you pay closer attention to the workers that handle our food? Should we even reduce ourselves to the lack of effective inspections by the health department? I say we should spend more time at home, cooking and cleaning our habitats ourselves. That way, hopefully, we can be assured of a clean sanitized food preparation. (hint to those out there that don't know the definition of clean: if it smells like bleach for a week after you clean your kitchen, it's likely clean enough) This comes from a person that is very particular about his cooking environment, trust me.
So, enough for now. I will likely be updating my blog in a few days. Until then.....
Blog on!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Minnesota voters send first Muslim to Capitol Hill
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota (CNN) -- In a political first, a Muslim has been elected to serve in the U.S. Congress.
Keith Ellison, a Minnesota state legislator and lawyer, reached the political milestone by defeating two other candidates in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District, which covers the Minneapolis area.
His victory was part of the Democratic wave that seized control of the House of Representatives from the Republicans. (Watch how Democrats' victory will change Capitol Hill -- 2:25)
Ellison won 56 percent of the vote, defeating Republican Alan Fine and the Independence Party's Tammy Lee, both of whom garnered 21 percent of the vote. A Green Party candidate received 2 percent.
With 99 percent of the precincts reporting, Ellison received 135,519 votes, Fine 51,896, and Lee, 51,250.
Ellison is also the first African-American from Minnesota to be elected to the U.S. House. He ran on the Democratic-Farmer-Labor ticket in a district that is heavily liberal.
Members of that party, a uniquely Minnesotan movement, describe the DFL as the state chapter of the Democratic Party.
Ellison's winning platform
Ellison's views reflect Democratic ideals and discontent.
He is opposed to the war in Iraq and on his Web site, he has called "for an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq."
"I opposed the war before it began. I was against this war once it started and I am the only candidate calling for an immediate withdrawal of troops."
His religious message is one of inclusiveness.
Regarding his Muslim faith, he said, "people draw strength and moral courage from a variety of religious traditions."
"Mine have come from both Catholicism and Islam. I was raised Catholic and later became a Muslim while attending Wayne State University. I am inspired by the Quran's message of an encompassing divine love, and a deep faith guides my life every day."
Ellison's position on the Israeli-Palestinian issue is supportive of the two-state solution and the road map to peace process. He has been critical of the Hamas movement.
"Peace is necessary for both Israeli and Palestinian people, and I wholeheartedly support peace movements in Israel and throughout the region," he said in a statement on his Web site.
He was endorsed by the Twin Cities newspaper, the American Jewish World, which said, "In Ellison, we have a moderate Muslim who extends his hand in friendship to the Jewish community and supports the security of the State of Israel."
Ellison is pro-choice and pro-labor, and supports "universal single payer health care" -- long popular stances among liberals.
The seat Ellison won had been held by Rep. Martin Olav Sabo, the longtime Democratic incumbent, whose retirement sparked a wide-open race. Sabo won 70 percent of the vote for the House seat in 2004.
Okay, I know I posted about this Muslim American campaigning for Congress, but it seems I made my post a little late. Not that any of my writing reached the eyes of those in our country to disuade them from voting a Muslim into congress. So, I can only say that we have opened the door to other muslims getting their foot in the door to our political system. Now, our country will start to regret ever letting them in the door. Just watch and wait. If I'm right, hopefully I'm not, but if I am right about this, nothing good can come of allowing our enemy into our political structure. How many times can we see the disadvantage to keeping our enemies closer? I know the old saying "keep your friends close and your enemies even closer"....but, come on! I guess we'll all have to wait and see what happens. Good thing I don't live in Minnesota. I just get to be in a state with Governor Perry still in office. What a relief that is. (sarcasm is my strong suit)
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota (CNN) -- In a political first, a Muslim has been elected to serve in the U.S. Congress.
Keith Ellison, a Minnesota state legislator and lawyer, reached the political milestone by defeating two other candidates in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District, which covers the Minneapolis area.
His victory was part of the Democratic wave that seized control of the House of Representatives from the Republicans. (Watch how Democrats' victory will change Capitol Hill -- 2:25)
Ellison won 56 percent of the vote, defeating Republican Alan Fine and the Independence Party's Tammy Lee, both of whom garnered 21 percent of the vote. A Green Party candidate received 2 percent.
With 99 percent of the precincts reporting, Ellison received 135,519 votes, Fine 51,896, and Lee, 51,250.
Ellison is also the first African-American from Minnesota to be elected to the U.S. House. He ran on the Democratic-Farmer-Labor ticket in a district that is heavily liberal.
Members of that party, a uniquely Minnesotan movement, describe the DFL as the state chapter of the Democratic Party.
Ellison's winning platform
Ellison's views reflect Democratic ideals and discontent.
He is opposed to the war in Iraq and on his Web site, he has called "for an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq."
"I opposed the war before it began. I was against this war once it started and I am the only candidate calling for an immediate withdrawal of troops."
His religious message is one of inclusiveness.
Regarding his Muslim faith, he said, "people draw strength and moral courage from a variety of religious traditions."
"Mine have come from both Catholicism and Islam. I was raised Catholic and later became a Muslim while attending Wayne State University. I am inspired by the Quran's message of an encompassing divine love, and a deep faith guides my life every day."
Ellison's position on the Israeli-Palestinian issue is supportive of the two-state solution and the road map to peace process. He has been critical of the Hamas movement.
"Peace is necessary for both Israeli and Palestinian people, and I wholeheartedly support peace movements in Israel and throughout the region," he said in a statement on his Web site.
He was endorsed by the Twin Cities newspaper, the American Jewish World, which said, "In Ellison, we have a moderate Muslim who extends his hand in friendship to the Jewish community and supports the security of the State of Israel."
Ellison is pro-choice and pro-labor, and supports "universal single payer health care" -- long popular stances among liberals.
The seat Ellison won had been held by Rep. Martin Olav Sabo, the longtime Democratic incumbent, whose retirement sparked a wide-open race. Sabo won 70 percent of the vote for the House seat in 2004.
Okay, I know I posted about this Muslim American campaigning for Congress, but it seems I made my post a little late. Not that any of my writing reached the eyes of those in our country to disuade them from voting a Muslim into congress. So, I can only say that we have opened the door to other muslims getting their foot in the door to our political system. Now, our country will start to regret ever letting them in the door. Just watch and wait. If I'm right, hopefully I'm not, but if I am right about this, nothing good can come of allowing our enemy into our political structure. How many times can we see the disadvantage to keeping our enemies closer? I know the old saying "keep your friends close and your enemies even closer"....but, come on! I guess we'll all have to wait and see what happens. Good thing I don't live in Minnesota. I just get to be in a state with Governor Perry still in office. What a relief that is. (sarcasm is my strong suit)
Friday, October 27, 2006
U.S. Muslims moving into prime-time politics.
CHICAGO (Reuters)
At less than 3 percent of America's 300 million residents, Muslims are still on the fringe of political influence and power, experts say. But that may be changing.
A voter registration and get-out-the-vote drive is under way in the Muslim community before the Nov. 7 mid-term election. And it comes at a time when their interest in politics may have been sharpened to a new edge by the expected election of the first Muslim to Congress. That will likely come in a heavily Democratic Minneapolis district for 43-year-old Keith Ellison, a native-born convert to Islam who would also be the first black member of Congress from Minnesota. His candidacy "is being followed very closely in the Muslim community throughout the country," said one activist in Chicago, where more than 1,000 new Muslim-American voters have been registered in recent weeks. Ellison's likely election would carry "a great symbolic meaning" but future political gains will be one step at a time, cautioned Louise Cainkar, research fellow at the Great Cities Institute at the University of Illinois-Chicago.
Okay. I have a couple of problems with this article. First off, let me say that when someone uses the word prejudice, I take it very seriously. As a matter of fact, I am prejudiced. I feel the matter of politics should remain in the hands of the American people. Muslim-American? Since when did that get recognized? To hell with that term! Don't let the Muslim community inside our political structure! To do so would set our government back into the middle ages. We already have enough to deal with on the war front because of these morons, how stupid do we have to be to allow a self proclaimed Native born convert to Islam, run for congress? Are we that blind to the repercussions this causes? How many more times must we see the damage that can be caused by this culture? Am I saying that EVERY Muslim is the same? NO. What I am saying, is, politics in this country have already been invaded by outsiders, Governor Schwartzeneger perhaps? Hello?! He is not an American by birth! But, he's in state government. Is this what we have to look forward to for our next generation? Muslim Americans (that term leaves a bad taste in my mouth) that live here in America, should be thankful for our hospitality, but we should not offer them seats of possible power. Are we stupid? Wait, no, it's the government, no, it's the pwople, no, it's you and me.
I for one, am considering getting in on the political front. Not just griping about the moves of others, but actually making a case for political campaigning. Possibly in the near future. Will I make it? Hell, if a Muslim-American can run, why can't a working class American Born and bred man, run as well? Am I any better than the competition? Perhaps not, would I be honest, you bet! Honesty is one of my fore front morals that I hold onto dearly. If a man/woman cannot be honest, you should not trust them, it's that simple. Can you trust a politician? Absolutely not. (seems weird how I want to try my hand at something so dishonest). Like I can change the format that the nation has been under for so long...yeah right. I can almost assure you though, if and when I determine I am running in some election, I will definitely post a heads up. I think my campaign should include the deportation of all illegal immigrants, whether they be Hispanic, Muslim, Pakistani, Afghani, Somali, Indian (India), any one that is not a Native born resident of American soil, should effectively be removed from our country. There. I said it. Yes I am prejudiced in this view.
I think we should all lobby and fight to return our nation to it's former status. I believe we should all bug our congress and senators so much they cannot ignore us. After all, they can only ignore us for a while, until we show solidarity. Then, us being in their face will not allow them to shove us under the carpet. We need to protect what is ours, as a nation. Allowing others to interact with our government is what we were founded upon, yes, but not foreign interests. This should not be allowed!
I think I've said enough on this topic for now.
More later.
CHICAGO (Reuters)
At less than 3 percent of America's 300 million residents, Muslims are still on the fringe of political influence and power, experts say. But that may be changing.
A voter registration and get-out-the-vote drive is under way in the Muslim community before the Nov. 7 mid-term election. And it comes at a time when their interest in politics may have been sharpened to a new edge by the expected election of the first Muslim to Congress. That will likely come in a heavily Democratic Minneapolis district for 43-year-old Keith Ellison, a native-born convert to Islam who would also be the first black member of Congress from Minnesota. His candidacy "is being followed very closely in the Muslim community throughout the country," said one activist in Chicago, where more than 1,000 new Muslim-American voters have been registered in recent weeks. Ellison's likely election would carry "a great symbolic meaning" but future political gains will be one step at a time, cautioned Louise Cainkar, research fellow at the Great Cities Institute at the University of Illinois-Chicago.
Okay. I have a couple of problems with this article. First off, let me say that when someone uses the word prejudice, I take it very seriously. As a matter of fact, I am prejudiced. I feel the matter of politics should remain in the hands of the American people. Muslim-American? Since when did that get recognized? To hell with that term! Don't let the Muslim community inside our political structure! To do so would set our government back into the middle ages. We already have enough to deal with on the war front because of these morons, how stupid do we have to be to allow a self proclaimed Native born convert to Islam, run for congress? Are we that blind to the repercussions this causes? How many more times must we see the damage that can be caused by this culture? Am I saying that EVERY Muslim is the same? NO. What I am saying, is, politics in this country have already been invaded by outsiders, Governor Schwartzeneger perhaps? Hello?! He is not an American by birth! But, he's in state government. Is this what we have to look forward to for our next generation? Muslim Americans (that term leaves a bad taste in my mouth) that live here in America, should be thankful for our hospitality, but we should not offer them seats of possible power. Are we stupid? Wait, no, it's the government, no, it's the pwople, no, it's you and me.
I for one, am considering getting in on the political front. Not just griping about the moves of others, but actually making a case for political campaigning. Possibly in the near future. Will I make it? Hell, if a Muslim-American can run, why can't a working class American Born and bred man, run as well? Am I any better than the competition? Perhaps not, would I be honest, you bet! Honesty is one of my fore front morals that I hold onto dearly. If a man/woman cannot be honest, you should not trust them, it's that simple. Can you trust a politician? Absolutely not. (seems weird how I want to try my hand at something so dishonest). Like I can change the format that the nation has been under for so long...yeah right. I can almost assure you though, if and when I determine I am running in some election, I will definitely post a heads up. I think my campaign should include the deportation of all illegal immigrants, whether they be Hispanic, Muslim, Pakistani, Afghani, Somali, Indian (India), any one that is not a Native born resident of American soil, should effectively be removed from our country. There. I said it. Yes I am prejudiced in this view.
I think we should all lobby and fight to return our nation to it's former status. I believe we should all bug our congress and senators so much they cannot ignore us. After all, they can only ignore us for a while, until we show solidarity. Then, us being in their face will not allow them to shove us under the carpet. We need to protect what is ours, as a nation. Allowing others to interact with our government is what we were founded upon, yes, but not foreign interests. This should not be allowed!
I think I've said enough on this topic for now.
More later.
Monday, October 23, 2006

This photo is courtesy of Karen Morales 7/3/2006 at Lone Star Park 4th of July celebration.
Though it's in black and white, the reason for the title being, "That is a smile", is due to me normally not smiling in any of my pictures. This is a good memory for me from this year. I was having a good time with the people that I attended the celebration with. I just had to re-visit the moment.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
You know, there comes a time in one's life, you have to either move on with your living, or be stuck in a rut. In love and does one approach this issue? If you're in a relationship that is going no where fast, should you cut your losses and move on despite your true feelings? What about friendships? Should you cut and run even when it's not you that is the problem?
After almost 5 years of marriage, I have finally decided what to do in my relationship. Remember the good times, learn from the past mistakes and move on to another goal. Standing still has never been one of my stronger suits to be sure. The only problem I face now is, getting past the emotions of it all and simply moving on. It's hard though. To put time and effort into a relationship and then just let it go. Even though it's best, or seems the best for both involved.
I wonder if other males have this issue? I know I am a little jaded from my past experience, but is it fair to love someone even after being burned by them over and over? I have heard advice from friends that mean well, advice from columns that try to help fix those things that are not right in marriages. Heck, Dr. Phil seems to have a bit of a hold on what is really going on. But, even after the hurt has passed, the anger diminished, the bitterness dispelled, I can't seem to shake the love of this person! Why can't I just cut her out of my life completely and just move on? Is it because I have been blinded in love for so long, that I am now emotionally stunted? Even as I try to move along at my single person pace, I still seem to have thoughts and feelings for the person I married. Can I heal without closure or do I have to follow through completely with divorce? Even then, will I move forward or continue making the same mistakes I made previously? I hope I can move out of this funk, because I hate being stopped in my tracks and waiting for another to make her decision.
Even as I talk about this issue on here, I have many others that seek my company, as a man. What about those people? Am I just seeing the grass on another side of the fence? Or am I just awake to the possibilities? Learn from mistakes, grow into the present by remembering the past, use caution in new relationships, don't keep yourself closed off to loving again, don't be so naive.....the list can be endless. How is a person supposed to remember all of the advice on love? We don't. Sometimes we have to learn by doing again, bumping our heads a little bit until we really understand the lesson we are supposed to learn from.
I hope the bumping of my head doesn't keep happening, as the lumps are getting larger! LOL!
Well, that's my rant for the day.
More later.
After almost 5 years of marriage, I have finally decided what to do in my relationship. Remember the good times, learn from the past mistakes and move on to another goal. Standing still has never been one of my stronger suits to be sure. The only problem I face now is, getting past the emotions of it all and simply moving on. It's hard though. To put time and effort into a relationship and then just let it go. Even though it's best, or seems the best for both involved.
I wonder if other males have this issue? I know I am a little jaded from my past experience, but is it fair to love someone even after being burned by them over and over? I have heard advice from friends that mean well, advice from columns that try to help fix those things that are not right in marriages. Heck, Dr. Phil seems to have a bit of a hold on what is really going on. But, even after the hurt has passed, the anger diminished, the bitterness dispelled, I can't seem to shake the love of this person! Why can't I just cut her out of my life completely and just move on? Is it because I have been blinded in love for so long, that I am now emotionally stunted? Even as I try to move along at my single person pace, I still seem to have thoughts and feelings for the person I married. Can I heal without closure or do I have to follow through completely with divorce? Even then, will I move forward or continue making the same mistakes I made previously? I hope I can move out of this funk, because I hate being stopped in my tracks and waiting for another to make her decision.
Even as I talk about this issue on here, I have many others that seek my company, as a man. What about those people? Am I just seeing the grass on another side of the fence? Or am I just awake to the possibilities? Learn from mistakes, grow into the present by remembering the past, use caution in new relationships, don't keep yourself closed off to loving again, don't be so naive.....the list can be endless. How is a person supposed to remember all of the advice on love? We don't. Sometimes we have to learn by doing again, bumping our heads a little bit until we really understand the lesson we are supposed to learn from.
I hope the bumping of my head doesn't keep happening, as the lumps are getting larger! LOL!
Well, that's my rant for the day.
More later.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday the 13th and all is well. Seems funny to me that alot of folks put so much superstition in the 13th when it falls on Friday. To me it's another day of laughter, hope, faith and blessings.
Am I the only one that thinks this way about such a scary day? I am not scared of a day in the month bing on the 13th though. My plans do not revolve around superstitions anymore. I have too many things in my life that do not allow me to live scared of tiny insignificant days on the calendar.
So, in the headlines....same murder, mayhem and otherwise typical days around the world. I wonder when our planet is, effectively, going to shake us all off it's back, like a dog shaking off water after a bath? Seems pretty clear that we are on a downward spiral to the end of the end. Hmmm, I wonder if the Muslims are paying attention, or if they subscribe to end time jabber? I seriously doubt they do.
Anyways, I am going camping this weekend with my son. So, I know we are going to have a fantastic time in the woods. Maybe while there I can figure out how to stay put on the planet while others are shaken off. LOL! Also doubtful!
Peace, love and happiness, despite all else in our world.
This is all for now.
Am I the only one that thinks this way about such a scary day? I am not scared of a day in the month bing on the 13th though. My plans do not revolve around superstitions anymore. I have too many things in my life that do not allow me to live scared of tiny insignificant days on the calendar.
So, in the headlines....same murder, mayhem and otherwise typical days around the world. I wonder when our planet is, effectively, going to shake us all off it's back, like a dog shaking off water after a bath? Seems pretty clear that we are on a downward spiral to the end of the end. Hmmm, I wonder if the Muslims are paying attention, or if they subscribe to end time jabber? I seriously doubt they do.
Anyways, I am going camping this weekend with my son. So, I know we are going to have a fantastic time in the woods. Maybe while there I can figure out how to stay put on the planet while others are shaken off. LOL! Also doubtful!
Peace, love and happiness, despite all else in our world.
This is all for now.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Somali Islamists declare 'jihad' on Ethiopia
(courtesy of CNN online 10-09-2006)
So, in the start to my day, I see that world news is still showing fear, because the world is barging in on others business. AND that our lovely Islamists are waging war on the Ethiopians. For the love of peace of course. The Ethiopians are SO scary I'm sure, a starving nation that tries to survive by helping take back a city that's been occupied by Islamist extremists! There's a healthy war to wage. I'm sure this will be considered a landmark victory over the dangerous Ethiopians. Way to go Islam. You sure are making your mark as being a peaceful culture.
Stocks seesaw on international tension
Major gauges zigzag as investors try to shake off unsettling news from North Korea; higher oil also factors.
October 9 2006: 10:16 AM EDT
How the hell does Oil factor in on a country becoming NUCLEAR armed? (bold type for "W's" sake, since he doesn't quite understand the pronunciation). I guess since Oil is the gold of trading right now, anything in our world affects the pricing of our gas products. Seeing as how the pricing just hit a low end mark. Now, we get to experience roller coaster prices. YAY roller coasters. Can I get a show of hands from those of us, grateful that our Presidents time in office is numbered? Thank God for voting time! I can assure you, possible readers, I will ALWAYS cast my vote! Think you can't make a difference in your nation's history? By not voting, you are a castaway of a citizen. It's like you don't exist. No one is going to force you to vote, but you can't feel left out of the running tallies if you don't take the short time to write in a box who you think should lead the country.
So, from Friday's blog, I can honestly say I am glad for the blessing of being free to cast my vote! I am thankful I do not live in Islamist occupied territories! I am thankful for my freedom to choose what spirituality I want to claim. Without true fear of reprisal or consequence from governed chaos in Islamist rule! I am thankful I still have my head attached to my shoulders. LOL! I have alot to be thankful for. So, count your blessings USA, we are not in North Korea, Iraq (except for our troops) or Ethiopia. I DO wish that our troops were not so absent from their families right now. I wish our government would start to see that war is not always the only way out of a situation. That our police force is not made up of soldiers or other military might. China has a police force to be reckoned with, but no "army" (yeah right). I wish our governed people could open their eyes to TRUTH, in it's entirety. I wish we could work with our economicly stunted growth, put people back to work and stop causing our welfare system to break down. I wish we could, as a nation, decide to control our government and put stops in place to prevent corrupted senators and congressmen and women from taking of our hard earned money. I wish that the IRS would be dis-assembled and done away with after these many years of being illegaly organized. I wish that I could make the money I am entitled to, rather then being regulated to the working class, living from week to week or paycheck to paycheck, while I watch the rich get richer.
So, with all of these lines running through my head, it's enough to make one pause and think, I hope. Maybe even long enough to get mad at our delapidated system....One can wish and hope.
After all, this is a free country, isn't it?
(courtesy of CNN online 10-09-2006)
So, in the start to my day, I see that world news is still showing fear, because the world is barging in on others business. AND that our lovely Islamists are waging war on the Ethiopians. For the love of peace of course. The Ethiopians are SO scary I'm sure, a starving nation that tries to survive by helping take back a city that's been occupied by Islamist extremists! There's a healthy war to wage. I'm sure this will be considered a landmark victory over the dangerous Ethiopians. Way to go Islam. You sure are making your mark as being a peaceful culture.
Stocks seesaw on international tension
Major gauges zigzag as investors try to shake off unsettling news from North Korea; higher oil also factors.
October 9 2006: 10:16 AM EDT
How the hell does Oil factor in on a country becoming NUCLEAR armed? (bold type for "W's" sake, since he doesn't quite understand the pronunciation). I guess since Oil is the gold of trading right now, anything in our world affects the pricing of our gas products. Seeing as how the pricing just hit a low end mark. Now, we get to experience roller coaster prices. YAY roller coasters. Can I get a show of hands from those of us, grateful that our Presidents time in office is numbered? Thank God for voting time! I can assure you, possible readers, I will ALWAYS cast my vote! Think you can't make a difference in your nation's history? By not voting, you are a castaway of a citizen. It's like you don't exist. No one is going to force you to vote, but you can't feel left out of the running tallies if you don't take the short time to write in a box who you think should lead the country.
So, from Friday's blog, I can honestly say I am glad for the blessing of being free to cast my vote! I am thankful I do not live in Islamist occupied territories! I am thankful for my freedom to choose what spirituality I want to claim. Without true fear of reprisal or consequence from governed chaos in Islamist rule! I am thankful I still have my head attached to my shoulders. LOL! I have alot to be thankful for. So, count your blessings USA, we are not in North Korea, Iraq (except for our troops) or Ethiopia. I DO wish that our troops were not so absent from their families right now. I wish our government would start to see that war is not always the only way out of a situation. That our police force is not made up of soldiers or other military might. China has a police force to be reckoned with, but no "army" (yeah right). I wish our governed people could open their eyes to TRUTH, in it's entirety. I wish we could work with our economicly stunted growth, put people back to work and stop causing our welfare system to break down. I wish we could, as a nation, decide to control our government and put stops in place to prevent corrupted senators and congressmen and women from taking of our hard earned money. I wish that the IRS would be dis-assembled and done away with after these many years of being illegaly organized. I wish that I could make the money I am entitled to, rather then being regulated to the working class, living from week to week or paycheck to paycheck, while I watch the rich get richer.
So, with all of these lines running through my head, it's enough to make one pause and think, I hope. Maybe even long enough to get mad at our delapidated system....One can wish and hope.
After all, this is a free country, isn't it?
Friday, October 06, 2006
Blessing....What does this mean?
Does it mean that a person gets rewards for all they do, or does it mean that, despite our actions or mis-deeds, or words to others we still receive blessings?
In my personal opinion, I think we ALL receive blessings regardless of our status as humans, good or bad. Some blessings come disguised as consequences though, others as rewards. Depending on how an individual perceives said blessings.
A wise person told me, "We should be thankful for our blessings ahead of time." I tend to agree. This would mean, saying thanks to The Creator, God/ess, divine, supreme being, Universe etc. BEFORE the blessing appears. Being thankful opens up a multitude of opportunities to be blessed.
My grandmother used to sing a church favorite "Count your blessings NAME them one by one, count your blessings see what God has done." Again, this implies not only Naming your blessings, but being thankful ahead of time. I think this sets us up to receive all that we are capable of. Now, to "name" one's blessings, here is a concept that some may call limiting. If we put a label on our blessings to receive, does this limit what we get? OR, does it put into the energy of thankfulness what we desire? Is that like imposing our will upon God or creation? OR is this more like wishing? If one will just ask for what he/she needs, and grab the manifested blessing that is already available to them, I don't think that is imposing our will. It is just taking of the blessing that already exists. After all, everything we desire has already been provided, we just have to grasp it and be thankful for it.
So, in order to receive blessings, be thankful. It can never hurt.
Peace, joy and MANY blessings to all.
Does it mean that a person gets rewards for all they do, or does it mean that, despite our actions or mis-deeds, or words to others we still receive blessings?
In my personal opinion, I think we ALL receive blessings regardless of our status as humans, good or bad. Some blessings come disguised as consequences though, others as rewards. Depending on how an individual perceives said blessings.
A wise person told me, "We should be thankful for our blessings ahead of time." I tend to agree. This would mean, saying thanks to The Creator, God/ess, divine, supreme being, Universe etc. BEFORE the blessing appears. Being thankful opens up a multitude of opportunities to be blessed.
My grandmother used to sing a church favorite "Count your blessings NAME them one by one, count your blessings see what God has done." Again, this implies not only Naming your blessings, but being thankful ahead of time. I think this sets us up to receive all that we are capable of. Now, to "name" one's blessings, here is a concept that some may call limiting. If we put a label on our blessings to receive, does this limit what we get? OR, does it put into the energy of thankfulness what we desire? Is that like imposing our will upon God or creation? OR is this more like wishing? If one will just ask for what he/she needs, and grab the manifested blessing that is already available to them, I don't think that is imposing our will. It is just taking of the blessing that already exists. After all, everything we desire has already been provided, we just have to grasp it and be thankful for it.
So, in order to receive blessings, be thankful. It can never hurt.
Peace, joy and MANY blessings to all.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
World Headlines for today, October 5, 2006
1. Moscow to try to prevent N. Korea nuke test
2. Iran and North Korea defy nuclear warnings
3. North Korea threat targets U.S. concessions (Israel)
4. North Koreas nuclear wake up call
5. Nuclear test could trigger arms race
6. Fear at North Koreas nuclear test threat
7. Japan and U.S. push UN to punish North Korea
8. Nuke test worries North Koreas neighbors (Israel)
First of all, there are several things that are contained in this short list of headlines that caught my attention. Those parts are highlighted and clearly disturbing to me.
This was passed along to me by my father. Let me say, he and I have not always seen eye to eye on world events, but, I believe that our opinions are becoming similar. Especially on a global scale.
You see, he and I have come to an agreement on a few things. One: that our world is in dire need of change, before it changes despite humans. Two: if we refuse to accept that our world is on a downward spiral to self destruction, we are kidding ourselves. Three: IF we wake up and start to TRY and do something to affect change on our existence, we might have a chance.
The only thing I can say about current events, as most readers have noticed, is that we really don't stand a chance on a global scale. Most, if not all, countries have already started an arms race. It's mostly the major powers that have the arms, now it's a matter of time before we see nuclear war in our lifetime. This is NOT acceptable to me! This should not be acceptable to ANYONE! Our lovely government has no means to stop any country from doing what it will, this includes stopping or sanctioning those countries in nuclear test stages as well. If NOrth Korea or Iran decide they want to blow up stuff or other countries along the way, they will do so. No amount of negotiating or sanctioning from the UN will effectively prevent those nations from destroying themselves. On the other hand, if the US decides to try "true preventative measures", we will blow someone to hell before they can do it. Because it's America's nature to interfere with and try to control others weapons. We are the World Police. Now, don't hate on me for agreeing with global opinion here. Also, don't think I am anti-America, because I am not. I am in fact disgusted with ALL nations right now. I just think we should try to set an example for other countries to follow. Unfortunately, our example has been for so long, the wrong one.
Democracy, in it's infantile stage is great. Once it becomes bigger than the government can handle, it is then a monster. I find that when we try to impose our beliefs or political structure on another, it's like trying to convince a non-Christian that he/she is wrong and going to hell. Whether or not it's correct makes no difference. The fact is, you cannot FORCE someone to believe your ways are right. Look at all of history. How many wars have been fought over belief? How many millions of people have died in pursuit of their religious faith? Do you think the Jewish culture wants to convert the world? Even if they did, do you think killing their enemies would convince others to convert? Probably for a while, but eventually they too would be overthrown. Muslim faith, what about them? They have been trying for centuries to convert through force, how effective do you think they have been? The Crusades, witch trials, holocaust, genocide on our native people, the list goes on and on. How much more do we have to eliminate from our population before we realize the answer?
On another note, life is full of blessings. We just have to accept the changes we can affect upon ourselves and hope for the best in all things.
I hope people, that happen upon my blogging, are in some way blessed today.
If you are blessed, post a comment, acknowledge those blessings!
Peace, understanding and joy to you all.
1. Moscow to try to prevent N. Korea nuke test
2. Iran and North Korea defy nuclear warnings
3. North Korea threat targets U.S. concessions (Israel)
4. North Koreas nuclear wake up call
5. Nuclear test could trigger arms race
6. Fear at North Koreas nuclear test threat
7. Japan and U.S. push UN to punish North Korea
8. Nuke test worries North Koreas neighbors (Israel)
First of all, there are several things that are contained in this short list of headlines that caught my attention. Those parts are highlighted and clearly disturbing to me.
This was passed along to me by my father. Let me say, he and I have not always seen eye to eye on world events, but, I believe that our opinions are becoming similar. Especially on a global scale.
You see, he and I have come to an agreement on a few things. One: that our world is in dire need of change, before it changes despite humans. Two: if we refuse to accept that our world is on a downward spiral to self destruction, we are kidding ourselves. Three: IF we wake up and start to TRY and do something to affect change on our existence, we might have a chance.
The only thing I can say about current events, as most readers have noticed, is that we really don't stand a chance on a global scale. Most, if not all, countries have already started an arms race. It's mostly the major powers that have the arms, now it's a matter of time before we see nuclear war in our lifetime. This is NOT acceptable to me! This should not be acceptable to ANYONE! Our lovely government has no means to stop any country from doing what it will, this includes stopping or sanctioning those countries in nuclear test stages as well. If NOrth Korea or Iran decide they want to blow up stuff or other countries along the way, they will do so. No amount of negotiating or sanctioning from the UN will effectively prevent those nations from destroying themselves. On the other hand, if the US decides to try "true preventative measures", we will blow someone to hell before they can do it. Because it's America's nature to interfere with and try to control others weapons. We are the World Police. Now, don't hate on me for agreeing with global opinion here. Also, don't think I am anti-America, because I am not. I am in fact disgusted with ALL nations right now. I just think we should try to set an example for other countries to follow. Unfortunately, our example has been for so long, the wrong one.
Democracy, in it's infantile stage is great. Once it becomes bigger than the government can handle, it is then a monster. I find that when we try to impose our beliefs or political structure on another, it's like trying to convince a non-Christian that he/she is wrong and going to hell. Whether or not it's correct makes no difference. The fact is, you cannot FORCE someone to believe your ways are right. Look at all of history. How many wars have been fought over belief? How many millions of people have died in pursuit of their religious faith? Do you think the Jewish culture wants to convert the world? Even if they did, do you think killing their enemies would convince others to convert? Probably for a while, but eventually they too would be overthrown. Muslim faith, what about them? They have been trying for centuries to convert through force, how effective do you think they have been? The Crusades, witch trials, holocaust, genocide on our native people, the list goes on and on. How much more do we have to eliminate from our population before we realize the answer?
On another note, life is full of blessings. We just have to accept the changes we can affect upon ourselves and hope for the best in all things.
I hope people, that happen upon my blogging, are in some way blessed today.
If you are blessed, post a comment, acknowledge those blessings!
Peace, understanding and joy to you all.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006 is wrought with continuing news and coverage of the latest school shooting in Pennsylvania. Again I ask, how the hell are we, as humans, supposed to expect to live beyond 45 years of age? Even in the smaller towns there is murder and mayhem. I spent some time growing up in a small town, so small that I still don't lock doors when I am there. So small, in fact, they only have 3 police officers for a town of 2800 people! No stoplight, not since the big storm took the light out back in 1992. The middle school and high school are in the same building, and EVERYONE knows everyone in town. Anyone have a town like that? Where there are more churches than congregation?
So, my concern is this...when are the pointless killings going to stop? Are they ever going to find a way to keep our children safe in our schools? My 6 year old goes to a small school too, so my concern is also for his well being. Heck, the school in PA is as rural as it gets. A 1 room school in the middle of an Amish community, on a back country road, away from city living, "should" be safer than city public schools. Hell, in the city, the metal detectors still don't catch everything or everyone.
In my school days, I am still young too, but, my days in high school were relatively easy. We didn't worry about all the killings, since we were relatively small enough. The worst I think I dealt with was a bomb threat in school one day. In my Department of Defense schoolin, that was a different story. We had regular lock downs almost daily. Mostly because of being over seas. Still, if I had to deal with the worry that kids and parents do now, over large or rural schools being shot up all the time, I would never make it past 34.
My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims. May they feel love and peace even in these trying times.
To those that think you can kill or maime and get away scott free, think again. I'm here to tell you people, karma is real and if you don't believe in Karma, then call it what you will. Be sure that your sins shall find you out, there is no way you can commit such horrendous acts without being found and brought to justice. Either your conscious mind will not allow you to rest until being dealt with, or you will go the way of so many other killers, death. Either way, justice will be served.
That's all for now.
So, my concern is this...when are the pointless killings going to stop? Are they ever going to find a way to keep our children safe in our schools? My 6 year old goes to a small school too, so my concern is also for his well being. Heck, the school in PA is as rural as it gets. A 1 room school in the middle of an Amish community, on a back country road, away from city living, "should" be safer than city public schools. Hell, in the city, the metal detectors still don't catch everything or everyone.
In my school days, I am still young too, but, my days in high school were relatively easy. We didn't worry about all the killings, since we were relatively small enough. The worst I think I dealt with was a bomb threat in school one day. In my Department of Defense schoolin, that was a different story. We had regular lock downs almost daily. Mostly because of being over seas. Still, if I had to deal with the worry that kids and parents do now, over large or rural schools being shot up all the time, I would never make it past 34.
My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims. May they feel love and peace even in these trying times.
To those that think you can kill or maime and get away scott free, think again. I'm here to tell you people, karma is real and if you don't believe in Karma, then call it what you will. Be sure that your sins shall find you out, there is no way you can commit such horrendous acts without being found and brought to justice. Either your conscious mind will not allow you to rest until being dealt with, or you will go the way of so many other killers, death. Either way, justice will be served.
That's all for now.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Well, the weekend is over. Shame it had to end. The good thing is this, I got to see my son this weekend, I got to practice with my band mates, what a good practice it was too. Then, the highlight of my weekend, I get to see Alice in Chains last night! Rocking Show! Old stuff, new stuff, new singer William Duvall is awesome! I was a bit skeptical at first, with Layne Staley being one of the founding members. From what I heard last night, this kid has skills.
So, 2 hours of old fashioned grunge metal, a set change mid show to an acoustic run of about 4 songs, quick change back to normal and more solid state music.
The opening band, I know so little of right now. "Hurt". I know they have gotten some radio play. But, I don't know enough about them to comment. I DO know, that timing is everything, wouldn't you know it, I went to get some beers and water, looked behind me going up the stairs and the band was coming up right behind me and my friend Karen. So, I got to shake his hand, comment on the show, meet, although brief, the other members. What a night!!
I recommend to ANYONE that has not yet heard or seen Alice in Chains in concert, to do so with a haste. Jerry Cantrell is still kicking it old school with ripping guitar riffs, solid rhythms and leads that are smoking!
So, enough about my weekend.....I will post more later.
So, 2 hours of old fashioned grunge metal, a set change mid show to an acoustic run of about 4 songs, quick change back to normal and more solid state music.
The opening band, I know so little of right now. "Hurt". I know they have gotten some radio play. But, I don't know enough about them to comment. I DO know, that timing is everything, wouldn't you know it, I went to get some beers and water, looked behind me going up the stairs and the band was coming up right behind me and my friend Karen. So, I got to shake his hand, comment on the show, meet, although brief, the other members. What a night!!
I recommend to ANYONE that has not yet heard or seen Alice in Chains in concert, to do so with a haste. Jerry Cantrell is still kicking it old school with ripping guitar riffs, solid rhythms and leads that are smoking!
So, enough about my weekend.....I will post more later.
Friday, September 29, 2006
So, in the news, we are hearing about the latest killing in Colorado. You know what? I think this world has lost it's fool mind. I mean, is it the altitude that causes these people to kill others in Colorado or what? Not only is Columbine less than an hour away from this small town of Bailey, but this guy camped less than a mile from the school, was outside the school for 20 minutes before he ever entered the campus building, THEN he "mingled" with students for 35 minutes BEFORE he lost his mind and started taking hostages. WTF?!
I understand craziness to some degree, but humanity is fast losing touch with the truth of mortality. How many times are we going to say to ourselves that "this will never happen in our town"? How many kids, adults, people in general have to lose their lives before we pay attention to what's really going on in our world? War, famine, pestilence, earthquakes in diverse places, tsunami's, floods in weird locations, tornadoes in the northeastern states......Does any of this hit close to our homes? Yes. As a matter of fact, it does hit close to home. It's happening every day, we are drawing closer and closer to the end of our world as we know it. Some speculate that this is the next stage in the evolutionary chain of events. Science has stated it, theologians have hypothesized about it, even Astronomers have mentioned the likelyhood of a major catastrophe that will change the face of our planet. Do we really have to spend the last few years living in fear of our neighbors going, pardon the term, "postal"? I think it's time for our world to stand up and put our differences aside, try working together to reclaim what we have left of our planet to claim. You know what I mean?
More later.
Peace and tranquility to all.
I understand craziness to some degree, but humanity is fast losing touch with the truth of mortality. How many times are we going to say to ourselves that "this will never happen in our town"? How many kids, adults, people in general have to lose their lives before we pay attention to what's really going on in our world? War, famine, pestilence, earthquakes in diverse places, tsunami's, floods in weird locations, tornadoes in the northeastern states......Does any of this hit close to our homes? Yes. As a matter of fact, it does hit close to home. It's happening every day, we are drawing closer and closer to the end of our world as we know it. Some speculate that this is the next stage in the evolutionary chain of events. Science has stated it, theologians have hypothesized about it, even Astronomers have mentioned the likelyhood of a major catastrophe that will change the face of our planet. Do we really have to spend the last few years living in fear of our neighbors going, pardon the term, "postal"? I think it's time for our world to stand up and put our differences aside, try working together to reclaim what we have left of our planet to claim. You know what I mean?
More later.
Peace and tranquility to all.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I had to cross post this from DailyOm. I felt very drawn to what it had to say. It very well fits some of my current situation. I feel as though I have been slighted in the past few years, in relationships, finance, wants (needs have been taken care of). But the whole time I can think back and remember that in it all, I was still searching and not finding what I wanted. It could be because I did not know I was perpetuating this mentality upon myself. I truthfully have attracted several relationships to me that I lacked in, one way or another. But, does that include the positive relationships? Like family, friends, divinity? I'm sure that is included as well.
I have lacked in my faith, my divine guidance, even though I ignored it for so long, I am listening more intently now to what my Loving Creator has to tell me. Of course, I don't always hear what "I want", but, I think that's the whole point. It's what we NEED to hear that many of us choose to ignore.
So, with that, I shall let you read this article, unfettered.
Having, Not Having=Lack
We all know what it feels like to want something we don't have. It may be a pair of expensive jeans, a romantic partner, or rent money; it may be a certain attitude, a car, or a savings account. This is part of life, and in the best-case scenario, we experience a constant flow of money, companions and experiences, in and out of our lives.
However, many of us linger in a state of wanting and not having, a state of lack that never seems to subside.
We consistently perceive ourselves as not having what we need or not having what we want.
This is an energetically draining state to be in. It is also self-perpetuating because how we feel about ourselves determines what we are able to create for ourselves. How we feel profoundly influences how we perceive our reality. When we feel we are lacking, we look around and see what is not there. On the other hand, if we feel abundant, we can look at the very same situation and see a completely different picture, one full of blessings and advantages. The more we see the blessings, the more abundant we feel, and the more blessings we attract. Similarly, if we see lack, we tend to create and attract that energy. If you find yourself habitually residing in a feeling of lack, it may be due to a core belief formed in your childhood or even in a past life. It may be because you are out of touch with your inner divinity, which is the source of your abundance.
In any case, know that your perception of lack is a misperception that can be corrected with awareness and effort. It can be as simple as taking 10 or 15 minutes each day to quiet your mind and imagine yourself in a state of unlimited abundance, handling the financial demands and others in your life with total ease, drawing from an endless supply of resources. Know that it is your birthright to be fully supported in the fulfillment of your needs and desires.
I have lacked in my faith, my divine guidance, even though I ignored it for so long, I am listening more intently now to what my Loving Creator has to tell me. Of course, I don't always hear what "I want", but, I think that's the whole point. It's what we NEED to hear that many of us choose to ignore.
So, with that, I shall let you read this article, unfettered.
Having, Not Having=Lack
We all know what it feels like to want something we don't have. It may be a pair of expensive jeans, a romantic partner, or rent money; it may be a certain attitude, a car, or a savings account. This is part of life, and in the best-case scenario, we experience a constant flow of money, companions and experiences, in and out of our lives.
However, many of us linger in a state of wanting and not having, a state of lack that never seems to subside.
We consistently perceive ourselves as not having what we need or not having what we want.
This is an energetically draining state to be in. It is also self-perpetuating because how we feel about ourselves determines what we are able to create for ourselves. How we feel profoundly influences how we perceive our reality. When we feel we are lacking, we look around and see what is not there. On the other hand, if we feel abundant, we can look at the very same situation and see a completely different picture, one full of blessings and advantages. The more we see the blessings, the more abundant we feel, and the more blessings we attract. Similarly, if we see lack, we tend to create and attract that energy. If you find yourself habitually residing in a feeling of lack, it may be due to a core belief formed in your childhood or even in a past life. It may be because you are out of touch with your inner divinity, which is the source of your abundance.
In any case, know that your perception of lack is a misperception that can be corrected with awareness and effort. It can be as simple as taking 10 or 15 minutes each day to quiet your mind and imagine yourself in a state of unlimited abundance, handling the financial demands and others in your life with total ease, drawing from an endless supply of resources. Know that it is your birthright to be fully supported in the fulfillment of your needs and desires.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
So, Monday is gone, and Tuesday is here. One more day closer to Friday if you ask me.
Yesterday I was wrought with a temper flare I guess you could say.
I blogged quite brazen I suppose. I just feel that if I am a voice in America, why can't I be heard? I'll tell you why I can't be heard, it's because my voice does not have an amplifier, such as a congressman or senator. Without those voice amplifiers, one could go on through life and never be known of. Heck, I vote every year and I still think my vote is nothing but paper waste. If my lonely voice in a crowded country is capable of affecting change upon our despicable government, I'll eat my words against them. Until then, how can one actually get their voice heard above the din of society as we know it?
Same could be said for religion or any way of life for that matter. Do these words make any kind of sense to anyone out there in cyberspace?
Does anyone care to comment?
Blog away my fellow humans, it is our freedom to say what is on our minds!
Yesterday I was wrought with a temper flare I guess you could say.
I blogged quite brazen I suppose. I just feel that if I am a voice in America, why can't I be heard? I'll tell you why I can't be heard, it's because my voice does not have an amplifier, such as a congressman or senator. Without those voice amplifiers, one could go on through life and never be known of. Heck, I vote every year and I still think my vote is nothing but paper waste. If my lonely voice in a crowded country is capable of affecting change upon our despicable government, I'll eat my words against them. Until then, how can one actually get their voice heard above the din of society as we know it?
Same could be said for religion or any way of life for that matter. Do these words make any kind of sense to anyone out there in cyberspace?
Does anyone care to comment?
Blog away my fellow humans, it is our freedom to say what is on our minds!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Howdy there. I am an American in Texas. I am a civilian, workforce single parent trying to make it in an other than friendly environment.
I only started this blog to get a few of my own OPINIONS out into print. I don't think I am 100% right about anything I post, nor do I expect everyone that reads it to agree with 100% of everything I say either.
From time to time, I plan on blogging about current events, politics and general topics. While I welcome feedback to posted content, I do not welcome bashing, abusive content OR one sided controversy.
I am not a fundamantalist christian or muslim activist. I am actually just a disappointed American living/working to make it. I say disappointed because of more recent attacks against MY home country. Angry because of my fellow Americans ability to sleep right through our freedoms being slammed because of a few radicals having hurt feelings at what is said about their religion.
So, first and foremost (necessary disclaimer), if you don't like being made fun of SHUT UP about Jihad and the infadels being destroyed! If you don't like Allah being portrayed as evil and destructive, stop being the image that we receive! Stop alotting funds to terror organizations to defeat the USA and all Zionist countries/nations! Stop advocating peace and employing suicide bombers to do your dirty work! Stop killing other innocents just becasue they help your cause, unless you like being called dirty, rotten, self distructive muslims! I'll even go so far as to say this too, leave the Pope alone! He never said his feelings were reflected in the quote he read from an earlier ruler, he merely recited them to make a valid point, make peace, not war! Sounds like the world has lost it's value on life all together. (in my opinion)
So, now that I have relatively spoken my current rants on this particular matter, I shall leave plenty of time for the next installment.
Until then,
May peace be your guidance in this unruly life. May love surround your heart, and may hope guide you to the truth.
I only started this blog to get a few of my own OPINIONS out into print. I don't think I am 100% right about anything I post, nor do I expect everyone that reads it to agree with 100% of everything I say either.
From time to time, I plan on blogging about current events, politics and general topics. While I welcome feedback to posted content, I do not welcome bashing, abusive content OR one sided controversy.
I am not a fundamantalist christian or muslim activist. I am actually just a disappointed American living/working to make it. I say disappointed because of more recent attacks against MY home country. Angry because of my fellow Americans ability to sleep right through our freedoms being slammed because of a few radicals having hurt feelings at what is said about their religion.
So, first and foremost (necessary disclaimer), if you don't like being made fun of SHUT UP about Jihad and the infadels being destroyed! If you don't like Allah being portrayed as evil and destructive, stop being the image that we receive! Stop alotting funds to terror organizations to defeat the USA and all Zionist countries/nations! Stop advocating peace and employing suicide bombers to do your dirty work! Stop killing other innocents just becasue they help your cause, unless you like being called dirty, rotten, self distructive muslims! I'll even go so far as to say this too, leave the Pope alone! He never said his feelings were reflected in the quote he read from an earlier ruler, he merely recited them to make a valid point, make peace, not war! Sounds like the world has lost it's value on life all together. (in my opinion)
So, now that I have relatively spoken my current rants on this particular matter, I shall leave plenty of time for the next installment.
Until then,
May peace be your guidance in this unruly life. May love surround your heart, and may hope guide you to the truth.
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