Let auld aquaintance be forgot.....and never brought to mind.....
What a new year it is too! So many things to discuss, so much time!
Let me start out by saying, I was completely un-thrilled by the Saddam Hussein Hanging. Even after hearing about it live as it happened and then seeing the pirated video of it, I still do not like the idea of death (even though he SO deserved it). Of course, I believe that he truely did a bad thing to humanity over the years, but, killing him does not resolve the fact that his people think him a Hero and Martyr. Hmmm, me thinks they're so accustomed to idiots and Hitler like people running their government that they idolize their infamous leader! Screwed up I tell you!
Well, I am STILL glad that I live in the USA, even though I don't always agree with the policies we impose upon ourselves. Even still, with a Democracy like this, we are able to vote without fear of reprisal with violence, unless you consider the vote or die reference from campaign 2004. I don't know who's idea that was, but I assure you, it wasn't me.
Well, other things are going on in my little world I consider to be my reality. I am moving forward with my divorce papers, little by little. I am fronting another Rock band in Dallas, called "Lost Generation". We are a group of 5 guys all in our mid to late 30's, (early 40's). We have Chris on Rhythm/lead, RJang on Primary lead/Rhythm, Steve on Bass, Donnie on Drums, Toby (hey, that's me) on lead vocals, I also do some acoustic work on a few songs.
We are aiming for the stars. Even if we never make it with our name in lights, we will still have a great time getting where we go and at least we'll have music to headbang to. LOL!!
While I am currently involved in a Rock project, I am also still involved with Blaming Grace, an acoustic eclectic blend of folk, pop, bluegrass, classic rock mixed with a bit of gospel. Whew! It's hard to identify with so many genre`s of music and still keep your own style open.
Anyway, I am off to a good start with my New Years resolution I think. To quit smoking, successfully even. You know, so many folks say "quitters never win", well, in the game of smoking, quitters are the best sort to hang around.
I look forward to my freedom from addiction to nicotine and tobacco (reminds me, to the idiot/genius that instituted the new higher tax on tobacco products, thanks alot!) At least I have another good reason to not buy into the corporate scheme to keep the working man down. Right?
Interestingly enough, did you know that Tobacco was used, originally, to bring down the white man? Hmm, I wonder if it worked? Serves them right after the pox filled blankets in winter! Hey whitey!! Thanks for the disease ridden blankets you morons, here, have a smoke, oh yeah, and thanks for the years of persecution so you could own land that you have no right to claim. Thanks for Liquor/firewater, thanks for the genocide you brought when you decided to "settle" our lands. Thanks for the help with losing our identity to Modernization.
Oh yeah, thanks for the way you treat our burial grounds as well as the dis-respect you have for the living Natives as well. Even in the current times we live in, I can say I am glad that I am quitting smoking. Now I can say I am separate from the white mans plan. No longer will I be kept down with a foot on my neck, addicted to a vice marketed by the corporate a$$wipes to increase their own fortune. RJR, I am putting you on notice. Winston/Salem, watch out, if my voice can be heard, and I assure you it's a loud one, you will not hear the last of me. I will be a stereotypical ex-smoker before too long...Trust me, I stopped smoking for over a year, but thanks to beer and nightclubs, my resolve was broken. While on hiatus from smoking, I was the nastiest ex-smoker you may ever know or choose to know. The smell alone of smokers within a radius of 5 miles was repulsing and nauseating to me. I can assure you that I am not alone on this quitting smoking bandwagon. Now that the price of cigarettes has gone up, do you plan on making other substances available on the legal market? Say cannabis sativa? I wish you would. I would stop drinking alcohol and not worry about tobacco EVER AGAIN!
So, with all of this said, I guess I should take a break for today and save more for later this week.
Peace out Humans.
About Me

- Toby
- I am 35, divorced, 1 son 7 years old. I live with my family. I lead a spiritual life within a Native American Medicine and Shamanism realm. I am an active solo musician as well as a part of "The Baghdad String Benders". I currently live and work in Baghdad, Iraq as a civilian contractor. I am versed in Middle Eastern, West African and Native American rhythms etc. I am also a "Trance Dancer" Perhaps also referred to as Totem Dancing, (not affiliated with Traditional Pow Wow dancing.) I also love the outdoors, camping, hiking, chasing storms (not for profit, more for personal pleasure). I am a diverse character to be sure.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
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