Okay you guys and gals in blog land, prepare for my next rant. I forewarn you I will not hold back my opinions (as if that happens).
This concerns the "crisis" in Sudan over the Teddy Bear named Muhammed..Oh no, did I cause a stink over using the name of the oh so holy Muhammed? Seeing as how I am NOT muslim, I guess I am not allowed to use that name for anything? Come on, for crying out loud, who in the hell cares what the name of the friggin teddy bear was? I suppose the teacher should be put to death because she should have known better than to piss off the local population....hmmm, seems a bit radical for a peace loving religion.
So, if a Muslim decided to name their teddy bear or other dolly, Jesus, would that cause an uprising and possible lynch mob? Doubtful, but you never know, depending on if it took place in the Bible Belt or not. Depends on if the Muslim was a teacher or not. Supposing, for a minute that we ALL put down our guns and swords for a minute, perhaps we should examine the true reason for the issue.
Muslims are not allowed to use the name Muhammed or make any depiction of Allah in words, works or otherwise non-religious activities....But when it is done, and may I say, blatantly used to endear a stuffed animal to a CHILD, or classroom full might I add, it's all of a sudden cause to kill that person?! WTF, over?! If it's such an issue, why care about another person using that name at all? What's in a name exactly? Wherein does the problem really lie? Is it because the USA has caused such an outrageous politically correct example that now the rest of the world is trying to catch up and be like us? Have we gone so far to dis-allow the usage of a friggin name in everyday life? Come on! People.....for real......All you Muslims in and not in the USA, get used to the fact that we are going to use the names however we choose, no matter if it's sacreligious to your cause or not! Look at the misuse of the Christian Gods name. I mean, if we can use it to our own advantage or disadvantage depending on your point of view, then what makes you think we care about the proper use of another religions god? Why should we? It's all becomes very apparent to me that we care a little too much what the rest of the world thinks about us. No really. When did it all become a popularity contest?
You know what? In the end, or 30 years from now, who is really going to give a rats ass? Not me. I don't give a crap now!
Do I care about religious rights? Yes I do. I care that everyone now has to walk around on eggshells fearing the repercussions of a "peaceful" culture just because they can't stand the fact that their god had a Prophet and somehow that gives them a copyright on the name. So, what if someone decided to call the Teddy Bear Samuel? Or Elijah, Elisha, Peter, John, Judas....You get my point?
So, in the end the poor teacher gets 15 days in jail, if the mob doesn't get to her first and kill the poor lady. Sheesh, look at the mess our race has gotten us into. We are a poor example to the rest of the universe to be sure. If there IS extra terrestrial life outside our galaxy, take warning, stay away from earth, you may get jailed or killed for using the name earth for your stuffed animals.
That is all!
About Me

- Toby
- I am 35, divorced, 1 son 7 years old. I live with my family. I lead a spiritual life within a Native American Medicine and Shamanism realm. I am an active solo musician as well as a part of "The Baghdad String Benders". I currently live and work in Baghdad, Iraq as a civilian contractor. I am versed in Middle Eastern, West African and Native American rhythms etc. I am also a "Trance Dancer" Perhaps also referred to as Totem Dancing, (not affiliated with Traditional Pow Wow dancing.) I also love the outdoors, camping, hiking, chasing storms (not for profit, more for personal pleasure). I am a diverse character to be sure.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
So, to all you readers out there, I AM still living. LOL. I just took some time to gather thoughts to post as a new blog. I am enjoying the quiet nature of the "cease fire" that currently exisists here in Baghdad. Although if you asked other military or higher up folks, they would say otherwise. Since I got here, there has been no significant cause for alarm. Nice to know.
I have hooked up with a few fellow musicians and we play weekly, up to 3 times per week. We are called..."The Baghdad String Benders". We play a mixture of Bluegrass, Country, Gospel (the sittin on yer porch evenin singin that your granparents told you about) some classic rock, top 40 pop once in a while, only, we do it in one of Saddams old palaces. Ironic, don't you think?
So, quite a diverse bunch. We have 2-3 guitarists at any given time, Nathaniel Sears, Abby Bradley, Toby Stell, Vincent Foulk guitar and mandolin/mandola, Bernie Poindexter Banjo, til he left to go back to the USA. Anyways, it keeps the boredom at bay, for the most part.
So, I'm going to try and post a picture of the band taken on the last night we were all together, before Bernie left.
Till next time, BLOG ON!!
Peace, FROM the Middle East.
I have hooked up with a few fellow musicians and we play weekly, up to 3 times per week. We are called..."The Baghdad String Benders". We play a mixture of Bluegrass, Country, Gospel (the sittin on yer porch evenin singin that your granparents told you about) some classic rock, top 40 pop once in a while, only, we do it in one of Saddams old palaces. Ironic, don't you think?
So, quite a diverse bunch. We have 2-3 guitarists at any given time, Nathaniel Sears, Abby Bradley, Toby Stell, Vincent Foulk guitar and mandolin/mandola, Bernie Poindexter Banjo, til he left to go back to the USA. Anyways, it keeps the boredom at bay, for the most part.
So, I'm going to try and post a picture of the band taken on the last night we were all together, before Bernie left.
Till next time, BLOG ON!!
Peace, FROM the Middle East.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
So, I'm over seas in Iraq now. I can say this, it's not as shaky as I thought it would be. I do know a couple of things...1.when you hear a BOOM! it's very likely you need to duck and cover. 2. I don't know too much about the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) of every loud bang I hear, 3. when you see someone running out of their housing to the cover bunker, you should follow suit. LOL!
Anyways, while over here, I plan on blogging as often as I can to keep those of you tuned into my thoughts aware of what's going on, with care of course. I know I can't tell all that goes on over here, to do so would violate some kind of silence order I think. :P
Hopefully I can achieve some kind of peace or some epiphone while I'm here. Maybe even pen a few lines of prose or new songs? Who knows.
I will try to keep current so those that, again, are tuned in, will know how I am doing.
Till then,
Anyways, while over here, I plan on blogging as often as I can to keep those of you tuned into my thoughts aware of what's going on, with care of course. I know I can't tell all that goes on over here, to do so would violate some kind of silence order I think. :P
Hopefully I can achieve some kind of peace or some epiphone while I'm here. Maybe even pen a few lines of prose or new songs? Who knows.
I will try to keep current so those that, again, are tuned in, will know how I am doing.
Till then,
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Newest career endeavor. So, here I am, living in Oklahoma, working on some of the most beautiful land in the country (80 acres to be exact). Living with my folks, close to my family etc. I get to work a short lived part time job that goes into 1-2 days per month (SUCK). When all of a sudden, (of course, here's where I can't exaggerate details, cause I've actually thought about this move in careers for a while). I decide to put my resume in to this "head hunter" that my buddy got a job through. So, I write an email to this human resources lady in Texas. I send her a resume`. I wait for a couple of weeks before I decide to follow up on it, cause I don't want to be pushy, right? So I write an email to her again. It seems I am not getting a response, so I stepped up my efforts...Wait, hold up....Back up the info bus!
Take you back a few months to the time when I first got the heads up on this job. Before I even moved up to Oklahoma from TX. I sat on this email from my buddy for almost 4 months before I even acted on this hot job possibility. It gave me time to think about things, consider other options, other job offers, snort, what other job offers?! Yeah, I know, no cynicism allowed. Okay....So, after I sent this HR person my resume` a 2nd time, I finally got a response. I'm to be scheduled for a telephone interview. Okay, no problem, I can handle that okay, I give good phone. (got the ability from years on a phone in a customer service realm. So, the interview happens, I felt pretty good about it. I am told that after the interview I can expect a few days perhaps in between time that I hear back about the next phase. So, later on the SAME DAY, I get this phone call. It's another HR lady telling me the company wants to have me fly into their headquarters in Virginia for an interview, face to face.
Well, imagine that......
So, they paid for the flight
I paid for the hotel (that's another rant entirely) I get a job offer the next day before I leave to come back to Oklahoma. Well, after talking to my folks the night before and several weeks before that, I had already accepted the offer before they made it. Well, they had hired me based on the phone interview, and perhaps a referral from my good buddy. THANKS GOOD BUDDY!!
Cut to the now, the present, the well, right here. LOL! I now have 2 weeks before I fly back to the east coast to train for my new career. I'm flying to West Virginia first for 3 days, then to Georgia for another week, then...Well, I can't say exactly where cause I don't rightly know exact details until I get my itinerary, but I assure you, the compensation package is DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what I mean? I mean, some folks never see this kind of money except in dreams, okay? Yeah, it's that good. Anyways....Just wanted to share in my excitement. I will be out of touch for about 4-5 months, depending on my itinerary (again that word haunts me) ;)
I will definitely stay in touch though.
Peace to all.
Take you back a few months to the time when I first got the heads up on this job. Before I even moved up to Oklahoma from TX. I sat on this email from my buddy for almost 4 months before I even acted on this hot job possibility. It gave me time to think about things, consider other options, other job offers, snort, what other job offers?! Yeah, I know, no cynicism allowed. Okay....So, after I sent this HR person my resume` a 2nd time, I finally got a response. I'm to be scheduled for a telephone interview. Okay, no problem, I can handle that okay, I give good phone. (got the ability from years on a phone in a customer service realm. So, the interview happens, I felt pretty good about it. I am told that after the interview I can expect a few days perhaps in between time that I hear back about the next phase. So, later on the SAME DAY, I get this phone call. It's another HR lady telling me the company wants to have me fly into their headquarters in Virginia for an interview, face to face.
So, they paid for the flight
Cut to the now, the present, the well, right here. LOL! I now have 2 weeks before I fly back to the east coast to train for my new career. I'm flying to West Virginia first for 3 days, then to Georgia for another week, then...Well, I can't say exactly where cause I don't rightly know exact details until I get my itinerary, but I assure you, the compensation package is DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what I mean? I mean, some folks never see this kind of money except in dreams, okay? Yeah, it's that good. Anyways....Just wanted to share in my excitement. I will be out of touch for about 4-5 months, depending on my itinerary (again that word haunts me) ;)
I will definitely stay in touch though.
Peace to all.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Hello all you bloggers! Today is July 30, 2007. We're almost done with the month. On to August! With the summer nearing a close (doesn't feel like it) we have a few things to remember before the end of the sun's reign. It's almost time to gather in the last of the crops, before they burn up. Remember to store up now for the autumn and winter, it seems we will see quite a winter this year. After all of the rains and hot weather in parts of the USA....Does anyone catch the change in climate? Has anyone else thought about the subsequent difference in weather patterns this year? I am just wondering if I'm the only one that has noticed...
I went to Virginia on July 16th for a job interview and came back on the 17th. I got to fly into Washington DC via Denver from OKC. I was only there long enough to stay in an overpriced hotel for one night (Holiday Inn Rosslyn, I will not patronize your establishment again) You were overpriced, snobby and otherwise down right rude! I realized this information all too late, not that I was in control of my reservations mind you, the company interviewing me was the arrangement side of things. Alas, they paid for my flight there and back, which went rather smoothly all things considered. I was slightly worried about all of the checkpoints and TSA, but everything went off without a hitch. Surprisingly enough, they did not tell me to remove my tube of toothpaste, even though it was over the 3 oz maximum, nor did they ask about my over sized bottle of contact lens solution (12 oz) go figure. ;)
Well, I signed the contract with a good company, referred by a good friend of mine. I will be flying back out next month to train and go from there.
More on that topic later.
Peaceful Monday!
I went to Virginia on July 16th for a job interview and came back on the 17th. I got to fly into Washington DC via Denver from OKC. I was only there long enough to stay in an overpriced hotel for one night (Holiday Inn Rosslyn, I will not patronize your establishment again) You were overpriced, snobby and otherwise down right rude! I realized this information all too late, not that I was in control of my reservations mind you, the company interviewing me was the arrangement side of things. Alas, they paid for my flight there and back, which went rather smoothly all things considered. I was slightly worried about all of the checkpoints and TSA, but everything went off without a hitch. Surprisingly enough, they did not tell me to remove my tube of toothpaste, even though it was over the 3 oz maximum, nor did they ask about my over sized bottle of contact lens solution (12 oz) go figure. ;)
Well, I signed the contract with a good company, referred by a good friend of mine. I will be flying back out next month to train and go from there.
More on that topic later.
Peaceful Monday!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Today is July 8, 2007. The day after "Live Earth" 7-7-07. I see most of us are still alive and kicking. That's good, but, I'll let you in on a theory I've been pondering lately...
I've griped about all the rain in the first of the summer months. Well, I may have been hasty in griping. Seems to me, in theory, all the water that has been poured into Texas and Oklahoma and some of the neighboring states has been preparing us for warmer climates. I see it this way...The sun has been playing havoc with our climate since 20 years ago. Now, more than ever, we should pay attention to the tell tale signs of sunspots. I believe that, in time, we will see sunspot activity so intense, it will cause flash fires across the USA. In doing so, all the Pacific and East coasts (the ones in drought) will burn significantly. This puts the central USA in the way, or as I call it "the fire break". If and when this happens, I believe that the areas curently in drought, will burn or start burning almost spontaneously. When this takes place, I believe that the central states will provide a sort of oasis that casues the fires to stop. Thus securing the east and west coasts, to a point. I don't believe that global warming is all natural, I do know that we as humans, should take responsibility for our actions as a whole. Yes, we are to blame for some of the damageas to our world. I don't think we can begin to repair them either.
I think that the ideas presented by Al Gore are promising steps to make us all aware of the issues, but, I don't think we can alter our past mistakes. What I think we should do as humans, is, reduce the amount of gasoline we use on a daily, weekely, monthly and yearly basis. I think we should reduce our importing from Oil rich nations. I think we should stop burning coal, start using more hydroelectric power and possibly hydrogen power. Fossil fuels WILL run out! This is not a looming possibility any longer, it is a looming likelyhood in our day and age. There are many things we can do to make our world nicer. We can never reverse what has already been done, that much is apparent. Consider all the oil corporations, both domestic and foreign. How do you think they are going to take a drop or complete drop off of business if we outlaw oil usage? First of, we have to come up with a replacement RENEWABLE energy concept. Once this has been successfully done, we can move on to furthering the repairs to our climate. For right now, just suffice it to say, we are in for one heck of a ride with the coming climate roller coaster. I for one, am glad that the warming trend has brought many to their senses. I am only sad that it took so long for many to realize the damage we are inflicting upon ourselves. Hindsight is 20/20. Go figure...
I wish peace upon all, prosperity, love and happiness. But above all, I wish upon our planet, health and well being.
I've griped about all the rain in the first of the summer months. Well, I may have been hasty in griping. Seems to me, in theory, all the water that has been poured into Texas and Oklahoma and some of the neighboring states has been preparing us for warmer climates. I see it this way...The sun has been playing havoc with our climate since 20 years ago. Now, more than ever, we should pay attention to the tell tale signs of sunspots. I believe that, in time, we will see sunspot activity so intense, it will cause flash fires across the USA. In doing so, all the Pacific and East coasts (the ones in drought) will burn significantly. This puts the central USA in the way, or as I call it "the fire break". If and when this happens, I believe that the areas curently in drought, will burn or start burning almost spontaneously. When this takes place, I believe that the central states will provide a sort of oasis that casues the fires to stop. Thus securing the east and west coasts, to a point. I don't believe that global warming is all natural, I do know that we as humans, should take responsibility for our actions as a whole. Yes, we are to blame for some of the damageas to our world. I don't think we can begin to repair them either.
I think that the ideas presented by Al Gore are promising steps to make us all aware of the issues, but, I don't think we can alter our past mistakes. What I think we should do as humans, is, reduce the amount of gasoline we use on a daily, weekely, monthly and yearly basis. I think we should reduce our importing from Oil rich nations. I think we should stop burning coal, start using more hydroelectric power and possibly hydrogen power. Fossil fuels WILL run out! This is not a looming possibility any longer, it is a looming likelyhood in our day and age. There are many things we can do to make our world nicer. We can never reverse what has already been done, that much is apparent. Consider all the oil corporations, both domestic and foreign. How do you think they are going to take a drop or complete drop off of business if we outlaw oil usage? First of, we have to come up with a replacement RENEWABLE energy concept. Once this has been successfully done, we can move on to furthering the repairs to our climate. For right now, just suffice it to say, we are in for one heck of a ride with the coming climate roller coaster. I for one, am glad that the warming trend has brought many to their senses. I am only sad that it took so long for many to realize the damage we are inflicting upon ourselves. Hindsight is 20/20. Go figure...
I wish peace upon all, prosperity, love and happiness. But above all, I wish upon our planet, health and well being.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Howdy there folks in Blogger land!
If you all watch any form of news media, you may or may not have heard or seen anything about "Hamas Mouse".
I watched and have a couple of comments to the news media in the USA, as well as the government that allows this to get out into mainstream USA media resources. ARE YOU STUPID? That's the number one comment thus far. #2 ARE YOU STUPID? Sounds a bit redundant eh? The reason I ask are you stupid is this. Why in the hell would you allow propaganda into our mainstream news feeds anyway? Who decided to interpret this crazy crap and put it out so that everyone, America, and our Muslim immigrants can see? I am not a supporter of Palestine or Hamas, or Al Quaeda, or any other radical group against freedom. I AM against seeing this crap posted for all the free world to get their eyes on! To be fair, if you saw an Anarchist website posted with propaganda, it would be called freedom of speech, but it would be quieted or removed. Yes? What if Texans started posting Propaganda regarding Seceding from the rest of America? Would ou government stand for that? I highly doubt it. People would be outraged! Putting these children up to recording this crap and then putting it on the air in the Middle East just fuels the fire of war and destruction. Not only to the Muslim radicals, but it's like their crowning glory to see it posted all over the WORLD WIDE WEB. BILLIONS of people can come into contact with this CRAP! Just like several can come across these blogs and call it crap! Whatever, but, shouldn't we be concerned with pasting this all over to be seen?
Am I the only one with this opinion? First of all, the idea of Martyrdom in a cause such as Al Quaeda, Islam, Al Hamas, or whoever the hell these people are, is ridiculous! If you die in a cause that promised you 72 Virgins, well, that's for the Creator to decide. I doubt you will see Allah in the same light when the CREATOR boots your sorry asses back to wherever you climbed out of. I am disgusted with the bariers not in place to filter out this garbage from our Media. And outraged at the people that cross post from Youtube into Myspace for MILLIONS perhaps BILLIONS to see everyday.
There, I'll step down from my soapbox for a while.
If you all watch any form of news media, you may or may not have heard or seen anything about "Hamas Mouse".
I watched and have a couple of comments to the news media in the USA, as well as the government that allows this to get out into mainstream USA media resources. ARE YOU STUPID? That's the number one comment thus far. #2 ARE YOU STUPID? Sounds a bit redundant eh? The reason I ask are you stupid is this. Why in the hell would you allow propaganda into our mainstream news feeds anyway? Who decided to interpret this crazy crap and put it out so that everyone, America, and our Muslim immigrants can see? I am not a supporter of Palestine or Hamas, or Al Quaeda, or any other radical group against freedom. I AM against seeing this crap posted for all the free world to get their eyes on! To be fair, if you saw an Anarchist website posted with propaganda, it would be called freedom of speech, but it would be quieted or removed. Yes? What if Texans started posting Propaganda regarding Seceding from the rest of America? Would ou government stand for that? I highly doubt it. People would be outraged! Putting these children up to recording this crap and then putting it on the air in the Middle East just fuels the fire of war and destruction. Not only to the Muslim radicals, but it's like their crowning glory to see it posted all over the WORLD WIDE WEB. BILLIONS of people can come into contact with this CRAP! Just like several can come across these blogs and call it crap! Whatever, but, shouldn't we be concerned with pasting this all over to be seen?
Am I the only one with this opinion? First of all, the idea of Martyrdom in a cause such as Al Quaeda, Islam, Al Hamas, or whoever the hell these people are, is ridiculous! If you die in a cause that promised you 72 Virgins, well, that's for the Creator to decide. I doubt you will see Allah in the same light when the CREATOR boots your sorry asses back to wherever you climbed out of. I am disgusted with the bariers not in place to filter out this garbage from our Media. And outraged at the people that cross post from Youtube into Myspace for MILLIONS perhaps BILLIONS to see everyday.
There, I'll step down from my soapbox for a while.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Ahhh, summertime. The smells of sweet......hey! Wait a minute! Summer heat SUCKS! Especially the humidity!
Ahh, but the swimming pools, the outdoor activities, camping, fishing, swimming, hiking, swimming (did I mention swimming?)
I am looking forward to Summer Solstice in Summerland this year. I always look forward to it every year, but this year seems a bit more important to me. It seems more personal for some reason. Maybe it's because old feelings for certain people seem to re-surface a bit. You know? The ones that have been in your life and slowly exited out of it? I mean, I understand that people will change no matter what we wish or hope for, but, when you find that one person that you fit with so perfectly and for one reason or another, things don't seem to work out in the moment....Causes regret. That's what I can say at the moment. I mean, you find one person that you seem to fit with in all respects, energy wise, personality, attitude etc. Then because you feel responsible for another person (in this case, married) you drift away from the person you are really right for. Then, later on down the road, you remember why you liked being with that person. Even though the relationship could and would cause issues for those around you. SIGH....
Oh well, I guess that's why life sucks at times.
I guess I should be thankful for the blessings I have and not regret the things I cannot change. At least I will get to see those that I am friends with at Summerland this year.
I cannot wait! I am so excited to get to camp out again!
Well, guess that wraps up my rant for the time being.
More later.
Peace fellow humans.
Ahh, but the swimming pools, the outdoor activities, camping, fishing, swimming, hiking, swimming (did I mention swimming?)
I am looking forward to Summer Solstice in Summerland this year. I always look forward to it every year, but this year seems a bit more important to me. It seems more personal for some reason. Maybe it's because old feelings for certain people seem to re-surface a bit. You know? The ones that have been in your life and slowly exited out of it? I mean, I understand that people will change no matter what we wish or hope for, but, when you find that one person that you fit with so perfectly and for one reason or another, things don't seem to work out in the moment....Causes regret. That's what I can say at the moment. I mean, you find one person that you seem to fit with in all respects, energy wise, personality, attitude etc. Then because you feel responsible for another person (in this case, married) you drift away from the person you are really right for. Then, later on down the road, you remember why you liked being with that person. Even though the relationship could and would cause issues for those around you. SIGH....
Oh well, I guess that's why life sucks at times.
I guess I should be thankful for the blessings I have and not regret the things I cannot change. At least I will get to see those that I am friends with at Summerland this year.
I cannot wait! I am so excited to get to camp out again!
Well, guess that wraps up my rant for the time being.
More later.
Peace fellow humans.
Friday, June 08, 2007
So, we went to the OKC Zoo yesterday. What a fascinating visit we had!! It took us all day but, I think we visited all the animals they have there. LOL! That zoo is HUGE! 110 acres. We were there from 11AM until 6PM. We must have walked around that place 4 times at least. Boy were we tired when we got home last night, to be sure. I crashed out around 9 and slept until this morning at 7. Whew! Tiring, but fun.
So, I saw a very moving video shot this morning. It's on www.youtube.com
It's about the vanishing bees in our eco system. Very moving....I didn't ever think this way until recently, but, without our plants and pollination, even with science, we cannot survive more than a few years at best. The honeybees are VERY important to our survival. It also makes reference to being vegan......hmmmm.......if everyone went vegan, our dependance on vegetables and plants would become more so, I think the population of bees would be over taxed at that point. Isn't that a bit much? To rely on vegetation in the possibility that all of it will be gone without bees? Personally, I don't eat much red meat anymore. I eat alot of chicken, fish and veggies. I rarely eat beef at all. Even pork stands to be rejected by my body, ESPECIALLY in the summer months. I think it's because so much heat causes my discomfort in my digestion anyways, that, I naturally lean towards the higher energy foods. Besides, the length of time it takes the beef to digest can cause way too many issues in the colon etc. You all have heard that I'm sure.
The video also approaches several topic starters.....Ecological disaster, over population, self destruction etc. This is stuff I have ranted about on here before now. I wonder when our "Civilization" will come to realize the truth about ourselves? When will it become important enough to start to do something to help our planet? When is too late?
Folks, we ARE destroying our planet!! How much more proof do we need? Global warming is NOT a concept! It IS a reality!! Eco systems around the globe are suffering at the hands of our leaders, our fellow human beings, our corporations, all in search of the almighty dollar. I think if we were to really search for another place to call home, we would find a "temporary" living place, but we would soon destroy that as well. We don't need to move to another planet, we need to restore this one. It was given to us to maintain, to care for, not destroy! Look at how we've mangaed, or mis-managed, our gifts....It saddens me to realize that my son's generation, heck, not even that close, my generation will live through some very trying times coming soon. We will likely see the end of the oceanic life, the end of the honey bees, then the eventual end of our lives. I cannot even put into wos the sadness this causes me. And yet, I still have peace. It's unfair that I can remain this peaceful despite the eventual consequences.
So, I saw a very moving video shot this morning. It's on www.youtube.com
It's about the vanishing bees in our eco system. Very moving....I didn't ever think this way until recently, but, without our plants and pollination, even with science, we cannot survive more than a few years at best. The honeybees are VERY important to our survival. It also makes reference to being vegan......hmmmm.......if everyone went vegan, our dependance on vegetables and plants would become more so, I think the population of bees would be over taxed at that point. Isn't that a bit much? To rely on vegetation in the possibility that all of it will be gone without bees? Personally, I don't eat much red meat anymore. I eat alot of chicken, fish and veggies. I rarely eat beef at all. Even pork stands to be rejected by my body, ESPECIALLY in the summer months. I think it's because so much heat causes my discomfort in my digestion anyways, that, I naturally lean towards the higher energy foods. Besides, the length of time it takes the beef to digest can cause way too many issues in the colon etc. You all have heard that I'm sure.
The video also approaches several topic starters.....Ecological disaster, over population, self destruction etc. This is stuff I have ranted about on here before now. I wonder when our "Civilization" will come to realize the truth about ourselves? When will it become important enough to start to do something to help our planet? When is too late?
Folks, we ARE destroying our planet!! How much more proof do we need? Global warming is NOT a concept! It IS a reality!! Eco systems around the globe are suffering at the hands of our leaders, our fellow human beings, our corporations, all in search of the almighty dollar. I think if we were to really search for another place to call home, we would find a "temporary" living place, but we would soon destroy that as well. We don't need to move to another planet, we need to restore this one. It was given to us to maintain, to care for, not destroy! Look at how we've mangaed, or mis-managed, our gifts....It saddens me to realize that my son's generation, heck, not even that close, my generation will live through some very trying times coming soon. We will likely see the end of the oceanic life, the end of the honey bees, then the eventual end of our lives. I cannot even put into wos the sadness this causes me. And yet, I still have peace. It's unfair that I can remain this peaceful despite the eventual consequences.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Hello world!!
I am doing well in Oklahoma for the 2nd month I've been here. I am enjoying the solitude and serenity that the country offers. I work a part time job, take care of my grandmother's lawn, household needs etc and most of my free time I spend either visiting friends, relatives or just playing music to soothe my inner need.
I went and picked up my son on the 1st of June, for summer break. We enjoyed our first weekend thus far. We went to "Red Earth" celebration on Saturday morning. We got to walk around and see art exhibits of Native American artists, crafts from different tribes. We also got to watch the Grand Entry (for those unsure of what this is, you can see a re-broadcast on www.powwows.com) The grand entry is when all the tribes that will be in attendance come into the main arena. They dance around while the different drum groups drum and sing the host of dancers around, until all dancers and participants are in the main area. You want to see something like this for your first time, I assure you! Talk about an emotional invoking experience!! Being able to see all the colors, hear all the sounds, bells jingling, rattles shaking, voices singing to the rhythms..... Man! I only wish we would have stayed all day. We missed the dance competitions :( Sadly enough. BUT, my son and I got to go visit with our extended family at a birthday party. After that, we all went as a family to celebrate my birthday at a very authentic German restaurant in Choctaw Oklahoma. (my compliments to the chef!)
(semi post script note: May was a blue moon month, so, my birthday fell on a full moon. How cool is that?)
After that, we all came home, chilled out, got baths and what not (mostly the boy), got ready for bed, (again the boy). After lights out, I traversed to Shawnee to visit and hang out with my cousin and his room mate. We met at this nice pub called, "Knuckles Pub". Very authentic Irish pub feel. We sat up in the pool table area talking and drinking on a few beverages (nice selection of dark and high alcohol beers) and then went to their place and continued talking until almost 1:30AM. I then came home to my bed and slept until this morning around, 9:30. Nice! I like the simple things, like sleeping in occasionally. :)
Well, I'm not much for ranting or raving lately, but, if I had to rave about anything at all....It would be the incessant rain we seem to be getting lately. Not just us in Oklahoma either. But, all across the mid-west. Now, if I were to say that the east coast could use some of this rain, that would be very correct. I know that Florida, Georgia, Alabama and several other states could very well use some of the excess water we seem to be harboring. I have jokingly stated that I feel as though I am living in a rain forest, due to the almost daily rains we have been receiving. I also know that in the summer months to come, we will be glad of the moisture we have gotten to this point. It should prove to be quite a hot summer for most of this area.
Well, Mid-Summer is approaching fast. June 21st will be the summer equinox, the date that the sun is in it's strongest position. The day of longest light. after that day, the light will start to fade into the oncoming fall season. Days will begin to get shorter a little at a time. I hope that we all have adequately prepared ourselves for this time in the calendar year. It is a time to watch closely. Anything in nature that you can look at, watch closely. Pay attention to your environment. Our eco system can fortell the coming weather quite accurately. I for one am lucky to be able to watch closely in my suroundings. I know that city dwellers have a hard time getting to see the signs as approaching weather changes so fast and often without warning, but, the warnings should be heeded. We are very near to completing another seasonal cycle of change. After this, it will seem harder on us as humans to deal with such scorching heat in the mid-west. After all, this area has been in drought for several years. Now the rains have brought some desired relief. Next on the agenda is dry conditions again. I hope we can persevere.
Well, I guess those are my thoughts for the moment.
Be at peace in all your works and bring peace to those around you.
I am doing well in Oklahoma for the 2nd month I've been here. I am enjoying the solitude and serenity that the country offers. I work a part time job, take care of my grandmother's lawn, household needs etc and most of my free time I spend either visiting friends, relatives or just playing music to soothe my inner need.
I went and picked up my son on the 1st of June, for summer break. We enjoyed our first weekend thus far. We went to "Red Earth" celebration on Saturday morning. We got to walk around and see art exhibits of Native American artists, crafts from different tribes. We also got to watch the Grand Entry (for those unsure of what this is, you can see a re-broadcast on www.powwows.com) The grand entry is when all the tribes that will be in attendance come into the main arena. They dance around while the different drum groups drum and sing the host of dancers around, until all dancers and participants are in the main area. You want to see something like this for your first time, I assure you! Talk about an emotional invoking experience!! Being able to see all the colors, hear all the sounds, bells jingling, rattles shaking, voices singing to the rhythms..... Man! I only wish we would have stayed all day. We missed the dance competitions :( Sadly enough. BUT, my son and I got to go visit with our extended family at a birthday party. After that, we all went as a family to celebrate my birthday at a very authentic German restaurant in Choctaw Oklahoma. (my compliments to the chef!)
(semi post script note: May was a blue moon month, so, my birthday fell on a full moon. How cool is that?)
After that, we all came home, chilled out, got baths and what not (mostly the boy), got ready for bed, (again the boy). After lights out, I traversed to Shawnee to visit and hang out with my cousin and his room mate. We met at this nice pub called, "Knuckles Pub". Very authentic Irish pub feel. We sat up in the pool table area talking and drinking on a few beverages (nice selection of dark and high alcohol beers) and then went to their place and continued talking until almost 1:30AM. I then came home to my bed and slept until this morning around, 9:30. Nice! I like the simple things, like sleeping in occasionally. :)
Well, I'm not much for ranting or raving lately, but, if I had to rave about anything at all....It would be the incessant rain we seem to be getting lately. Not just us in Oklahoma either. But, all across the mid-west. Now, if I were to say that the east coast could use some of this rain, that would be very correct. I know that Florida, Georgia, Alabama and several other states could very well use some of the excess water we seem to be harboring. I have jokingly stated that I feel as though I am living in a rain forest, due to the almost daily rains we have been receiving. I also know that in the summer months to come, we will be glad of the moisture we have gotten to this point. It should prove to be quite a hot summer for most of this area.
Well, Mid-Summer is approaching fast. June 21st will be the summer equinox, the date that the sun is in it's strongest position. The day of longest light. after that day, the light will start to fade into the oncoming fall season. Days will begin to get shorter a little at a time. I hope that we all have adequately prepared ourselves for this time in the calendar year. It is a time to watch closely. Anything in nature that you can look at, watch closely. Pay attention to your environment. Our eco system can fortell the coming weather quite accurately. I for one am lucky to be able to watch closely in my suroundings. I know that city dwellers have a hard time getting to see the signs as approaching weather changes so fast and often without warning, but, the warnings should be heeded. We are very near to completing another seasonal cycle of change. After this, it will seem harder on us as humans to deal with such scorching heat in the mid-west. After all, this area has been in drought for several years. Now the rains have brought some desired relief. Next on the agenda is dry conditions again. I hope we can persevere.
Well, I guess those are my thoughts for the moment.
Be at peace in all your works and bring peace to those around you.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Here it is, May 22, 2007 and I have not blogged in a while, a month to be exact. Seems I have been rather busy lately. Working a part time job, keeping the lawn mowed, various chores etc.
I took a quick look in the news....seems nothing too noteworthy exists at this time. I am a bit disappointed to see Melinda Dolittle off of American Idol, I really thought she should be the one to win, but, we'll see who makes it to the last of the contest.
Also, the death of Jerry Fallwell....hmmm, not too much I can say that is noce about him. Other than the fact, he's never been the only one making trouble in the religion front. There are more to take his place I assure you.
Well, I will pay a bit more attention to my blog in coming weeks and months.
I took a quick look in the news....seems nothing too noteworthy exists at this time. I am a bit disappointed to see Melinda Dolittle off of American Idol, I really thought she should be the one to win, but, we'll see who makes it to the last of the contest.
Also, the death of Jerry Fallwell....hmmm, not too much I can say that is noce about him. Other than the fact, he's never been the only one making trouble in the religion front. There are more to take his place I assure you.
Well, I will pay a bit more attention to my blog in coming weeks and months.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
So, I've been in Oklahoma for a while now. I have work already. Got a job by the 2nd day I was living here. I successfully moved all of my "stuff" from Texas to my new (old) stomping grounds.
I am only working a seemingly part time schedule for the moment, but it's enough to keep my attention where it needs to be.
My world consists of: 2-5 hours a day carying Propane bottles empty back to the office, filling them and then returning them to the proper businesses the next day. I can go help my Grandmother in the afternoons with my free time. I get to maintain her lawn, approximately 2-3 acres, I help her with household issues, such as light bulb changes, dusting, light maintenance etc. I get to sit and talk with an elder from my maternal side, (imagine getting to hear all of the family history from a living historian?) I love it! I am learning more about my family history each time I sit with her. This is a good thing, seeing as how I will now be able to pass along the information to my son as he gets older as well.
I went to OKC yesterday for the "Deal or No Deal" casting call. WOW! I spent 10 hours in the baseball park, (AT&T Ball Park) with about 10-12,000 other people all vying for that one chance to appear as a contestant. The only thing is, we all had about 20 seconds to sell ourselves to the casting directors at 10 people in a room at a time. Whew! I got slightly sun kissed, which is not a bad deal. I got to sit around many various folks from all walks of life. Possibly even making a mark on their lives as well. Who knows. All I can say is, if I get to go to another casting call for anything again, I will be a bit more prepared from this experience.
So, as for the news front...I can say that I have been so out of touch from the world and local events since I have a slower connection to the internet. I rarely get to view the US news on CNN.com like I used to. All the news I get to see is on local or affiliate channels i.e CBS, FOX, NBC etc. I do know this, Monday night, the new and final 9 episodes of "Heroes" begins again, after an all new Deal or No Deal. So, for those fans of the 2 shows mentioned, be on your toes. I can assure you of a fantastic new season of Heroes.
Well, not too much to blog about at the moment.
More later.
I am only working a seemingly part time schedule for the moment, but it's enough to keep my attention where it needs to be.
My world consists of: 2-5 hours a day carying Propane bottles empty back to the office, filling them and then returning them to the proper businesses the next day. I can go help my Grandmother in the afternoons with my free time. I get to maintain her lawn, approximately 2-3 acres, I help her with household issues, such as light bulb changes, dusting, light maintenance etc. I get to sit and talk with an elder from my maternal side, (imagine getting to hear all of the family history from a living historian?) I love it! I am learning more about my family history each time I sit with her. This is a good thing, seeing as how I will now be able to pass along the information to my son as he gets older as well.
I went to OKC yesterday for the "Deal or No Deal" casting call. WOW! I spent 10 hours in the baseball park, (AT&T Ball Park) with about 10-12,000 other people all vying for that one chance to appear as a contestant. The only thing is, we all had about 20 seconds to sell ourselves to the casting directors at 10 people in a room at a time. Whew! I got slightly sun kissed, which is not a bad deal. I got to sit around many various folks from all walks of life. Possibly even making a mark on their lives as well. Who knows. All I can say is, if I get to go to another casting call for anything again, I will be a bit more prepared from this experience.
So, as for the news front...I can say that I have been so out of touch from the world and local events since I have a slower connection to the internet. I rarely get to view the US news on CNN.com like I used to. All the news I get to see is on local or affiliate channels i.e CBS, FOX, NBC etc. I do know this, Monday night, the new and final 9 episodes of "Heroes" begins again, after an all new Deal or No Deal. So, for those fans of the 2 shows mentioned, be on your toes. I can assure you of a fantastic new season of Heroes.
Well, not too much to blog about at the moment.
More later.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Well, I have passed the 90 day mark on the no smoking front. April 3rd was the anniversary. I also passed the border into Oklahoma this past weekend. I got the majority of my stuff all moved into my new pad. I still have a few things to get moved up here, but this coming weekend I can finish with the move in one fell swoop.
I am looking forward to being back in the country. :)
I am already getting to see family again, that makes me feel good. There are some things that I can say I already miss in Texas, but, I do NOT miss the noise, airplanes, NOISE, neighbors above and below me, NOISE, did I mention noise? I can also practice my guitar and singing with no regard to my own noise level. I don't have neighbors to disturb (fortunately for them). I can take a walk out my back door and I have nothing but God's country to walk around in. Just about 80 acres to roam on. Nice! I just hope that all works out the way I envision it.
For now, I am good to go. Time will heal some wounds incurred by my time in Texas.
More to come. Maybe I should re-name my blog to : "Peace of my mind". LOL.
I am looking forward to being back in the country. :)
I am already getting to see family again, that makes me feel good. There are some things that I can say I already miss in Texas, but, I do NOT miss the noise, airplanes, NOISE, neighbors above and below me, NOISE, did I mention noise? I can also practice my guitar and singing with no regard to my own noise level. I don't have neighbors to disturb (fortunately for them). I can take a walk out my back door and I have nothing but God's country to walk around in. Just about 80 acres to roam on. Nice! I just hope that all works out the way I envision it.
For now, I am good to go. Time will heal some wounds incurred by my time in Texas.
More to come. Maybe I should re-name my blog to : "Peace of my mind". LOL.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
So, I have run the gambit of employment possibilities in the DFW area. I cannot seem to locate a job/career that not only suits my needs, but also is compatible enough with my attitude.
So, with that in mind, I have made a very difficult decision. I am moving up to Oklahoma to live close to my family and my grandmother. Incidentally, I will be caring for my granny and living right next to her on a nice piece of property. The property I lived on when I was a child. the same property that my papa built their house on before I was born. So, not only am I going to be close to my family on land that I am so connected to, but I'll also be fulfilling a desire to move back to the country I grew up in.
How appropriate is that?
So, with that in mind, I have made a very difficult decision. I am moving up to Oklahoma to live close to my family and my grandmother. Incidentally, I will be caring for my granny and living right next to her on a nice piece of property. The property I lived on when I was a child. the same property that my papa built their house on before I was born. So, not only am I going to be close to my family on land that I am so connected to, but I'll also be fulfilling a desire to move back to the country I grew up in.
How appropriate is that?
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
So, I'm fully immersed thus far, in some kind of sick universal game. One whee most of us have been the players at one time or he other.
It happens like this.
First, you geto to search for a job.
Second, you get to finally find one that you might like.
Thirdly, after finding out that you don't think you like the job, you quit and now have o start all over again. This whole beginning thing I am encountering is getting boorish. And it's not even like it's any one else's fault but my own. I have yet to find a job that I really like to work at. (besides music, and that job really doesn't pay unless you're a recorded artist)
So, this year has been about allot of quitting. Quitting smoking, good choice, so I can live a healthier and prosperous life. Well, so far I feel physically better, but this whole prosperous thing is really taking aim at me. I know, my 5th seven year cycle is about to begin...for those that are aware of what I am speaking of...See, things start to change from what a person is familiar with at the passing of each 7 years of life. I have referred to it as a rite of passage, which it is, but why should my life take on such drastic changes? The changes don't reserve themselves to every 7 years, but now it seems as seven times per year! LOL! Some joke this turned out to be. :(
Oh well, I know that spring is drawing closer to our time frame. The earth is warming up a bit at a time. Soon, it will be summer again. Time to fry in the Texas heat. Thanks to HUMANITY, we a re all drawing closer to another 7 year cycle beginning. (talking politics here, but I won't start a soapbox rant at the moment) ;)
Now that the earth is getting ready to be planted, we should remember that the seeds we plant now, may not all make it to the first harvest. We have one last cold spell that has yet to arrive on our weather scene. Mark my words, we WILL see another cold spell before March 22, 2007. (also the date of the Spring Equinox)
Also in the news: Daylight Saving Time. We got to move our clocks forward later this year. Thanks to our illustrious government. I am SO pleased about that one. It was so smart too. To cause the mass of it's citizens to ask, "How does that affect us?" Like we care when the time changes! Most don't have a clue as to why we observe daylight saving time anyhow!
The main purpose of Daylight Saving Time (called "Summer Time" in many places in the world) is to make better use of daylight. We change our clocks during the summer months to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. Daylight Saving Time gives us the opportunity to enjoy sunny summer evenings by moving our clocks an hour forward in the spring. Yet, the implementation of Daylight Saving Time has been fraught with controversy since Benjamin Franklin first conceived of the idea. The idea of daylight saving was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin (portrait at right) during his sojourn as an American delegate in Paris in 1784, in an essay, "An Economical Project." Read more about Franklin's essay.
Some of Franklin's friends, inventors of a new kind of oil lamp, were so taken by the scheme that they continued corresponding with Franklin even after he returned to America.
The idea was first advocated seriously by London builder William Willett (1857-1915) in the pamphlet, "Waste of Daylight" (1907), that proposed advancing clocks 20 minutes on each of four Sundays in April, and retarding them by the same amount on four Sundays in September. As he was taking an early morning a ride through Petts Wood, near Croydon, Willett was struck by the fact that the blinds of nearby houses were closed, even though the sun was fully risen. When questioned as to why he didn't simply get up an hour earlier, Willett replied with typical British humor, "What?" In his pamphlet "The Waste of Daylight" he wrote:
"Everyone appreciates the long, light evenings. Everyone laments their shortage as Autumn approaches; and everyone has given utterance to regret that the clear, bright light of an early morning during Spring and Summer months is so seldom seen or used."
Early British laws and lax observance
About one year after Willett began to advocate daylight saving (he spent a fortune lobbying), he attracted the attention of the authorities. Robert Pearce - later Sir Robert Pearce - introduced a bill in the House of Commons to make it compulsory to adjust the clocks. The bill was drafted in 1909 and introduced in Parliament several times, but it met with ridicule and opposition, especially from farming interests. Generally lampooned at the time, Willett died on March 4, 1915.
Following Germany’s lead, Britain passed an act on May 17, 1916, and Willett’s scheme of adding 80 minutes, in four separate movements was put in operation on the following Sunday, May 21, 1916. There was a storm of opposition, confusion, and prejudice. The Royal Meteorological Society insisted that Greenwich time would still be used to measure tides. The parks belonging to the Office of Works and the London County Council decided to close at dusk, which meant that they would be open an extra hour in the evening. Kew Gardens, on the other hand, ignored the daylight saving scheme and decided to close by the clock.
In Edinburgh, the confusion was even more marked, for the gun at the Castle was fired at 1:00 p.m. Summer Time, while the ball on the top of the Nelson monument on Calton Hill fell at 1:00 Greenwich Time. That arrangement was carried on for the benefit of seamen who could see it from the Firth of Forth. The time fixed for changing clocks was 2:00 a.m. on a Sunday.There was a fair bit of opposition from the general public and from agricultural interests who wanted daylight in the morning, but Lord Balfour came forward with a unique concern:
"Supposing some unfortunate lady was confined with twins and one child was born 10 minutes before 1 o'clock. ... the time of birth of the two children would be reversed. ... Such an alteration might conceivably affect the property and titles in that House."
After World War I, Parliament passed several acts relating to Summer Time. In 1925, a law was enacted that Summer Time should begin on the day following the third Saturday in April (or one week earlier if that day was Easter Day). The date for closing of Summer Time was fixed for the day after the first Saturday in October.
The energy saving benefits of Summer Time were recognized during World War II, when clocks in Britain were put two hours ahead of GMT during the summer. This became known as Double Summer Time. During the war, clocks remained one hour ahead of GMT throughout the winter.
A writer in 1947 noted, "I don't really care how time is reckoned so long as there is some agreement about it, but I object to being told that I am saving daylight when my reason tells me that I am doing nothing of the kind. I even object to the implication that I am wasting something valuable if I stay in bed after the sun has risen. As an admirer of moonlight I resent the bossy insistence of those who want to reduce my time for enjoying it. At the back of the Daylight Saving scheme I detect the bony, blue-fingered hand of Puritanism, eager to push people into bed earlier, and get them up earlier, to make them healthy, wealthy and wise in spite of themselves." (Robertson Davies, The Diary of Samuel Marchbanks, 1947, XIX, Sunday.)
As if us "saving" the hour during the summer is going to somehow give it back to us in the fall...umm, no. AND, we have to go to bed an hour later in the "fall back" time, thereby losing an hour of the same hour we saved! Dee, dee, dee!
Okay, okay, I am finished for tonight.
It happens like this.
First, you geto to search for a job.
Second, you get to finally find one that you might like.
Thirdly, after finding out that you don't think you like the job, you quit and now have o start all over again. This whole beginning thing I am encountering is getting boorish. And it's not even like it's any one else's fault but my own. I have yet to find a job that I really like to work at. (besides music, and that job really doesn't pay unless you're a recorded artist)
So, this year has been about allot of quitting. Quitting smoking, good choice, so I can live a healthier and prosperous life. Well, so far I feel physically better, but this whole prosperous thing is really taking aim at me. I know, my 5th seven year cycle is about to begin...for those that are aware of what I am speaking of...See, things start to change from what a person is familiar with at the passing of each 7 years of life. I have referred to it as a rite of passage, which it is, but why should my life take on such drastic changes? The changes don't reserve themselves to every 7 years, but now it seems as seven times per year! LOL! Some joke this turned out to be. :(
Oh well, I know that spring is drawing closer to our time frame. The earth is warming up a bit at a time. Soon, it will be summer again. Time to fry in the Texas heat. Thanks to HUMANITY, we a re all drawing closer to another 7 year cycle beginning. (talking politics here, but I won't start a soapbox rant at the moment) ;)
Now that the earth is getting ready to be planted, we should remember that the seeds we plant now, may not all make it to the first harvest. We have one last cold spell that has yet to arrive on our weather scene. Mark my words, we WILL see another cold spell before March 22, 2007. (also the date of the Spring Equinox)
Also in the news: Daylight Saving Time. We got to move our clocks forward later this year. Thanks to our illustrious government. I am SO pleased about that one. It was so smart too. To cause the mass of it's citizens to ask, "How does that affect us?" Like we care when the time changes! Most don't have a clue as to why we observe daylight saving time anyhow!
The main purpose of Daylight Saving Time (called "Summer Time" in many places in the world) is to make better use of daylight. We change our clocks during the summer months to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. Daylight Saving Time gives us the opportunity to enjoy sunny summer evenings by moving our clocks an hour forward in the spring. Yet, the implementation of Daylight Saving Time has been fraught with controversy since Benjamin Franklin first conceived of the idea. The idea of daylight saving was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin (portrait at right) during his sojourn as an American delegate in Paris in 1784, in an essay, "An Economical Project." Read more about Franklin's essay.
Some of Franklin's friends, inventors of a new kind of oil lamp, were so taken by the scheme that they continued corresponding with Franklin even after he returned to America.
The idea was first advocated seriously by London builder William Willett (1857-1915) in the pamphlet, "Waste of Daylight" (1907), that proposed advancing clocks 20 minutes on each of four Sundays in April, and retarding them by the same amount on four Sundays in September. As he was taking an early morning a ride through Petts Wood, near Croydon, Willett was struck by the fact that the blinds of nearby houses were closed, even though the sun was fully risen. When questioned as to why he didn't simply get up an hour earlier, Willett replied with typical British humor, "What?" In his pamphlet "The Waste of Daylight" he wrote:
"Everyone appreciates the long, light evenings. Everyone laments their shortage as Autumn approaches; and everyone has given utterance to regret that the clear, bright light of an early morning during Spring and Summer months is so seldom seen or used."
Early British laws and lax observance
About one year after Willett began to advocate daylight saving (he spent a fortune lobbying), he attracted the attention of the authorities. Robert Pearce - later Sir Robert Pearce - introduced a bill in the House of Commons to make it compulsory to adjust the clocks. The bill was drafted in 1909 and introduced in Parliament several times, but it met with ridicule and opposition, especially from farming interests. Generally lampooned at the time, Willett died on March 4, 1915.
Following Germany’s lead, Britain passed an act on May 17, 1916, and Willett’s scheme of adding 80 minutes, in four separate movements was put in operation on the following Sunday, May 21, 1916. There was a storm of opposition, confusion, and prejudice. The Royal Meteorological Society insisted that Greenwich time would still be used to measure tides. The parks belonging to the Office of Works and the London County Council decided to close at dusk, which meant that they would be open an extra hour in the evening. Kew Gardens, on the other hand, ignored the daylight saving scheme and decided to close by the clock.
In Edinburgh, the confusion was even more marked, for the gun at the Castle was fired at 1:00 p.m. Summer Time, while the ball on the top of the Nelson monument on Calton Hill fell at 1:00 Greenwich Time. That arrangement was carried on for the benefit of seamen who could see it from the Firth of Forth. The time fixed for changing clocks was 2:00 a.m. on a Sunday.There was a fair bit of opposition from the general public and from agricultural interests who wanted daylight in the morning, but Lord Balfour came forward with a unique concern:
"Supposing some unfortunate lady was confined with twins and one child was born 10 minutes before 1 o'clock. ... the time of birth of the two children would be reversed. ... Such an alteration might conceivably affect the property and titles in that House."
After World War I, Parliament passed several acts relating to Summer Time. In 1925, a law was enacted that Summer Time should begin on the day following the third Saturday in April (or one week earlier if that day was Easter Day). The date for closing of Summer Time was fixed for the day after the first Saturday in October.
The energy saving benefits of Summer Time were recognized during World War II, when clocks in Britain were put two hours ahead of GMT during the summer. This became known as Double Summer Time. During the war, clocks remained one hour ahead of GMT throughout the winter.
A writer in 1947 noted, "I don't really care how time is reckoned so long as there is some agreement about it, but I object to being told that I am saving daylight when my reason tells me that I am doing nothing of the kind. I even object to the implication that I am wasting something valuable if I stay in bed after the sun has risen. As an admirer of moonlight I resent the bossy insistence of those who want to reduce my time for enjoying it. At the back of the Daylight Saving scheme I detect the bony, blue-fingered hand of Puritanism, eager to push people into bed earlier, and get them up earlier, to make them healthy, wealthy and wise in spite of themselves." (Robertson Davies, The Diary of Samuel Marchbanks, 1947, XIX, Sunday.)
As if us "saving" the hour during the summer is going to somehow give it back to us in the fall...umm, no. AND, we have to go to bed an hour later in the "fall back" time, thereby losing an hour of the same hour we saved! Dee, dee, dee!
Okay, okay, I am finished for tonight.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
63 days, no smoking!
Almost 2 weeks without work...
Almost 1 week without a band...
Geez, wonder what's next?
I figure, if it's really supposed to happen, me being found, discovered, signed etc, it will have to happen in my dreams because it seems I am not cut out to be in a band, at least not one that plays rock and roll. Seems that my sound is too clean, too smooth, too un rock-n-roll. So I should "not be in a metal band" if I am going to be a frontman vocalist. Seems that I "should stick to coffe shops and places where the girls can swoon at my sounds". I should not stop playing the music I have, cause it's great, I just can't "front a metal band". Those quotes are directly from one of the members of the band I WAS in. They liked all my originals, even liked the words to the songs that I penned for them on other songs even. They like the fact that I can pen a song lyric with an idea in front of me and not too much time spent. Hmmm, I seem to have all the stuff together to make it in rock, just not the sound of a scratchy, smoked out, coarse sounding voice. I have been likened unto Queensryche, The Cult, Bad Company and a few others, but I am not new enough to front a metal band. I guess that makes me talented enough to sing, but too talented to be involved with a band that wants to make it? That doesn't make a lick of sense to me personally, but maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture.
Maybe I should focus on other things, like career, family, social life, community...Maybe I should just be a hobby musician in my spare time. Play the coffee houses, open mics for the rest of my life. Maybe it's about tenacity, maybe it's about my ego, maybe I should be more forceful with band mates in the future, if I so choose to be a part of another band that is.
Oh well, guess I'll see how it goes.
Almost 2 weeks without work...
Almost 1 week without a band...
Geez, wonder what's next?
I figure, if it's really supposed to happen, me being found, discovered, signed etc, it will have to happen in my dreams because it seems I am not cut out to be in a band, at least not one that plays rock and roll. Seems that my sound is too clean, too smooth, too un rock-n-roll. So I should "not be in a metal band" if I am going to be a frontman vocalist. Seems that I "should stick to coffe shops and places where the girls can swoon at my sounds". I should not stop playing the music I have, cause it's great, I just can't "front a metal band". Those quotes are directly from one of the members of the band I WAS in. They liked all my originals, even liked the words to the songs that I penned for them on other songs even. They like the fact that I can pen a song lyric with an idea in front of me and not too much time spent. Hmmm, I seem to have all the stuff together to make it in rock, just not the sound of a scratchy, smoked out, coarse sounding voice. I have been likened unto Queensryche, The Cult, Bad Company and a few others, but I am not new enough to front a metal band. I guess that makes me talented enough to sing, but too talented to be involved with a band that wants to make it? That doesn't make a lick of sense to me personally, but maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture.
Maybe I should focus on other things, like career, family, social life, community...Maybe I should just be a hobby musician in my spare time. Play the coffee houses, open mics for the rest of my life. Maybe it's about tenacity, maybe it's about my ego, maybe I should be more forceful with band mates in the future, if I so choose to be a part of another band that is.
Oh well, guess I'll see how it goes.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
So, it's been almost 60 days with no smoking. I am starting to feel better about doing physical labor again. It wears me down a bit at first, but then again I have been on the inside office workforce for a long time running.
I am doing better than I could be. My job and I parted ways amicably, sort of...
Anyway, I am going camping this weekend with my son and a few friends. We are going to celebrate my sons 7th birthday in the woods. He'll be leaning about camping, fire safety, how to dig a fire pit, how to hike and search for "treasures", seeing the stars without the impedence of the city lights to stop him. I am pretty sure I have more fun outdoors then most folks. If the temparature were to dip below freezing, I would feel at home. I've camped in colder! Of course, when it starts to get hot, and I do mean Texas hot, it's not nearly as fun anymore. So, that's when you break out the perma shade (AKA 12X20 Pavillion Tent) That actually keeps the temparature 10-15 degrees lower than the outside. Amazing!
Back in the day, you had no options. You either camped out primative like, or not at all. Motels were for sissies! (or for those of us that might like a dirty little tryst every now and again)
So, we plan on being out there in the woods on a 50 acre semi-primative camp spot the whole weekend. I think it's fantastic that my son chose camping for our weekend together! I didn't even have o say it more than once! That's my boy! My mini-me, my clone....okay, my reality. ;)
Well, I guess I'll stop here for today. Not too much going on in my mind regarding outside influences such as News, local or worldwide right now. Employment is my focus at the very moment.
I am doing better than I could be. My job and I parted ways amicably, sort of...
Anyway, I am going camping this weekend with my son and a few friends. We are going to celebrate my sons 7th birthday in the woods. He'll be leaning about camping, fire safety, how to dig a fire pit, how to hike and search for "treasures", seeing the stars without the impedence of the city lights to stop him. I am pretty sure I have more fun outdoors then most folks. If the temparature were to dip below freezing, I would feel at home. I've camped in colder! Of course, when it starts to get hot, and I do mean Texas hot, it's not nearly as fun anymore. So, that's when you break out the perma shade (AKA 12X20 Pavillion Tent) That actually keeps the temparature 10-15 degrees lower than the outside. Amazing!
Back in the day, you had no options. You either camped out primative like, or not at all. Motels were for sissies! (or for those of us that might like a dirty little tryst every now and again)
So, we plan on being out there in the woods on a 50 acre semi-primative camp spot the whole weekend. I think it's fantastic that my son chose camping for our weekend together! I didn't even have o say it more than once! That's my boy! My mini-me, my clone....okay, my reality. ;)
Well, I guess I'll stop here for today. Not too much going on in my mind regarding outside influences such as News, local or worldwide right now. Employment is my focus at the very moment.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
50 Days no smoking! I have had a few dreams that I was smoking though....YUCK! I even have to brush my teeth after I wake up from a dream like that!
On other fronts....Nazi style management techniques reign supreme in my company lately. Seems as though the old adage "Shit rolls downhill" is for real.
Snooping on websites I visit, not that it's my own personal PC, but, seems to me that some of the paranoia derives from someone in the company sending an anonymous email that sparked a rage.
Well, it's the price you pay to be employed, right?
On other fronts....Nazi style management techniques reign supreme in my company lately. Seems as though the old adage "Shit rolls downhill" is for real.
Snooping on websites I visit, not that it's my own personal PC, but, seems to me that some of the paranoia derives from someone in the company sending an anonymous email that sparked a rage.
Well, it's the price you pay to be employed, right?
Monday, February 19, 2007
Okay, this guy is a class A "nutso"! But, how many people will agree? If in fact, this guy is "Antichrist" and has 666 tattooed on his body, I am assuming that he is nuts to believe that he is Christ in the flesh (this according to theology teachings and in-doctrination throughout my life in a ministers household).
Even those following him are convinced he is Christ or AntiChrist in the flesh, but his absence of logic suggests that he is the type that would hold some kind of mental hypnosis or some sort of mind control over his followers. I suggest that he is just one of many to come in these troubled times to rope, swindle or otherwise fool those foolish enough to believe him.
Read on...
MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- The minister has the number 666 tattooed on his arm.
But Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda is not your typical minister. De Jesus, or "Daddy" as his thousands of followers call him, does not merely pray to God: He says he is God.
"The spirit that is in me is the same spirit that was in Jesus of Nazareth," de Jesus says.
De Jesus' claims of divinity have angered Christian leaders, who say he is a fake. Religious experts say he may be something much more dangerous, a cult leader who really believes he is God. (Watch followers get 666 tattoos for their leader )
"He's in their heads, he's inside the heads of those people," says Prof. Daniel Alvarez, a religion expert at Florida International University who has debated some of de Jesus' followers.
"De Jesus speaks with a kind of conviction that makes me consider him more like David Koresh or Jim Jones."
Is de Jesus really a cult leader like David Koresh, who died with more than 70 of his Branch Davidian followers in a fiery end to a standoff with federal authorities, or Jim Jones, the founder of the Peoples Temple who committed mass suicide with 900 followers in 1978?
Prophets 'spoke to me' De Jesus and his believers say their church -- "Creciendo en Gracia," Spanish for "Growing in grace" -- is misunderstood. Followers of the movement say they have proof that their minister is divine and that their church will one day soon be a major faith in the world.
But even de Jesus concedes that he is an unlikely leader of a church that claims thousands of members in more than 30 countries.
De Jesus, 61, grew up poor in Puerto Rico. He says he served stints in prison there for petty theft and says he was a heroin addict.
De Jesus says he learned he was Jesus reincarnate when he was visited in a dream by angels.
"The prophets, they spoke about me. It took me time to learn that, but I am what they were expecting, what they have been expecting for 2,000 years," de Jesus says.
The church that he began building 20 years ago in Miami resembles no other:
Followers have protested Christian churches in Miami and Latin America, disrupting services and smashing crosses and statues of Jesus.
De Jesus preaches there is no devil and no sin. His followers, he says, literally can do no wrong in God's eyes.
The church calls itself the "Government of God on Earth" and uses a seal similar to the United States.
Doing God's work with a Lexus and Rolex
If Creciendo en Gracia is an atypical religious group, de Jesus also does not fit the mold of the average church leader. De Jesus flouts traditional vows of poverty.
He says he has a church-paid salary of $136,000 but lives more lavishly than that. During an interview, he showed off a diamond-encrusted Rolex to a CNN crew and said he has three just like them. He travels in armored Lexuses and BMWs, he says, for his safety. All are gifts from his devoted followers.
And what about the tattoo of 666 on his arm?
Although it's a number usually associated with Satan, not the son of God, de Jesus says that 666 and the Antichrist are, like him, misunderstood.
The Antichrist is not the devil, de Jesus tells his congregation; he's the being who replaces Jesus on Earth.
"Antichrist is the best person in the world," he says. "Antichrist means don't put your eyes on Jesus because Jesus of Nazareth wasn't a Christian. Antichrist means do not put your eyes on Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Put it on Jesus after the cross."
And de Jesus says that means him.
So far, de Jesus says that his flock hasn't been scared off by his claims of being the Antichrist. In a show of the sway he holds over the group, 30 members of his congregation Tuesday went to a tattoo parlor to have 666 also permanently etched onto their skin.
He may wield influence over them, but his followers say don't expect them to go the way of people who believed in David Koresh and Jim Jones. Just by finding de Jesus, they say, they have achieved their purpose.
"If somebody tells us drink some Kool-Aid and we'll go to heaven, that's not true. We are already in heavenly places," follower Martita Roca told CNN after having 666 tattooed onto her ankle.
Even those following him are convinced he is Christ or AntiChrist in the flesh, but his absence of logic suggests that he is the type that would hold some kind of mental hypnosis or some sort of mind control over his followers. I suggest that he is just one of many to come in these troubled times to rope, swindle or otherwise fool those foolish enough to believe him.
Read on...
MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- The minister has the number 666 tattooed on his arm.
But Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda is not your typical minister. De Jesus, or "Daddy" as his thousands of followers call him, does not merely pray to God: He says he is God.
"The spirit that is in me is the same spirit that was in Jesus of Nazareth," de Jesus says.
De Jesus' claims of divinity have angered Christian leaders, who say he is a fake. Religious experts say he may be something much more dangerous, a cult leader who really believes he is God. (Watch followers get 666 tattoos for their leader )
"He's in their heads, he's inside the heads of those people," says Prof. Daniel Alvarez, a religion expert at Florida International University who has debated some of de Jesus' followers.
"De Jesus speaks with a kind of conviction that makes me consider him more like David Koresh or Jim Jones."
Is de Jesus really a cult leader like David Koresh, who died with more than 70 of his Branch Davidian followers in a fiery end to a standoff with federal authorities, or Jim Jones, the founder of the Peoples Temple who committed mass suicide with 900 followers in 1978?
Prophets 'spoke to me' De Jesus and his believers say their church -- "Creciendo en Gracia," Spanish for "Growing in grace" -- is misunderstood. Followers of the movement say they have proof that their minister is divine and that their church will one day soon be a major faith in the world.
But even de Jesus concedes that he is an unlikely leader of a church that claims thousands of members in more than 30 countries.
De Jesus, 61, grew up poor in Puerto Rico. He says he served stints in prison there for petty theft and says he was a heroin addict.
De Jesus says he learned he was Jesus reincarnate when he was visited in a dream by angels.
"The prophets, they spoke about me. It took me time to learn that, but I am what they were expecting, what they have been expecting for 2,000 years," de Jesus says.
The church that he began building 20 years ago in Miami resembles no other:
Followers have protested Christian churches in Miami and Latin America, disrupting services and smashing crosses and statues of Jesus.
De Jesus preaches there is no devil and no sin. His followers, he says, literally can do no wrong in God's eyes.
The church calls itself the "Government of God on Earth" and uses a seal similar to the United States.
Doing God's work with a Lexus and Rolex
If Creciendo en Gracia is an atypical religious group, de Jesus also does not fit the mold of the average church leader. De Jesus flouts traditional vows of poverty.
He says he has a church-paid salary of $136,000 but lives more lavishly than that. During an interview, he showed off a diamond-encrusted Rolex to a CNN crew and said he has three just like them. He travels in armored Lexuses and BMWs, he says, for his safety. All are gifts from his devoted followers.
And what about the tattoo of 666 on his arm?
Although it's a number usually associated with Satan, not the son of God, de Jesus says that 666 and the Antichrist are, like him, misunderstood.
The Antichrist is not the devil, de Jesus tells his congregation; he's the being who replaces Jesus on Earth.
"Antichrist is the best person in the world," he says. "Antichrist means don't put your eyes on Jesus because Jesus of Nazareth wasn't a Christian. Antichrist means do not put your eyes on Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Put it on Jesus after the cross."
And de Jesus says that means him.
So far, de Jesus says that his flock hasn't been scared off by his claims of being the Antichrist. In a show of the sway he holds over the group, 30 members of his congregation Tuesday went to a tattoo parlor to have 666 also permanently etched onto their skin.
He may wield influence over them, but his followers say don't expect them to go the way of people who believed in David Koresh and Jim Jones. Just by finding de Jesus, they say, they have achieved their purpose.
"If somebody tells us drink some Kool-Aid and we'll go to heaven, that's not true. We are already in heavenly places," follower Martita Roca told CNN after having 666 tattooed onto her ankle.
Day 47 is here in the non-smokers realm!
Damn, I feel as though every where I turn in this life thing, stress tries to make itself so apparent to me, it's as if I try to remove stressful situations and all I get is more to deal with. You know? First off, my GF says she feels lied to about some situations we have been discussing. We were discussing us moving in together in March or April. Well, I finally told her, in a not so subtle way that I don't want to live in the trailer she has, mainly because it's out of the way to my job, another thing is, I don't want to put myself in a stressed situation living in a trashy trailer park or in a delapidated trailer that isn't worth the money she pays to live there! I have a crappy apartment that is 2 times better than where she lives right now. But, our son goes to school out where she lives. In almost everything we've talked about, it feels as though I am supposed to compromise on what I want, just to please her. And if I don't do what pleases her, I feel as though she will lord our son and visitation with him over me as she's done in the past years. I called her today to talk to her and she is "mad" over the fact that where she "thought" we stood, we don't, that's where her "I feel lied to" comes from.
I say I should remain single, get regular visits with my son and let that be the extent of it all. Besides the fact, her family doesn't think I am worth a shit, for her or our son, not that they really count in my worthy opinion category. So, I think I will forget trying to maintain anything but a "professional" relationship with her and keep all else as it should be. I'll finalize my divorce and move on with my life the way I thought it should have been to begin with.
So there!
Damn, I feel as though every where I turn in this life thing, stress tries to make itself so apparent to me, it's as if I try to remove stressful situations and all I get is more to deal with. You know? First off, my GF says she feels lied to about some situations we have been discussing. We were discussing us moving in together in March or April. Well, I finally told her, in a not so subtle way that I don't want to live in the trailer she has, mainly because it's out of the way to my job, another thing is, I don't want to put myself in a stressed situation living in a trashy trailer park or in a delapidated trailer that isn't worth the money she pays to live there! I have a crappy apartment that is 2 times better than where she lives right now. But, our son goes to school out where she lives. In almost everything we've talked about, it feels as though I am supposed to compromise on what I want, just to please her. And if I don't do what pleases her, I feel as though she will lord our son and visitation with him over me as she's done in the past years. I called her today to talk to her and she is "mad" over the fact that where she "thought" we stood, we don't, that's where her "I feel lied to" comes from.
I say I should remain single, get regular visits with my son and let that be the extent of it all. Besides the fact, her family doesn't think I am worth a shit, for her or our son, not that they really count in my worthy opinion category. So, I think I will forget trying to maintain anything but a "professional" relationship with her and keep all else as it should be. I'll finalize my divorce and move on with my life the way I thought it should have been to begin with.
So there!
Friday, February 16, 2007
So, it's been 44 days no smoking for me! I still feel like I should be happier than I feel right this minute. But alas, I can only feel as jovial as I am feeling. You know?
Does anyone else feel like the IRS is part of a scheme in alliance with the Mafia? Like, in order to work or do anything in this society you have to pay the government! Did you know that the IRS was an invented office by the President and Congress to help the USA out of the great depression? Yes, after all of these years, they only exist because someone, in their great understanding has allowed this office to remain in action, even though we really don't have a need for them! So, in effect, we should lobby to dis-assemble the IRS completely! After all, why should we bust our asses day after day just to see our hard earned dollars get taken from us a 2nd time? We already pay to live, eat, stay dressed, travel, own cars etc, why should we be robbed even more?
So, how do we amend this office? Do we even stand a chance with such an "incredulous" idea?
Even so, I guess I am still happy with the majority of our freedoms in our "lovely" country. At least I can speak my mind, for now. Just wait til some goon out there decides that I am a threat because of my views. LOL! I would love the publicity that would give me! Bring it on!!!
Anyway...I have a word that I figured I would share with whoever reads this blog.
It's a word I think every person involved with A "religion" should know. Dispensationalism. Look it up. I bet the majority of people would either recoil in horror or be completely confused. I think that because of the introduction of this term/belief system, there has been a GIANT misconception related to this thought process. Not only has it been taught to me all of my life, unknowingly, but it has been the foundation to almost every denomination we have in our country. That's why I am spiritual, not religious.
Anyways, happy Presidents day to America. Go spend as much money as you can while it's worth a crap.
Does anyone else feel like the IRS is part of a scheme in alliance with the Mafia? Like, in order to work or do anything in this society you have to pay the government! Did you know that the IRS was an invented office by the President and Congress to help the USA out of the great depression? Yes, after all of these years, they only exist because someone, in their great understanding has allowed this office to remain in action, even though we really don't have a need for them! So, in effect, we should lobby to dis-assemble the IRS completely! After all, why should we bust our asses day after day just to see our hard earned dollars get taken from us a 2nd time? We already pay to live, eat, stay dressed, travel, own cars etc, why should we be robbed even more?
So, how do we amend this office? Do we even stand a chance with such an "incredulous" idea?
Even so, I guess I am still happy with the majority of our freedoms in our "lovely" country. At least I can speak my mind, for now. Just wait til some goon out there decides that I am a threat because of my views. LOL! I would love the publicity that would give me! Bring it on!!!
Anyway...I have a word that I figured I would share with whoever reads this blog.
It's a word I think every person involved with A "religion" should know. Dispensationalism. Look it up. I bet the majority of people would either recoil in horror or be completely confused. I think that because of the introduction of this term/belief system, there has been a GIANT misconception related to this thought process. Not only has it been taught to me all of my life, unknowingly, but it has been the foundation to almost every denomination we have in our country. That's why I am spiritual, not religious.
Anyways, happy Presidents day to America. Go spend as much money as you can while it's worth a crap.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Well, it's been 41 days and I'm still counting the days, yes I am! Not smoking was one of, if not the greatest decisions I have made so far this year.
As for the news, well, it's no surprise that someone has killed someone else in our country. First up:
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP) -- A trench coat-clad teenager opened fire on shoppers at a mall with just one thing in mind: "to kill a large number of people," the police chief said Tuesday.
The gunman likely would have killed more than the five victims who died had an off-duty officer not confronted him, Police Chief Chris Burbank added.
Okay, now we cannot count on the killing happening in just anyplace outside of malls, now our shopping experience can be or will become a massacre? You know what? If and when we really start to pay attention to the mass of young people reaching out for help in this messed up world, we MAY be able to catch some of the distressed ones BEFORE they go crazy on our town/cities.
For real though, how many folks will claim that this young man was "the kid next door"? How many will claim that he had a perfect life, good parents, good neighborhood, above average in school etc...like it matters! I'll tell you straight, right now...I have great parents, I grew up in a family that believed in talking about issues. True, I was not the picture of perfection in school or otherwise everyday of my life, but, if I had a bad day at school or wherever, I could count on my family to let me talk it out. I have never thought seriously about killing anyone in revenge or because I was distraught. I have had some very stressed out days to be true, not unlike many of us out there. I think that our society is headed for a major breakdown. I feel as though these local and nationwide killings are just the beginning of some serious community issues. Are we ready to deal with the reality of it all? I don't think anyone is truthfully ready for this. I believe that with proper upbringing some of this could be avoided. I also believe that with certain restrictions on our young people in place, we may be able to avoid repetitions in the future. I know this doesn't cover or make much sense after the fact, but, we need to be more involved with our young people! Not just in after school sports! Not in just what happened at school and then leave the kid alone after a pat answer! Be involved!! Ask questions of your child, press for answers when they balk! DOn't be afraid that you're invading their privacy, if they live at home, then privacy should not be an issue! Parents, rise up and take responsibility for our actions! The younger generation is busy killing itself rapidly. Almost too rapid to keep up. Before long, gangs, murders on the streets will pale in comparison to what happens in middle class America, suburbia etc.
Not that it matters, I know I have a limited if that is the correct term for my reader base, or fan base, whatever. But, if I cause offense to anyone out there, I hope it provokes some if not all to take a short time out and consider the true reason behind my rants. To remain provoked to think independently of the norm, circumvent the typical thought process. To think outside the freaking box! That is the real reason I started blogging to begin with!
Well, until tomorrow, or the next time I write...
As for the news, well, it's no surprise that someone has killed someone else in our country. First up:
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP) -- A trench coat-clad teenager opened fire on shoppers at a mall with just one thing in mind: "to kill a large number of people," the police chief said Tuesday.
The gunman likely would have killed more than the five victims who died had an off-duty officer not confronted him, Police Chief Chris Burbank added.
Okay, now we cannot count on the killing happening in just anyplace outside of malls, now our shopping experience can be or will become a massacre? You know what? If and when we really start to pay attention to the mass of young people reaching out for help in this messed up world, we MAY be able to catch some of the distressed ones BEFORE they go crazy on our town/cities.
For real though, how many folks will claim that this young man was "the kid next door"? How many will claim that he had a perfect life, good parents, good neighborhood, above average in school etc...like it matters! I'll tell you straight, right now...I have great parents, I grew up in a family that believed in talking about issues. True, I was not the picture of perfection in school or otherwise everyday of my life, but, if I had a bad day at school or wherever, I could count on my family to let me talk it out. I have never thought seriously about killing anyone in revenge or because I was distraught. I have had some very stressed out days to be true, not unlike many of us out there. I think that our society is headed for a major breakdown. I feel as though these local and nationwide killings are just the beginning of some serious community issues. Are we ready to deal with the reality of it all? I don't think anyone is truthfully ready for this. I believe that with proper upbringing some of this could be avoided. I also believe that with certain restrictions on our young people in place, we may be able to avoid repetitions in the future. I know this doesn't cover or make much sense after the fact, but, we need to be more involved with our young people! Not just in after school sports! Not in just what happened at school and then leave the kid alone after a pat answer! Be involved!! Ask questions of your child, press for answers when they balk! DOn't be afraid that you're invading their privacy, if they live at home, then privacy should not be an issue! Parents, rise up and take responsibility for our actions! The younger generation is busy killing itself rapidly. Almost too rapid to keep up. Before long, gangs, murders on the streets will pale in comparison to what happens in middle class America, suburbia etc.
Not that it matters, I know I have a limited if that is the correct term for my reader base, or fan base, whatever. But, if I cause offense to anyone out there, I hope it provokes some if not all to take a short time out and consider the true reason behind my rants. To remain provoked to think independently of the norm, circumvent the typical thought process. To think outside the freaking box! That is the real reason I started blogging to begin with!
Well, until tomorrow, or the next time I write...
Friday, February 09, 2007
Okay, okay, so someone else died that was in Hollywood's limelight. And then? If someone from my hometown died, do you think that the media would know about it or even care?
I understand, even sympathize with the faqmily and friends of Anna Nicole, but, with all this attention she's getting after her death, it makes the news appear as though she was an important icon in our world. For real! I have nothing but disdain for the media and their reasonings for making a big freaking deal out of a star dying. Since she was well known for her diet pill endorsement, her lack of intelligence, obvious fake beauty, (fake body parts), parentage questioned etc.....now that she's dead, everyone is coming out of the wood work to say how much the United States cared about her. Ummm, WTF? I would understand if she had been "like" Marilyn Monroe, but, I think she was a far cry from her.
Okay, okay, maybe I'm being a bit hard on her......whatever! The media should be concerned about what's going on in our nation, not in Hollywood. Cause guess what? The majority of us have lives we are more focused on than the entertainment arena. I mean, if I wanted to know about the rich, famous and celebs in the world, I'd look online! Papparazzi needs to be more concerned with invasion of privacy issues that they are always seeming to ignore. The fact that they have nothing better to do than to try and publicize the lives of the entertainment world 24/7 is ridiculous! Are there no other stories out there? CNN doesn't seem to have any problems getting news. VH-1 has no shortage of stories to show.
I guess I feel a bit confused as to why we care so much about what others are doing, like there is not enough to keep our attention in other realms, or is it because we have been so de-sensitized to world events that we have to focus more on star's lives and their trashy lifestyles rather than the obvious WAR, MURDER, VIOLENCE, HOMELESS, WELFARE, IMMIGRATION, CORRUPT POLITICS, LACK OF DOMESTIC POLICY REFORM etc.
If we knew what was good for our nation, we would divert our troops back to our shores, rally them to the borders between us and our Mexican neighbors, pay them to actually do something worth wile, like protecting our borders from intruders. Hmm, I bet that'll never happen, seeing as how it actually makes sense. I get so tired of ranting about things that I can truthfully not do anything about. Even as a voter, it seems that the general public have become so dazed with policies, laws, lives, personal problems, Hollywood stars lives, that we don't care about the "real issues". And not a damn one of the upcoming presidential campaign runners will ever be able to address properly the real issues in front of us in this world today. Bush, well, all I can say about him is, I'm glad he's on his way out! Thank God! But, how can I be happy with any of the upcomings? They all pretty much suck for their own reasons. I have an idea...why don't we have a debate between the campaigners and the general public. So we can present the issues to them on an upfront platform, rather than having our corrupt senators, representatives or congress men/women do it for us. Isn't it "supposed" to be , Of the people, by the people and for the people? Why don't we take a more active role? I can give one or two good reasons why we don't. Because we are so used to having everything done a certain way, "I only vote republican, or I only vote Democrat" forget voting for a good choice. It's better to vote for a loser than to vote for a winner, cause that's what we did the last 2 terms of Bush' office. He's a true blue loser republican thief and liar. He's proven that over and over, but he still got re-elected!!! Again I ask, WTF?!?!
It's about time we get someone in office that is closer to the public in the way of issues dealt with, policies not heard about, laws written under our noses without so much as a vote to let them become law. How many times are we going to allow our government to push us down, walk all over us and smile while they do it? I'm not smiling! Iam not even bitching or whining. I'm simply stating what is on my mind. I won't even bother to refer to the freedom of speech bull crap. Nothing in this country is truely free. We pay the government for the right to vote, live, work, eat, buy and sell, pro-create, worship, even pay to go to war for ignorant politicians right wing agenda's! We are the suckers in our nation. We allow unchecked policy to be written for us, because we elect the ones making those policies. We pay for corrupt Policemen and women to guard our sorry lazy asses. We pay for the economy to sag and cause poverty upon our people. We pay to support foreign nations while they are in the middle of civil war among their own countrymen. We support actions against our own people while in the midst of fighting war on a never ending supply of insurgents, in a country that was not even minutely suspect for bombing the World Trade Center Towers. We are paying for the WMD action, that never amounted to anything except a vendetta against the King of Iraq. Never mind the fact that he was as insane as we all thought! And a murdering scum like the rest of his abominable countrymen. We are paying to school foreigners that are embedded in our country even now, despite Homeland security trying to secure our land from terrorism. WTF?!?!
Anyways, I could rant and rave a long time on these topics, but I have to go throw up now. I am so sick of bitching to a government that doesn't care about it's people. Just the almighty dollar and what it can do to win at the "Most popular nation contest."
I wish that Global warming would hurry up and wipe out the population that has scattered itself upon the planet. Then we could think about getting back to the real issue. Life, the way it was intended. Innocence, without tarnished opinions or expectations.
Okay, I'll stop for now.
By the way, it's been 37 days without smoking! At least I can keep my word to myself.
Peace or pieces, whichever comes first.
I understand, even sympathize with the faqmily and friends of Anna Nicole, but, with all this attention she's getting after her death, it makes the news appear as though she was an important icon in our world. For real! I have nothing but disdain for the media and their reasonings for making a big freaking deal out of a star dying. Since she was well known for her diet pill endorsement, her lack of intelligence, obvious fake beauty, (fake body parts), parentage questioned etc.....now that she's dead, everyone is coming out of the wood work to say how much the United States cared about her. Ummm, WTF? I would understand if she had been "like" Marilyn Monroe, but, I think she was a far cry from her.
Okay, okay, maybe I'm being a bit hard on her......whatever! The media should be concerned about what's going on in our nation, not in Hollywood. Cause guess what? The majority of us have lives we are more focused on than the entertainment arena. I mean, if I wanted to know about the rich, famous and celebs in the world, I'd look online! Papparazzi needs to be more concerned with invasion of privacy issues that they are always seeming to ignore. The fact that they have nothing better to do than to try and publicize the lives of the entertainment world 24/7 is ridiculous! Are there no other stories out there? CNN doesn't seem to have any problems getting news. VH-1 has no shortage of stories to show.
I guess I feel a bit confused as to why we care so much about what others are doing, like there is not enough to keep our attention in other realms, or is it because we have been so de-sensitized to world events that we have to focus more on star's lives and their trashy lifestyles rather than the obvious WAR, MURDER, VIOLENCE, HOMELESS, WELFARE, IMMIGRATION, CORRUPT POLITICS, LACK OF DOMESTIC POLICY REFORM etc.
If we knew what was good for our nation, we would divert our troops back to our shores, rally them to the borders between us and our Mexican neighbors, pay them to actually do something worth wile, like protecting our borders from intruders. Hmm, I bet that'll never happen, seeing as how it actually makes sense. I get so tired of ranting about things that I can truthfully not do anything about. Even as a voter, it seems that the general public have become so dazed with policies, laws, lives, personal problems, Hollywood stars lives, that we don't care about the "real issues". And not a damn one of the upcoming presidential campaign runners will ever be able to address properly the real issues in front of us in this world today. Bush, well, all I can say about him is, I'm glad he's on his way out! Thank God! But, how can I be happy with any of the upcomings? They all pretty much suck for their own reasons. I have an idea...why don't we have a debate between the campaigners and the general public. So we can present the issues to them on an upfront platform, rather than having our corrupt senators, representatives or congress men/women do it for us. Isn't it "supposed" to be , Of the people, by the people and for the people? Why don't we take a more active role? I can give one or two good reasons why we don't. Because we are so used to having everything done a certain way, "I only vote republican, or I only vote Democrat" forget voting for a good choice. It's better to vote for a loser than to vote for a winner, cause that's what we did the last 2 terms of Bush' office. He's a true blue loser republican thief and liar. He's proven that over and over, but he still got re-elected!!! Again I ask, WTF?!?!
It's about time we get someone in office that is closer to the public in the way of issues dealt with, policies not heard about, laws written under our noses without so much as a vote to let them become law. How many times are we going to allow our government to push us down, walk all over us and smile while they do it? I'm not smiling! Iam not even bitching or whining. I'm simply stating what is on my mind. I won't even bother to refer to the freedom of speech bull crap. Nothing in this country is truely free. We pay the government for the right to vote, live, work, eat, buy and sell, pro-create, worship, even pay to go to war for ignorant politicians right wing agenda's! We are the suckers in our nation. We allow unchecked policy to be written for us, because we elect the ones making those policies. We pay for corrupt Policemen and women to guard our sorry lazy asses. We pay for the economy to sag and cause poverty upon our people. We pay to support foreign nations while they are in the middle of civil war among their own countrymen. We support actions against our own people while in the midst of fighting war on a never ending supply of insurgents, in a country that was not even minutely suspect for bombing the World Trade Center Towers. We are paying for the WMD action, that never amounted to anything except a vendetta against the King of Iraq. Never mind the fact that he was as insane as we all thought! And a murdering scum like the rest of his abominable countrymen. We are paying to school foreigners that are embedded in our country even now, despite Homeland security trying to secure our land from terrorism. WTF?!?!
Anyways, I could rant and rave a long time on these topics, but I have to go throw up now. I am so sick of bitching to a government that doesn't care about it's people. Just the almighty dollar and what it can do to win at the "Most popular nation contest."
I wish that Global warming would hurry up and wipe out the population that has scattered itself upon the planet. Then we could think about getting back to the real issue. Life, the way it was intended. Innocence, without tarnished opinions or expectations.
Okay, I'll stop for now.
By the way, it's been 37 days without smoking! At least I can keep my word to myself.
Peace or pieces, whichever comes first.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
So, it's 36 days into the non-smoking venture.
I went to the doctor today to check out my ear, as it hurts. I found out that I have a slight inner ear infection, similar to "swimmers ear", it affects the inner ear canal due to an abrasion caused by, likely a q-tip. Go figure!
I also found out that, since my physical in January, I have gained almost 10 pounds. My blood pressure is good, as good as can be considered. I need to watch my sodium intake and caffeine. I also need to start my cardiovascular exercise. The doctor says I should start low impact and move into more as I go. So.....you heard it here first folks. I am starting my program to get fit....next week. LOL. I love procrastinating!
On another note, a sad one even....I learned yesterday that my Grandfather is nearing his last days on earth. He suffers from Alzheimers disease. He is in the last stages, in care of a Hospice facility. He is at the same stage that his mother was at when she passed away. So, my sister and I will go up to Oklahoma over the weekend to see him with our father. I am not looking forward to seeing him so emaciated, but I know that if I wish to see him alive, then I had better go while I have time.
Anyway. I hope that when Grandad passes that his passing is done with no pain and is with those that love him.
I went to the doctor today to check out my ear, as it hurts. I found out that I have a slight inner ear infection, similar to "swimmers ear", it affects the inner ear canal due to an abrasion caused by, likely a q-tip. Go figure!
I also found out that, since my physical in January, I have gained almost 10 pounds. My blood pressure is good, as good as can be considered. I need to watch my sodium intake and caffeine. I also need to start my cardiovascular exercise. The doctor says I should start low impact and move into more as I go. So.....you heard it here first folks. I am starting my program to get fit....next week. LOL. I love procrastinating!
On another note, a sad one even....I learned yesterday that my Grandfather is nearing his last days on earth. He suffers from Alzheimers disease. He is in the last stages, in care of a Hospice facility. He is at the same stage that his mother was at when she passed away. So, my sister and I will go up to Oklahoma over the weekend to see him with our father. I am not looking forward to seeing him so emaciated, but I know that if I wish to see him alive, then I had better go while I have time.
Anyway. I hope that when Grandad passes that his passing is done with no pain and is with those that love him.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
So, it's day # 34 in my no smoking life. I have yet to actually start my work out routine though, I am ashamed about that. That's okay, I won't feel too guilty about it yet.
I have an experience to share from the weekend.
Saturday afternoon, I went to the Irving Wal-Mart to purchase 1 item. I get there, and as always, it's so busy I want to get in and out quickly. I mean, there were crowds of folks, all shopping like there was no tomorrow! I really loathe having to wade through the masses to get to a register (out of 20 or so registers only 5-10 were open, and all of them were full).
So, I'm walking determined to get out fairly quickly, when ahead of me, I spot a line of larger than normal women blocking the aisle. I don't mean just walking wither. They weer stopped completely. They were causing several folks to stop in their tracks! It was like trying to get aorund DFW during rush hour!
So, in my "inside voice" I was telling these certain women to "move out of my way". Well, I think the inside voice came out a bit quicker than I anticipated. Because, as I reached the jam, I said, quite loudly might I add, "MOVE". The outburst echoed through the store even! But, to my surprise, they moved like the Red Sea opening up before me! So I was able to walk along through the mess unhindered from that point on. Just wanted to share my laugh.
I have an experience to share from the weekend.
Saturday afternoon, I went to the Irving Wal-Mart to purchase 1 item. I get there, and as always, it's so busy I want to get in and out quickly. I mean, there were crowds of folks, all shopping like there was no tomorrow! I really loathe having to wade through the masses to get to a register (out of 20 or so registers only 5-10 were open, and all of them were full).
So, I'm walking determined to get out fairly quickly, when ahead of me, I spot a line of larger than normal women blocking the aisle. I don't mean just walking wither. They weer stopped completely. They were causing several folks to stop in their tracks! It was like trying to get aorund DFW during rush hour!
So, in my "inside voice" I was telling these certain women to "move out of my way". Well, I think the inside voice came out a bit quicker than I anticipated. Because, as I reached the jam, I said, quite loudly might I add, "MOVE". The outburst echoed through the store even! But, to my surprise, they moved like the Red Sea opening up before me! So I was able to walk along through the mess unhindered from that point on. Just wanted to share my laugh.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Day 33 no smoking!! YAY!
Oh, I need to pass along the info concerning my good friends latest web blog......please see "Tie Dyed Brain Rays" for the latest and greatest writing about local and or national news. In a format you will NEVER forget, I assure you!
I actually don't feel as though I have much to write about today. I am saving up for a real writers moment though, I bet I'll have something new to rant about before the end of the week.
Peace out Humans.
Oh, I need to pass along the info concerning my good friends latest web blog......please see "Tie Dyed Brain Rays" for the latest and greatest writing about local and or national news. In a format you will NEVER forget, I assure you!
I actually don't feel as though I have much to write about today. I am saving up for a real writers moment though, I bet I'll have something new to rant about before the end of the week.
Peace out Humans.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Day 30 in the smoke free environment I created for myself. Man am I tired though. I think I need a nap, even as late in the day that it is. I have too many things in my schedule from day to day that I feel I have to complete. So, even when I'm tired at night, I have to be at a stopping point in order to sleep. Sometimes I do not get to sleep as early as I would prefer.
Oh well, I'll sleep more when I can.
I am still very excited about not smoking. I get to go to my girlfriends house this weekend, so that will be a test of my will power over cigarettes (as she smokes).
I would love for her to quit smoking like I did, alas, that might or might not happen. We'll see.
Peace for now.
Oh well, I'll sleep more when I can.
I am still very excited about not smoking. I get to go to my girlfriends house this weekend, so that will be a test of my will power over cigarettes (as she smokes).
I would love for her to quit smoking like I did, alas, that might or might not happen. We'll see.
Peace for now.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
THIS is freaking hilarious!!
I can't believe that the people of Boston and law enforcement officials have given the cartoon network the very thing they wanted, PUBLICITY! Bunch of dumb asses! I swear, if a person wanted to cause a scare, you would think they would have been a bit more sneakiy about it all. These guys did exactly what they needed to get the attention of the public. All for a stupid cartoon called "Aqua Teen Hunger Force". I have watched that show and I still think it's stupid! I bet the general public or semi adult population will pay more attention to their everyday lives from here on out. (oh yes, for those out there that thought this stunt was dangerous, it was as dangerous as letting our children watch the cartoon network)
There, I've said my piece, so READ ON! (oh yeah, I'm on day 29 no smoking)
BOSTON - Two men who authorities say placed electronic advertising devices around the city were released from jail Thursday, apparently amused with the publicity stunt that stirred fears of terrorism and shut down parts of the city.
Peter Berdovsky, 27, and Sean Stevens, 28, were released on $2,500 cash bond after each pleaded not guilty to placing a hoax device and disorderly conduct for a device found Wednesday at a subway station. They waved and smiled as they greeted people in court.
Outside, they met reporters and television cameras and launched into a nonsensical discussion of hair styles of the 1970s. “What we really want to talk about today — it’s kind of important to some people — it’s haircuts of the 1970s,” Berdovsky said.
Officials found 38 blinking electronic signs promoting the Cartoon Network TV show “Aqua Teen Hunger Force” on bridges and other high-profile spots across the city Wednesday, prompting the closing of a highway and the deployment of bomb squads. The surreal series is about a talking milkshake, a box of fries and a meatball. The network is a division of Turner Broadcasting Systems Inc.
“It’s clear the intent was to get attention by causing fear and unrest that there was a bomb in that location,” Assistant Attorney General John Grossman said at their arraignment.
The 1-foot tall signs, which were lit up at night, resembled a circuit board, with protruding wires and batteries. Most depicted a boxy, cartoon character giving passersby the finger — a more obvious sight when darkness fell.
The men did not speak or enter their own pleas, but they appeared amused and smiled as the prosecutor talked about the device found at Sullivan Station underneath Interstate 93, looking like it had C-4 explosive.
“The appearance of this device and its location are crucial,” Grossman said. “This device looks like a bomb.”
Some in the gallery snickered.
Boston mayor threatens legal actionOutside the courthouse, Michael Rich, a lawyer for both of the men, said the description of a bomb-like device could be used for any electronic device.
“If somebody had left a VCR on the ground it would have been a device with wires, electronic components and a power source,” he said.
Boston officials were livid when the devices were discovered.
“It is outrageous, in a post 9/11 world, that a company would use this type of marketing scheme,” Mayor Thomas Menino said Wednesday. “I am prepared to take any and all legal action against Turner Broadcasting and its affiliates for any and all expenses incurred during the response to today’s incidents.”
NBC News
Two characters in the cartoon named Ignignokt and Err are "mooninites" — trouble-making characters that look like 1980s-era computer graphics. They are represented on the devices making a hand gesture they often use.
Berdovsky, an artist, told The Boston Globe he was hired by a marketing company and said he was “kind of freaked out” by the furor.
“I find it kind of ridiculous that they’re making these statements on TV that we must not be safe from terrorism, because they were up there for three weeks and no one noticed. It’s pretty commonsensical to look at them and say this is a piece of art and installation,” he said.
Fans of the show mocked authorities for what they called an overreaction.
About a dozen fans gathered outside Charlestown District Court on Thursday morning with signs saying “1-31-07 Never Forget” and “Free Peter.”
“We’re the laughing stock,” said Tracy O’Connor, 34.
“It’s almost too easy to be a terrorist these days,” said Jennifer Mason, 26. “You stick a box on a corner and you can shut down a city.”
I can't believe that the people of Boston and law enforcement officials have given the cartoon network the very thing they wanted, PUBLICITY! Bunch of dumb asses! I swear, if a person wanted to cause a scare, you would think they would have been a bit more sneakiy about it all. These guys did exactly what they needed to get the attention of the public. All for a stupid cartoon called "Aqua Teen Hunger Force". I have watched that show and I still think it's stupid! I bet the general public or semi adult population will pay more attention to their everyday lives from here on out. (oh yes, for those out there that thought this stunt was dangerous, it was as dangerous as letting our children watch the cartoon network)
There, I've said my piece, so READ ON! (oh yeah, I'm on day 29 no smoking)
BOSTON - Two men who authorities say placed electronic advertising devices around the city were released from jail Thursday, apparently amused with the publicity stunt that stirred fears of terrorism and shut down parts of the city.
Peter Berdovsky, 27, and Sean Stevens, 28, were released on $2,500 cash bond after each pleaded not guilty to placing a hoax device and disorderly conduct for a device found Wednesday at a subway station. They waved and smiled as they greeted people in court.
Outside, they met reporters and television cameras and launched into a nonsensical discussion of hair styles of the 1970s. “What we really want to talk about today — it’s kind of important to some people — it’s haircuts of the 1970s,” Berdovsky said.
Officials found 38 blinking electronic signs promoting the Cartoon Network TV show “Aqua Teen Hunger Force” on bridges and other high-profile spots across the city Wednesday, prompting the closing of a highway and the deployment of bomb squads. The surreal series is about a talking milkshake, a box of fries and a meatball. The network is a division of Turner Broadcasting Systems Inc.
“It’s clear the intent was to get attention by causing fear and unrest that there was a bomb in that location,” Assistant Attorney General John Grossman said at their arraignment.
The 1-foot tall signs, which were lit up at night, resembled a circuit board, with protruding wires and batteries. Most depicted a boxy, cartoon character giving passersby the finger — a more obvious sight when darkness fell.
The men did not speak or enter their own pleas, but they appeared amused and smiled as the prosecutor talked about the device found at Sullivan Station underneath Interstate 93, looking like it had C-4 explosive.
“The appearance of this device and its location are crucial,” Grossman said. “This device looks like a bomb.”
Some in the gallery snickered.
Boston mayor threatens legal actionOutside the courthouse, Michael Rich, a lawyer for both of the men, said the description of a bomb-like device could be used for any electronic device.
“If somebody had left a VCR on the ground it would have been a device with wires, electronic components and a power source,” he said.
Boston officials were livid when the devices were discovered.
“It is outrageous, in a post 9/11 world, that a company would use this type of marketing scheme,” Mayor Thomas Menino said Wednesday. “I am prepared to take any and all legal action against Turner Broadcasting and its affiliates for any and all expenses incurred during the response to today’s incidents.”
NBC News
Two characters in the cartoon named Ignignokt and Err are "mooninites" — trouble-making characters that look like 1980s-era computer graphics. They are represented on the devices making a hand gesture they often use.
Berdovsky, an artist, told The Boston Globe he was hired by a marketing company and said he was “kind of freaked out” by the furor.
“I find it kind of ridiculous that they’re making these statements on TV that we must not be safe from terrorism, because they were up there for three weeks and no one noticed. It’s pretty commonsensical to look at them and say this is a piece of art and installation,” he said.
Fans of the show mocked authorities for what they called an overreaction.
About a dozen fans gathered outside Charlestown District Court on Thursday morning with signs saying “1-31-07 Never Forget” and “Free Peter.”
“We’re the laughing stock,” said Tracy O’Connor, 34.
“It’s almost too easy to be a terrorist these days,” said Jennifer Mason, 26. “You stick a box on a corner and you can shut down a city.”
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Day 28 with no nicotine! Almost to 30!
Man, last night, at rehearsal, my stamina and breathing got a reality check. I have been doing a few exercises to increase my breath and some vocal runs to increase my range. But, I discovered last night, much to my amazement, that almost 30 days no smoking doesn't matter in the real world. LOL I have to admit, I am glad I stopped when I did, cause I can definitely tell the difference already. Man I hope my voice and lung capacity gets better. I KNOW it will, but I can't help but wonder after last nights escapade. I was running short of breath, starting to hear cracks in my voice etc. I got worried about it to the point I had to take extra 5 minute breaks, against the wish of the other band members. They couldn't understand that I didn't magickally become super lung after this amount of not smoking. I have to gradually increase my stamina, it doesn't miraculously increase over 30 days. LOL!
I can hardly wait to feel the difference after training in cardio and strength training for at least 30 days plus. I figure after the years of abuse to my physical stature, I deserve some time to recuperate my health before taxing it too much. I wish I could afford a house of my own, that way I could work out in private without having to share machines with the rest of the apartment complex. At least I don't have to pay for a health club.
On the relationship front....wow that could be a long blog! For real!! What is it about relationships and me that always seems to screw up? I mean, I am to the point I think I should be terminally single! Every time I think something is going the way I want, I get another, are you ready for this? A reality check. Go figure. I mean, I DID tell my current girlfriend that "being ready to be the girlfriend of a rock star is not something many people make it through". Did she really listen? I think not. Matter of fact be known, she makes as many demands to my time and gets mad when I cannot come through with 100% attention to her rather than my career in music. I know it's never fair to anyone in a relationship to have to share the time together, but in all fairness, I did warn her about what to expect from me. This is just into the rehearsal time too. Not going over 45 miles 3 times per week to see her has caused her some stress and makes her think I don't want to be with her. Instead, her head has conversations without me talking to her! I have had thos issues before, but I worked through them successfully. I grew past my silent 1 sided conversations and sabatoging relationships because I want out. That's all in my past. However....in the past few months, I have come to realize, I am not the only one in the relationship to worry about it. With going to the studio twice per week, she already thinks we have "grown apart". Well, what happens when I leave for weeks or months at a time? What about tour? I know she's important, just as our son is. I know she has feelings, but I do too. I cannot afford to put off my dream any longer, for anyone. I can hold true to my commitment to my son and time with him, but, I am seriously considering breaking my relationship for the time being. This way I can focus on music more than I already do. After all, I may not make a million dollars overnight, but without the effort put forth into the musical arena, I may be working on the dream until retirement age. I don't want that to be my "Quest for the Holy Grail". You know?
I need to be able to put 90% of my attention into my craft. Not to mention I still have to work 9-5 to pay my bills until I can escape the check to check issue. Once I can devote ALL my waking time to my new career in the industry, then I will feel better. And yes, I do consider that to be realistic and a goal worth working towards. Sacrifice, hmmm, should I sacrifice my companionship issues to be more in tune with my band? Should I focus all my free time to working on music? Does that make it okay? Do I hurt others in the process and feel okay about it all when the results come in? Do I work for the platinum record in life and forget all other emotions in my life? What about love? I want to be loved and love someone as well, but what cost do I pay?
Just random thoughts, after all, that is why I blog under that heading.
Peace out.
Man, last night, at rehearsal, my stamina and breathing got a reality check. I have been doing a few exercises to increase my breath and some vocal runs to increase my range. But, I discovered last night, much to my amazement, that almost 30 days no smoking doesn't matter in the real world. LOL I have to admit, I am glad I stopped when I did, cause I can definitely tell the difference already. Man I hope my voice and lung capacity gets better. I KNOW it will, but I can't help but wonder after last nights escapade. I was running short of breath, starting to hear cracks in my voice etc. I got worried about it to the point I had to take extra 5 minute breaks, against the wish of the other band members. They couldn't understand that I didn't magickally become super lung after this amount of not smoking. I have to gradually increase my stamina, it doesn't miraculously increase over 30 days. LOL!
I can hardly wait to feel the difference after training in cardio and strength training for at least 30 days plus. I figure after the years of abuse to my physical stature, I deserve some time to recuperate my health before taxing it too much. I wish I could afford a house of my own, that way I could work out in private without having to share machines with the rest of the apartment complex. At least I don't have to pay for a health club.
On the relationship front....wow that could be a long blog! For real!! What is it about relationships and me that always seems to screw up? I mean, I am to the point I think I should be terminally single! Every time I think something is going the way I want, I get another, are you ready for this? A reality check. Go figure. I mean, I DID tell my current girlfriend that "being ready to be the girlfriend of a rock star is not something many people make it through". Did she really listen? I think not. Matter of fact be known, she makes as many demands to my time and gets mad when I cannot come through with 100% attention to her rather than my career in music. I know it's never fair to anyone in a relationship to have to share the time together, but in all fairness, I did warn her about what to expect from me. This is just into the rehearsal time too. Not going over 45 miles 3 times per week to see her has caused her some stress and makes her think I don't want to be with her. Instead, her head has conversations without me talking to her! I have had thos issues before, but I worked through them successfully. I grew past my silent 1 sided conversations and sabatoging relationships because I want out. That's all in my past. However....in the past few months, I have come to realize, I am not the only one in the relationship to worry about it. With going to the studio twice per week, she already thinks we have "grown apart". Well, what happens when I leave for weeks or months at a time? What about tour? I know she's important, just as our son is. I know she has feelings, but I do too. I cannot afford to put off my dream any longer, for anyone. I can hold true to my commitment to my son and time with him, but, I am seriously considering breaking my relationship for the time being. This way I can focus on music more than I already do. After all, I may not make a million dollars overnight, but without the effort put forth into the musical arena, I may be working on the dream until retirement age. I don't want that to be my "Quest for the Holy Grail". You know?
I need to be able to put 90% of my attention into my craft. Not to mention I still have to work 9-5 to pay my bills until I can escape the check to check issue. Once I can devote ALL my waking time to my new career in the industry, then I will feel better. And yes, I do consider that to be realistic and a goal worth working towards. Sacrifice, hmmm, should I sacrifice my companionship issues to be more in tune with my band? Should I focus all my free time to working on music? Does that make it okay? Do I hurt others in the process and feel okay about it all when the results come in? Do I work for the platinum record in life and forget all other emotions in my life? What about love? I want to be loved and love someone as well, but what cost do I pay?
Just random thoughts, after all, that is why I blog under that heading.
Peace out.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
27 days nicotine free! YEAH!! Not that anyone actually reads my blog. lol!
And, oh yes, I am still going to start working out at the 30 day mark. It's coming soon!
Check out the sounds of the band I'm in...
Keep checking back for show dates and times, we will be hitting the studio soon and after that you can count on us hitting the stage in a venue near you! Not limited to the Texas area.
And, oh yes, I am still going to start working out at the 30 day mark. It's coming soon!
Check out the sounds of the band I'm in...
Keep checking back for show dates and times, we will be hitting the studio soon and after that you can count on us hitting the stage in a venue near you! Not limited to the Texas area.
Monday, January 29, 2007
So, it's been a weekend....never long enough for me though. I'm 26 days into not smoking, I think I "may" have this thing whipped. I did have a weird smoker dream last night though. In the dream, I was with a family member that smokes and I asked for a cigarette. I even justified to myself that it was only 1, that it wouldn't hurt me. When I woke up, thankfully I was not smoking. LOL. However, I DID find it necessary to brush my teeth, like I had smokers breath or something. Like I said, weird!
So, all kids of stuff going on in the news you know...Has anyone seen what is happening in Iraq and Iran lately? Does the majority of our US citizens even pay attention to what is happening? Is it propoganda that keeps us not realizing what is going on, or just the limited media attention that the war is getting now? I can tell many people about the way the republican party has covered up the war and it's efforts to mis-lead the general public into believing the hype and lies, but I would just be a propoganda monger if I did that. Or the SS might show up to quiet me, seeing as how I am a security threat because of my free thinking you know. All of the foreign lack of keep-our-nose-out-of-others-business has left a dirty rotten taste in my mouth. Why? Because of all the s##t we have been fed over the years. Tends to make any one's mouth taste nasty huh?
And another thing...What the hell is the deal with the lawsuit in Michigan over the Street preachers that got removed from the public park? The "Wiccan's" obviously had a Pagan Pride day scheduled with the parks admin! Leave them the hell alone! If a pagan voice had mingled in a christian right protest or march or whatever, they would have been in the wrong as well. We ALL have freedoms that are "supposed" to be respected AND protected by the constitution, whether or not it was written by or approved by the religious ruling party of the time. Listen, do we, as a nation, consider ourselves to be free? If so, why is it so hard to understand that there is more than 1 way to believe? How is it that one person or one denomination has to be a stick in the mud about another person's faith? It is so dumb to claim freedom of religion if that is only a saying for us to trap others into living here and being subjected to a mass of fools and idiots that can't keep their nose out of anothers faith. Especially, a faith that the majority of Christians have no clue about!
I am a prior practitioner of a WIDELY recognized West Isean faith. You can call it what you will, but in that path, there are many god(dess'). Remember, and again the majority does not know this, but, the Sumerian civilization was and is still credited for the majority of the world's religions. At least, they are creditied for recording the first known paths of religion. As they were subjected to many occupations by enemy nations, that faith was diluted and distributed into the world by many means. As has the idea of Christianity. Think about it....The crusades caused the death of countless millions of people that were killed for what? A god's dictation that all non-believers should die? What god demands the death of innocent people of different cultures? Oh, I forgot, the christian god has no other gods before him, right? So that makes it okay to kill those that won't or refuse to convert. I get it.
Okay, enough of the soapbox, for now.
So, all kids of stuff going on in the news you know...Has anyone seen what is happening in Iraq and Iran lately? Does the majority of our US citizens even pay attention to what is happening? Is it propoganda that keeps us not realizing what is going on, or just the limited media attention that the war is getting now? I can tell many people about the way the republican party has covered up the war and it's efforts to mis-lead the general public into believing the hype and lies, but I would just be a propoganda monger if I did that. Or the SS might show up to quiet me, seeing as how I am a security threat because of my free thinking you know. All of the foreign lack of keep-our-nose-out-of-others-business has left a dirty rotten taste in my mouth. Why? Because of all the s##t we have been fed over the years. Tends to make any one's mouth taste nasty huh?
And another thing...What the hell is the deal with the lawsuit in Michigan over the Street preachers that got removed from the public park? The "Wiccan's" obviously had a Pagan Pride day scheduled with the parks admin! Leave them the hell alone! If a pagan voice had mingled in a christian right protest or march or whatever, they would have been in the wrong as well. We ALL have freedoms that are "supposed" to be respected AND protected by the constitution, whether or not it was written by or approved by the religious ruling party of the time. Listen, do we, as a nation, consider ourselves to be free? If so, why is it so hard to understand that there is more than 1 way to believe? How is it that one person or one denomination has to be a stick in the mud about another person's faith? It is so dumb to claim freedom of religion if that is only a saying for us to trap others into living here and being subjected to a mass of fools and idiots that can't keep their nose out of anothers faith. Especially, a faith that the majority of Christians have no clue about!
I am a prior practitioner of a WIDELY recognized West Isean faith. You can call it what you will, but in that path, there are many god(dess'). Remember, and again the majority does not know this, but, the Sumerian civilization was and is still credited for the majority of the world's religions. At least, they are creditied for recording the first known paths of religion. As they were subjected to many occupations by enemy nations, that faith was diluted and distributed into the world by many means. As has the idea of Christianity. Think about it....The crusades caused the death of countless millions of people that were killed for what? A god's dictation that all non-believers should die? What god demands the death of innocent people of different cultures? Oh, I forgot, the christian god has no other gods before him, right? So that makes it okay to kill those that won't or refuse to convert. I get it.
Okay, enough of the soapbox, for now.
Friday, January 26, 2007
So, 23 days smoke free. I think I am finally past most of the psychological issues presented to me in a smoke free environment. I find that I feel SO much better now and it's not even gotten to the 30 day mark yet! I can't wait to see how I feel after the 90 day mark! WOW! I am so anxious to start my work out, I almost started the other day, but I can still feel a little bit of my lung capacity resisting. So, I'll wait a little longer to see how much better I can get my body to respond before I start training.
Okay, another topic. Music. Have I mentioned I am a musician? Have I mentioned that I love playing and singing? I must mention in this post, how much I appreciate being given talents that I can use and build upon in my life. Thank God for gifting me with rhythm, a good ear for tunes and the ability to express myself. I don't know what I would do without the gifts. Guess I would be considered "normal" (shudder) God forbid!
I DO wish to give a shout out to my band mates in "Lost Generation", last night rehearsal was SMOKIN! Also to Universal Rehearsal in Dallas, for providing the service they do to the musical community of Dallas. They provide a great place to rehearse and perfect our craft. To all the bands in DFW, keep playing, practicing, gigging...keep dreaming of success, keep working towards making an impact on the music scene, eventually those dreams will be realized!
Okay, another topic. Music. Have I mentioned I am a musician? Have I mentioned that I love playing and singing? I must mention in this post, how much I appreciate being given talents that I can use and build upon in my life. Thank God for gifting me with rhythm, a good ear for tunes and the ability to express myself. I don't know what I would do without the gifts. Guess I would be considered "normal" (shudder) God forbid!
I DO wish to give a shout out to my band mates in "Lost Generation", last night rehearsal was SMOKIN! Also to Universal Rehearsal in Dallas, for providing the service they do to the musical community of Dallas. They provide a great place to rehearse and perfect our craft. To all the bands in DFW, keep playing, practicing, gigging...keep dreaming of success, keep working towards making an impact on the music scene, eventually those dreams will be realized!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The following is directly from CNN.com. I can never help but comment on articles that involve our illustrious bumbleheaded commander in chief. How I ask you, is he supposed to offer any real solutions to ANY problem we face in either environment or economics? He's already on his way out! How can 2 more years result in anything but further damage to our nations economy or morale? If he has 45-50 minutes to give this State of the Union address, can we the people have that long for a rebuttal? Just an idea. I don't think I could do any better at addressing the major issues ahead of us in the face of such trying times, but I damn sure could be a bit more eloquent and I sure as hell would not let anyone write my speech for me. (if I did, I would proof read it before I read it to the public) So, here you are, the article in full. I'll hopefully be watching the re-run of the speech at a later date.
(oh yeah, 20 days no smoking!)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- When he gives his sixth State of the Union address Tuesday evening, President Bush will be facing an angry citizenry dissatisfied with his leadership by a 2-to-1 ratio.
The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, released on the eve of the speech, found only 34 percent of respondents approved of Bush's job performance while 63 percent disapproved.
Two-thirds of respondents say that Bush has done something to make them angry -- a figure that has grown six points since last year and 16 points since Bush's State of the Union in 2004.
Fifty-five percent of respondents said Bush's presidency is a failure, and 51 percent said they trust Bush less than they trusted his predecessor in the Oval Office, Bill Clinton. (The numbers on trust -- PDF)
And Bush should not expect the State of the Union to help his image, if history is any guide. Since 1952, presidents have lost about half a percentage point, on average, from their approval ratings after State of the Union speeches. Bush's approval rating dropped two points after last year's State of the Union.
The president's approval has changed little in recent days, the poll found. On January 11, it was 35 percent and, in mid-December, it was 36 percent. Last January, it was 43 percent. (Bush's approval numbers -- PDF)
The poll was carried out Friday through Sunday and was based on telephone interviews with 1,008 adult Americans. It has a sampling error of plus-or-minus 3 points. Full coverage of the speech will begin on CNN at 7 p.m. ET.
The CNN/Opinion Research findings echo an Associated Press-AOL News poll conducted January 16-18 that put the president's approval rating at 36 percent. (Full story)
In that AP poll, Americans listed health care, the economy and Iraq as the issues that concern them the most. (i-Report: Deliver your own State of the Union address)
A new plan to make health insurance taxable income and give families a deduction on the first $15,000 in health insurance costs ($7,500 for singles) is among the "bold proposals" Bush will put forth in Tuesday's address, White House spokesman Tony Snow said Monday. (Watch what issues the president will address in his State of the Union speech )
Speaking on CNN's "American Morning" on Tuesday, Snow said Bush's plan "offers an opportunity to open up the health care system in a way that it's never had before."
Snow said the effect will be similar to what happened when market forces were let loose on prescription drug prices.
"You get major retailers fighting ... to provide medicine as cheaply as possible and at the same time effectively," he explained. "Prices are one-third lower than people expected."
Snow said Monday that Bush's "revenue-neutral" proposal on health care would boost costs for some people but would also raise the prospect that more than 100 million people "will pay less for health insurance and millions more not presently insured will have access to it." (Full story)
Democrats, however, charge that turning health benefits into taxable income will raise the taxes of millions of Americans. And Republicans with close ties to the White House are concerned the plan is so confusing that the Democratic allegations will stick.
"They're already having problems explaining it," one senior Republican strategist said of the White House. "The president is going to have to explain it very well."
The White House said this year's State of the Union address will not be a "laundry list" of proposals but will focus on a few topics -- including health care, immigration and energy policies. (Quiz: Test your State of the Union knowledge)
While senior officials suggested last week that Iraq would be a small part of the speech, one official said Monday that Iraq would now be a "significant portion" of the address.
Bush will also offer a "big proposal" on the environment, Snow said.
"It's one that also does not force people to choose between having a clean environment and having a job," he said.
The Republicans' November loss of a majority in Congress will not deter the president from addressing big issues, Snow said.
The president "understands his obligation as commander-in-chief is to go ahead and address forthrightly big problems and come up with solutions."
Despite predicting last week that Bush's State of the Union address would be much shorter than usual this year, senior White House aides now say that after three rehearsals -- and all kinds of tweaking -- the speech is creeping up to last year's length of 51 minutes.
"It's running 45 to 50 minutes long," said one senior administration official.
(oh yeah, 20 days no smoking!)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- When he gives his sixth State of the Union address Tuesday evening, President Bush will be facing an angry citizenry dissatisfied with his leadership by a 2-to-1 ratio.
The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, released on the eve of the speech, found only 34 percent of respondents approved of Bush's job performance while 63 percent disapproved.
Two-thirds of respondents say that Bush has done something to make them angry -- a figure that has grown six points since last year and 16 points since Bush's State of the Union in 2004.
Fifty-five percent of respondents said Bush's presidency is a failure, and 51 percent said they trust Bush less than they trusted his predecessor in the Oval Office, Bill Clinton. (The numbers on trust -- PDF)
And Bush should not expect the State of the Union to help his image, if history is any guide. Since 1952, presidents have lost about half a percentage point, on average, from their approval ratings after State of the Union speeches. Bush's approval rating dropped two points after last year's State of the Union.
The president's approval has changed little in recent days, the poll found. On January 11, it was 35 percent and, in mid-December, it was 36 percent. Last January, it was 43 percent. (Bush's approval numbers -- PDF)
The poll was carried out Friday through Sunday and was based on telephone interviews with 1,008 adult Americans. It has a sampling error of plus-or-minus 3 points. Full coverage of the speech will begin on CNN at 7 p.m. ET.
The CNN/Opinion Research findings echo an Associated Press-AOL News poll conducted January 16-18 that put the president's approval rating at 36 percent. (Full story)
In that AP poll, Americans listed health care, the economy and Iraq as the issues that concern them the most. (i-Report: Deliver your own State of the Union address)
A new plan to make health insurance taxable income and give families a deduction on the first $15,000 in health insurance costs ($7,500 for singles) is among the "bold proposals" Bush will put forth in Tuesday's address, White House spokesman Tony Snow said Monday. (Watch what issues the president will address in his State of the Union speech )
Speaking on CNN's "American Morning" on Tuesday, Snow said Bush's plan "offers an opportunity to open up the health care system in a way that it's never had before."
Snow said the effect will be similar to what happened when market forces were let loose on prescription drug prices.
"You get major retailers fighting ... to provide medicine as cheaply as possible and at the same time effectively," he explained. "Prices are one-third lower than people expected."
Snow said Monday that Bush's "revenue-neutral" proposal on health care would boost costs for some people but would also raise the prospect that more than 100 million people "will pay less for health insurance and millions more not presently insured will have access to it." (Full story)
Democrats, however, charge that turning health benefits into taxable income will raise the taxes of millions of Americans. And Republicans with close ties to the White House are concerned the plan is so confusing that the Democratic allegations will stick.
"They're already having problems explaining it," one senior Republican strategist said of the White House. "The president is going to have to explain it very well."
The White House said this year's State of the Union address will not be a "laundry list" of proposals but will focus on a few topics -- including health care, immigration and energy policies. (Quiz: Test your State of the Union knowledge)
While senior officials suggested last week that Iraq would be a small part of the speech, one official said Monday that Iraq would now be a "significant portion" of the address.
Bush will also offer a "big proposal" on the environment, Snow said.
"It's one that also does not force people to choose between having a clean environment and having a job," he said.
The Republicans' November loss of a majority in Congress will not deter the president from addressing big issues, Snow said.
The president "understands his obligation as commander-in-chief is to go ahead and address forthrightly big problems and come up with solutions."
Despite predicting last week that Bush's State of the Union address would be much shorter than usual this year, senior White House aides now say that after three rehearsals -- and all kinds of tweaking -- the speech is creeping up to last year's length of 51 minutes.
"It's running 45 to 50 minutes long," said one senior administration official.
Monday, January 22, 2007
BETHLEHEM, Pa. - An elderly man who wrote in a letter to the editor about
Saddam Hussein's execution that "they hanged the wrong man" got a visit from
Secret Service' agents concerned he was threatening
President Bush'.
The letter by Dan Tilli, 81, was published in Monday's edition of The Express-Times of Easton, Pa. It ended with the line, "I still believe they hanged the wrong man."
Tilli said the statement was not a threat. "I didn't say who — I could've meant (Osama) bin Laden," he said Friday.
Two Secret Service agents questioned Tilli at his Bethlehem apartment Thursday, briefly searching the place and taking pictures of him, he said.
The Secret Service confirmed the encounter. Bob Slama, special agent in charge of the Secret Service's Philadelphia office, said it was the agency's duty to investigate.
The agents almost immediately decided Tilli was not a threat, Slama said
"We have no further interest in Dan," he said.
Tilli said the agents appeared more relaxed when he dug out a scrapbook containing more than 200 letters that he has written over the years, almost all on political topics.
"He said, 'Keep writing, but just don't make no threats,'" Tilli said of one of the agents.
It wasn't Tilli's first run-in with the federal government over his letter writing. Two
FBI' agents from Allentown showed up at his home last year about a letter he wrote advocating a civil war to unseat Bush, he said.
What the hell is our government doing? I mean, for real! How the hell does the Secret Service get off questioning someone about a simple letter? Are they really becoming the "SS" of a different kind? Censor everything we write into the editor, censor what is loaded to the internet regarding free thinking. How the hell do they get off? I have to say...Our government is getting to the point that ANYTHING we say can and will be used in search warrants, in questioning by the "SS goons", our lovely presidente` is closer to being related to a certain dictator I heard about. I wonder if the goons will question Presidente Chavez for telling the US to "go to hell"? I bet that would go over like a lead balloon! Seriously now...how far do we allow our government to go before we enact the stops and put a halt on our elected officials? How much leeway does the SS get when a simple letter gets published and even an inkling of disagreement is contained within? I just love the way our politicians get over on the rest of the country. Yet, we are still counted as the best "free" country in the world. To quote a certain rock icon...Metallica...
"Independence Limited, Freedom of Choice Choice Is Made for You My Friend, Freedom of Speech Is Words That They Will Bend, Freedom with Their Exception"
Does this make sense? I know I will ALWAYS write as a free man. No matter what they may try to do. Try to impose their will upon who? USa? Think about it.
The time is coming when all will be revealed.
"Truth, in it's entirety, is falsehood in the mouths of the lawmakers."
That's all I have to say about that, for the moment.
Saddam Hussein's execution that "they hanged the wrong man" got a visit from
Secret Service' agents concerned he was threatening
President Bush'.
The letter by Dan Tilli, 81, was published in Monday's edition of The Express-Times of Easton, Pa. It ended with the line, "I still believe they hanged the wrong man."
Tilli said the statement was not a threat. "I didn't say who — I could've meant (Osama) bin Laden," he said Friday.
Two Secret Service agents questioned Tilli at his Bethlehem apartment Thursday, briefly searching the place and taking pictures of him, he said.
The Secret Service confirmed the encounter. Bob Slama, special agent in charge of the Secret Service's Philadelphia office, said it was the agency's duty to investigate.
The agents almost immediately decided Tilli was not a threat, Slama said
"We have no further interest in Dan," he said.
Tilli said the agents appeared more relaxed when he dug out a scrapbook containing more than 200 letters that he has written over the years, almost all on political topics.
"He said, 'Keep writing, but just don't make no threats,'" Tilli said of one of the agents.
It wasn't Tilli's first run-in with the federal government over his letter writing. Two
FBI' agents from Allentown showed up at his home last year about a letter he wrote advocating a civil war to unseat Bush, he said.
What the hell is our government doing? I mean, for real! How the hell does the Secret Service get off questioning someone about a simple letter? Are they really becoming the "SS" of a different kind? Censor everything we write into the editor, censor what is loaded to the internet regarding free thinking. How the hell do they get off? I have to say...Our government is getting to the point that ANYTHING we say can and will be used in search warrants, in questioning by the "SS goons", our lovely presidente` is closer to being related to a certain dictator I heard about. I wonder if the goons will question Presidente Chavez for telling the US to "go to hell"? I bet that would go over like a lead balloon! Seriously now...how far do we allow our government to go before we enact the stops and put a halt on our elected officials? How much leeway does the SS get when a simple letter gets published and even an inkling of disagreement is contained within? I just love the way our politicians get over on the rest of the country. Yet, we are still counted as the best "free" country in the world. To quote a certain rock icon...Metallica...
"Independence Limited, Freedom of Choice Choice Is Made for You My Friend, Freedom of Speech Is Words That They Will Bend, Freedom with Their Exception"
Does this make sense? I know I will ALWAYS write as a free man. No matter what they may try to do. Try to impose their will upon who? USa? Think about it.
The time is coming when all will be revealed.
"Truth, in it's entirety, is falsehood in the mouths of the lawmakers."
That's all I have to say about that, for the moment.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
First of all, let me say that at the 15 day mark of no smoking, I am still a little stressed out. Not thinking about or wanting to smoke, but stressed all the same.
Lets just say I should have stayed at home this morning in bed. Should have awoke to an herbal concoction to take the edge off before venturing into work land, (if you know what I mean, and I think you do. ;)
Anyways, people in the world, take heed of what is going on in our planet right now. Have you seen that the "apocolypse clock" has moved? I think wee can assure ourselves, that a clock being moved by human hands is not bringing our imminent doom any closer. ALLTHOUGH, I do know we are about to be subjected to some of the weirdest weather patterns we have ever seen before now and will see again. El Nino be damned! This is global warming at it's worst. California seeing freezes that damage or descimate the citrus crops, ice in the Texas south.....c'mon, do you really think it's a temporary thing? No! It's been headed this way for decades, if not centuries. We are in the midst of global change to our environment and there is really nothing to be done about it now. It's already too late for us to make changes to reverse the damage inflicted. All we can do now is try to encourage less waste, less polutants and better solutions, not talks or theories or speculation.
So, in this light, I hope all our fellow humans will unite and try to work together in the fight against environmental terrorism.
Peace out, spaceship earth.
Lets just say I should have stayed at home this morning in bed. Should have awoke to an herbal concoction to take the edge off before venturing into work land, (if you know what I mean, and I think you do. ;)
Anyways, people in the world, take heed of what is going on in our planet right now. Have you seen that the "apocolypse clock" has moved? I think wee can assure ourselves, that a clock being moved by human hands is not bringing our imminent doom any closer. ALLTHOUGH, I do know we are about to be subjected to some of the weirdest weather patterns we have ever seen before now and will see again. El Nino be damned! This is global warming at it's worst. California seeing freezes that damage or descimate the citrus crops, ice in the Texas south.....c'mon, do you really think it's a temporary thing? No! It's been headed this way for decades, if not centuries. We are in the midst of global change to our environment and there is really nothing to be done about it now. It's already too late for us to make changes to reverse the damage inflicted. All we can do now is try to encourage less waste, less polutants and better solutions, not talks or theories or speculation.
So, in this light, I hope all our fellow humans will unite and try to work together in the fight against environmental terrorism.
Peace out, spaceship earth.
Monday, January 15, 2007
12 days smoke free! WOW, what a difference that time makes on your mental and physical health! I thought I would post a few facts about quitting smoking, I found the information on this website http://www.lungusa.org/site/pp.asp?c=dvLUK9O0E&b=33568
(courtesy: American Lung Association).
The first year after quitting: At 2 weeks to 3 months:
1.circulation improves
2.walking becomes easier
3.lung function increases
1 to 9 months:
coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath decreases
1 year:
excess risk of coronary heart disease is decreased to half that of a smoker
Long-term Benefits of QuittingAt 5 years:
from 5 to 15 years after quitting, stroke risk is reduced to that of people who have never smoked.
At 10 years:
risk of lung cancer drops to as little as one-half that of continuing smokers
risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases
risk of ulcer decreases
At 15 years:
risk of coronary heart disease is now similar to that of people who have never smoked
risk of death returns to nearly the level of people who have never smoked
Wow! What a concept and motivation to me! I hope I can affect change upon my other bad habits in life, to keep myself young for a long time to come! If I can help someone else in the effort to quit smoking, by offering advice, tips or encouragement, I hope I will be able to offer that support. If I can do it, I know that others can as well.
Peace! (no smoking) ;)
(courtesy: American Lung Association).
The first year after quitting: At 2 weeks to 3 months:
1.circulation improves
2.walking becomes easier
3.lung function increases
1 to 9 months:
coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath decreases
1 year:
excess risk of coronary heart disease is decreased to half that of a smoker
Long-term Benefits of QuittingAt 5 years:
from 5 to 15 years after quitting, stroke risk is reduced to that of people who have never smoked.
At 10 years:
risk of lung cancer drops to as little as one-half that of continuing smokers
risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases
risk of ulcer decreases
At 15 years:
risk of coronary heart disease is now similar to that of people who have never smoked
risk of death returns to nearly the level of people who have never smoked
Wow! What a concept and motivation to me! I hope I can affect change upon my other bad habits in life, to keep myself young for a long time to come! If I can help someone else in the effort to quit smoking, by offering advice, tips or encouragement, I hope I will be able to offer that support. If I can do it, I know that others can as well.
Peace! (no smoking) ;)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
7 day mark! Smoking is not even on my agenda of things to do anymore!! Now I need to convince the guys in the band not to smoke in the rehearsal space. I can tell that the smoke affects my singing, even if I'm not the one smoking. Plus, it makes my hair and clothes stink to high heaven! Not to mention, it can still damage my lungs and singing ability severly.
So, at the end of a 30 day smoke free period, I will also begin my work out routine. I am already working up the particulars now.
I went to see my doctor today. I got a physical exam. Guess what? I'm still alive. LOL!
Blood pressure is down, pulse is slower (good) no real issues with my heart or lungs. Reflexes etc are all okay too. Imagine what these will be like 90 days from now?
So, at the end of a 30 day smoke free period, I will also begin my work out routine. I am already working up the particulars now.
I went to see my doctor today. I got a physical exam. Guess what? I'm still alive. LOL!
Blood pressure is down, pulse is slower (good) no real issues with my heart or lungs. Reflexes etc are all okay too. Imagine what these will be like 90 days from now?
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
6 days into no smoking and I am loving it!! I can't believe I didn't put the nasty things down sooner!!
I love the self confidence I am gaining back. I feel better, SMELL better and oh yes, I don't wheeze when I breathe. Imagine that!
So, I have had minimum cravings, but not too bad. I am going to blog all the way through this.
Peace out.
I love the self confidence I am gaining back. I feel better, SMELL better and oh yes, I don't wheeze when I breathe. Imagine that!
So, I have had minimum cravings, but not too bad. I am going to blog all the way through this.
Peace out.
Friday, January 05, 2007
So, I'm 48 hours plus into my smoke free lifestyle. I won't lie to anyone and say it's the easiest thing I've ever done, but I keep telling myself the positive things I cvstand to gain from quitting the nasty tobacco habits.
1. My health
2. I get to see my child grow up (see # 1)
3. My voice (career habits, also see #1)
4. Finances remain intact, to a point.
So, there are 4 good reasons already to keep me off the bandwagon of smokers-r-us. To you smokers out there, let me assure you that quitting smoking for the 48 hours I have under my belt, already show changes in not only my mental capacity, but also in my stamina.
I helped the band I am in to move our rehearsal space from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor last night. Let me tell you, that stuff is not light weight. We're talking at least a good 2000 lbs total of equipment, between 5 guys, carrying it up the stairs was somewhat alleviated by the convenience of a conveyor belt to move the largest items, but, with the other stuff, I found out exactly how out of shape I really am. My breathing was labored to a point, at least I have 2 days now. My breathing will become better as time goes by.
The last time I stopped smoking, went 1 1/2 years without cigarettes. I noticed that my sense of smell was greater, taste was spectacular, breathing was easier, my voice was alot higher in range and stronger. For your information, it is possible to be a guy and have a 4 octave range. Yes it is. My 2-3 octave range now, will likely improve back to where I wish it to be. I am so excited about my new found freedom from addiction that I cannot begin to tell the whole of it in one blog!!
I can say that I will miss drinking beer for the time being, as I have quit that as well. Only until I am safely out of the reach of the nicotine addiction. Seing as how drinking beer results in craving for tobacco in my case (that's part of how I went back to smoking when I had stopped for so long) Yeah, I know, it's dumb sounding, but, when you go to clubs and drink, smokers all around you, you take a couple of drags here and there and before you know it, you're buying a pack again. Evil, evil nasty habit!!
So, I will update as I go along this new path of smoke freeness (not sure if I made up a new word)LOL. So, if you think it cannot be done, take a look at what you are really made up of as a person. Each and every one of us on this planet are in control of what we allow ourselves to do. Will power and desire/want to will drive us to accomplish ANYTHING we set our minds to.
Enough for now, more later.........
Peace out, fellow humans.
1. My health
2. I get to see my child grow up (see # 1)
3. My voice (career habits, also see #1)
4. Finances remain intact, to a point.
So, there are 4 good reasons already to keep me off the bandwagon of smokers-r-us. To you smokers out there, let me assure you that quitting smoking for the 48 hours I have under my belt, already show changes in not only my mental capacity, but also in my stamina.
I helped the band I am in to move our rehearsal space from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor last night. Let me tell you, that stuff is not light weight. We're talking at least a good 2000 lbs total of equipment, between 5 guys, carrying it up the stairs was somewhat alleviated by the convenience of a conveyor belt to move the largest items, but, with the other stuff, I found out exactly how out of shape I really am. My breathing was labored to a point, at least I have 2 days now. My breathing will become better as time goes by.
The last time I stopped smoking, went 1 1/2 years without cigarettes. I noticed that my sense of smell was greater, taste was spectacular, breathing was easier, my voice was alot higher in range and stronger. For your information, it is possible to be a guy and have a 4 octave range. Yes it is. My 2-3 octave range now, will likely improve back to where I wish it to be. I am so excited about my new found freedom from addiction that I cannot begin to tell the whole of it in one blog!!
I can say that I will miss drinking beer for the time being, as I have quit that as well. Only until I am safely out of the reach of the nicotine addiction. Seing as how drinking beer results in craving for tobacco in my case (that's part of how I went back to smoking when I had stopped for so long) Yeah, I know, it's dumb sounding, but, when you go to clubs and drink, smokers all around you, you take a couple of drags here and there and before you know it, you're buying a pack again. Evil, evil nasty habit!!
So, I will update as I go along this new path of smoke freeness (not sure if I made up a new word)LOL. So, if you think it cannot be done, take a look at what you are really made up of as a person. Each and every one of us on this planet are in control of what we allow ourselves to do. Will power and desire/want to will drive us to accomplish ANYTHING we set our minds to.
Enough for now, more later.........
Peace out, fellow humans.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Let auld aquaintance be forgot.....and never brought to mind.....
What a new year it is too! So many things to discuss, so much time!
Let me start out by saying, I was completely un-thrilled by the Saddam Hussein Hanging. Even after hearing about it live as it happened and then seeing the pirated video of it, I still do not like the idea of death (even though he SO deserved it). Of course, I believe that he truely did a bad thing to humanity over the years, but, killing him does not resolve the fact that his people think him a Hero and Martyr. Hmmm, me thinks they're so accustomed to idiots and Hitler like people running their government that they idolize their infamous leader! Screwed up I tell you!
Well, I am STILL glad that I live in the USA, even though I don't always agree with the policies we impose upon ourselves. Even still, with a Democracy like this, we are able to vote without fear of reprisal with violence, unless you consider the vote or die reference from campaign 2004. I don't know who's idea that was, but I assure you, it wasn't me.
Well, other things are going on in my little world I consider to be my reality. I am moving forward with my divorce papers, little by little. I am fronting another Rock band in Dallas, called "Lost Generation". We are a group of 5 guys all in our mid to late 30's, (early 40's). We have Chris on Rhythm/lead, RJang on Primary lead/Rhythm, Steve on Bass, Donnie on Drums, Toby (hey, that's me) on lead vocals, I also do some acoustic work on a few songs.
We are aiming for the stars. Even if we never make it with our name in lights, we will still have a great time getting where we go and at least we'll have music to headbang to. LOL!!
While I am currently involved in a Rock project, I am also still involved with Blaming Grace, an acoustic eclectic blend of folk, pop, bluegrass, classic rock mixed with a bit of gospel. Whew! It's hard to identify with so many genre`s of music and still keep your own style open.
Anyway, I am off to a good start with my New Years resolution I think. To quit smoking, successfully even. You know, so many folks say "quitters never win", well, in the game of smoking, quitters are the best sort to hang around.
I look forward to my freedom from addiction to nicotine and tobacco (reminds me, to the idiot/genius that instituted the new higher tax on tobacco products, thanks alot!) At least I have another good reason to not buy into the corporate scheme to keep the working man down. Right?
Interestingly enough, did you know that Tobacco was used, originally, to bring down the white man? Hmm, I wonder if it worked? Serves them right after the pox filled blankets in winter! Hey whitey!! Thanks for the disease ridden blankets you morons, here, have a smoke, oh yeah, and thanks for the years of persecution so you could own land that you have no right to claim. Thanks for Liquor/firewater, thanks for the genocide you brought when you decided to "settle" our lands. Thanks for the help with losing our identity to Modernization.
Oh yeah, thanks for the way you treat our burial grounds as well as the dis-respect you have for the living Natives as well. Even in the current times we live in, I can say I am glad that I am quitting smoking. Now I can say I am separate from the white mans plan. No longer will I be kept down with a foot on my neck, addicted to a vice marketed by the corporate a$$wipes to increase their own fortune. RJR, I am putting you on notice. Winston/Salem, watch out, if my voice can be heard, and I assure you it's a loud one, you will not hear the last of me. I will be a stereotypical ex-smoker before too long...Trust me, I stopped smoking for over a year, but thanks to beer and nightclubs, my resolve was broken. While on hiatus from smoking, I was the nastiest ex-smoker you may ever know or choose to know. The smell alone of smokers within a radius of 5 miles was repulsing and nauseating to me. I can assure you that I am not alone on this quitting smoking bandwagon. Now that the price of cigarettes has gone up, do you plan on making other substances available on the legal market? Say cannabis sativa? I wish you would. I would stop drinking alcohol and not worry about tobacco EVER AGAIN!
So, with all of this said, I guess I should take a break for today and save more for later this week.
Peace out Humans.
Let auld aquaintance be forgot.....and never brought to mind.....
What a new year it is too! So many things to discuss, so much time!
Let me start out by saying, I was completely un-thrilled by the Saddam Hussein Hanging. Even after hearing about it live as it happened and then seeing the pirated video of it, I still do not like the idea of death (even though he SO deserved it). Of course, I believe that he truely did a bad thing to humanity over the years, but, killing him does not resolve the fact that his people think him a Hero and Martyr. Hmmm, me thinks they're so accustomed to idiots and Hitler like people running their government that they idolize their infamous leader! Screwed up I tell you!
Well, I am STILL glad that I live in the USA, even though I don't always agree with the policies we impose upon ourselves. Even still, with a Democracy like this, we are able to vote without fear of reprisal with violence, unless you consider the vote or die reference from campaign 2004. I don't know who's idea that was, but I assure you, it wasn't me.
Well, other things are going on in my little world I consider to be my reality. I am moving forward with my divorce papers, little by little. I am fronting another Rock band in Dallas, called "Lost Generation". We are a group of 5 guys all in our mid to late 30's, (early 40's). We have Chris on Rhythm/lead, RJang on Primary lead/Rhythm, Steve on Bass, Donnie on Drums, Toby (hey, that's me) on lead vocals, I also do some acoustic work on a few songs.
We are aiming for the stars. Even if we never make it with our name in lights, we will still have a great time getting where we go and at least we'll have music to headbang to. LOL!!
While I am currently involved in a Rock project, I am also still involved with Blaming Grace, an acoustic eclectic blend of folk, pop, bluegrass, classic rock mixed with a bit of gospel. Whew! It's hard to identify with so many genre`s of music and still keep your own style open.
Anyway, I am off to a good start with my New Years resolution I think. To quit smoking, successfully even. You know, so many folks say "quitters never win", well, in the game of smoking, quitters are the best sort to hang around.
I look forward to my freedom from addiction to nicotine and tobacco (reminds me, to the idiot/genius that instituted the new higher tax on tobacco products, thanks alot!) At least I have another good reason to not buy into the corporate scheme to keep the working man down. Right?
Interestingly enough, did you know that Tobacco was used, originally, to bring down the white man? Hmm, I wonder if it worked? Serves them right after the pox filled blankets in winter! Hey whitey!! Thanks for the disease ridden blankets you morons, here, have a smoke, oh yeah, and thanks for the years of persecution so you could own land that you have no right to claim. Thanks for Liquor/firewater, thanks for the genocide you brought when you decided to "settle" our lands. Thanks for the help with losing our identity to Modernization.
Oh yeah, thanks for the way you treat our burial grounds as well as the dis-respect you have for the living Natives as well. Even in the current times we live in, I can say I am glad that I am quitting smoking. Now I can say I am separate from the white mans plan. No longer will I be kept down with a foot on my neck, addicted to a vice marketed by the corporate a$$wipes to increase their own fortune. RJR, I am putting you on notice. Winston/Salem, watch out, if my voice can be heard, and I assure you it's a loud one, you will not hear the last of me. I will be a stereotypical ex-smoker before too long...Trust me, I stopped smoking for over a year, but thanks to beer and nightclubs, my resolve was broken. While on hiatus from smoking, I was the nastiest ex-smoker you may ever know or choose to know. The smell alone of smokers within a radius of 5 miles was repulsing and nauseating to me. I can assure you that I am not alone on this quitting smoking bandwagon. Now that the price of cigarettes has gone up, do you plan on making other substances available on the legal market? Say cannabis sativa? I wish you would. I would stop drinking alcohol and not worry about tobacco EVER AGAIN!
So, with all of this said, I guess I should take a break for today and save more for later this week.
Peace out Humans.
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